Reviews for The Other Woman
ohsugarhoney chapter 32 . 8/29
theres no way to say this without being a bitch so. what is the reason you wrote Bella so childish? all she does is pout and frown and throw fits. and she's soooo freaking clingy. I can't imagine from this point on there will be any decent character development with her. I hope you're aware that she's coming off that way
ohsugarhoney chapter 5 . 8/17
wow Bella is uh... childish and embarrassing when she's drunk lmao
ohsugarhoney chapter 3 . 8/17
so Edward doesn't think Bella is good enough for his family. he also doesn't mind the emotional cheating. he really thinks he's going to be with Tanya but not get married. he thinks it's not bellas place to ask about his relationship lol. yes it totally is, especially when she's flirting back. guess that says a lot about her too.
sue1zide chapter 34 . 6/24
Bella reaps the rewards of Edwards occupation yet she bitches and throws tantrums when he has to work, while she sits on her ass.
sue1zide chapter 31 . 6/23
Bella is a whiny, ungrateful, hypocrite.
She can have contact with her ex yet she gets jealous if someone even looks at Edward.
Please stop “crashing” your lips against each other and I’m tired of the “I love you’s”.
sue1zide chapter 18 . 6/21
I’m starting to get annoyed with Bella. She is borderline selfish and childish. Edward has so much on his shoulders, and he’s always running to take care of her.
Grow up Bella.
sue1zide chapter 13 . 6/20
The crap just keeps piling up.
sue1zide chapter 10 . 6/20
I want to see Rose go down, big time!
It seems E & B, both are allowing other's to run their lives.
sue1zide chapter 9 . 6/20
I was not expecting Charlie to show up. I thought he was long gone.
sue1zide chapter 4 . 6/19
When will she become the “other woman “?
sue1zide chapter 3 . 6/19
I'm curious about the dream she had. Was that foreshadowing?
sue1zide chapter 2 . 6/18
I don’t understand how Angela was able to call her if her phone died!
sue1zide chapter 1 . 6/18
I have just one thing to say to Edward.
“Grow a Pair “!
Guest chapter 42 . 6/17
Maybe Edward should not be with anyone Denice his job is more important. He is an ass Bella deserves better. Even thy Bella see a little immature.
kneon chapter 49 . 6/14
I truly enjoyed this story. I loved the twists and the love. thank you for sharing
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