Reviews for Worm:Merrie Melodies
cko2 chapter 1 . 9/16
the power of tools for talyor. This was pretty funny for sure.
ranger5 chapter 1 . 9/4
Hilarious. I could see it all in my minds eye. You cartoon cliches and physics.
Ghost Angel14 chapter 1 . 7/20
Why does this only have one chapter...this is hysterical.

'Did you order original or Extra Crispy?' Bwahahahahahaha! As a man who grew up on Looney Tunes, this captured it just right.
Difdi chapter 1 . 6/3
Oh my God, PLEASE continue this! Four years is too long for this glorious madness to be contained!
firebluebird2006 chapter 1 . 3/9
so i guess you didn't decide to continue this story
Alias001 chapter 1 . 1/29
Hilarious! Hope you make Taylor pull a Wil E. Coyote at some point! As in pulling a sign out of nowhere just before falling. Definitely got my attention now.

Yours truly
OmegaUltima chapter 1 . 12/3/2019
Well, it's 3 years after you posted this...cleaned up repost(?) Hope you do indeed decide to continue it eventually
DannyBoy2k chapter 1 . 11/14/2019
Well, since this is now 3 years old, I'd say the time went "away". Still, I'd love it if you did continue it, because it's hilarious.
Cheshirek3t chapter 1 . 7/26/2019
Man that was awesome
Hah, i miss those classics
SeanHicks4 chapter 1 . 7/21/2019
Interesting...I’d love to see this expanded...hope you come back to it
Xlerons chapter 1 . 5/14/2019
Guest chapter 1 . 5/2/2019
PLZ PLZ PLZ Update this it’s to good to let die
one.who.reads chapter 1 . 10/8/2018
There needs to be more of this. Play her as a shaker/breaker 12.
Spartan3909 chapter 1 . 7/14/2018
Thanks for the chapter _.
Iceflame55 chapter 1 . 7/12/2018
MORE! *Image of studio audience clapping like they were ecstatic*
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