Reviews for Everything Goes!
Los Grotos chapter 1 . 12/22/2019
My heartttttt! Poor Soul and Maka! Soul needs to stop pussyfooting around and get his feelings out!
DragonLady90 chapter 3 . 2/9/2019
Thanks for the great read :)
Gray lines chapter 1 . 12/9/2018
I have been following this since the beginning and honestly, I'm not disappointed. it wasn't an awe-inspiring eye-opening makes you think kind of story. it was simple and cute and to the point very much like they are. Definitely worth the 3 year wait
Hiei's Cute Girl chapter 3 . 12/9/2018
I love that when Maka called her friends, they all avoided telling her ANYTHING about Soul's feelings. They could have, but didn't. Which makes it all the more fun in my book, since it gave them a chance to get to the bottom of things.

I feel like... Soul needed to brush his teeth AND pee. Also, the whole bathroom incident was also Maka's fault for not locking the door. But it sure gave them the chance to finally face it all head on, so I'm not complaining. I love that through both of their eyes, they looked at their own actions with more self-loathing, but when seen from the perspective of the Other, it made them look much cooler and composed than their own POV.

I'm happy you finally finished this. Thank you.
moonlight46 chapter 3 . 12/9/2018
Amazing story! It is cute how you got them together. I wonder though what exactly did Black Star say?
Sblackw chapter 2 . 5/5/2018
Was there going to be a 3rd chapter? If so do you plan on finishing this? I like how this story flows and I’d like to know how it ends.
Saphira113 chapter 2 . 5/21/2017
I think the story is incredibly cute and I look forward to the culmination of it in the next chapter.
What did Black Star say to Soul? Something about him and Maka living together? Or something about Maka patting his lap?
Hiei's Cute Girl chapter 2 . 4/20/2017
You updated thiiiiis!

Can I fist pump? I totally did.

I thought you would end it at this chapter. I guess I was both wrong and right? I'm really happy about this chapter. Maka's sudden awareness sadly means she never looked at Soul the way he looked at her, but I guess better late than never.
00nighthowler00 chapter 2 . 4/16/2017
Dadycoool chapter 2 . 4/16/2017
It seems like half the time, the two of them are the last to know about their own relationship. And they're probably also the only ones surprised by it. I mean, seriously. Black*Star is more clued in.
Hiei's Cute Girl chapter 1 . 3/27/2017
Is there a second chapter? I wants it.