Reviews for Will You Be My Savior?
navnit chapter 16 . 2/24
(Continued from below.) Linda Lee? Lori Lemaris? Lana Lang? Exactly which L.L. Initialed DC character could she be thinking of? Jk.

I know the sarcasm loses its wit over two reviews but I kinda pressed the post button by mistake on the last review. This is a cool story by the way. I'll give a full review after I've finished reading it.
navnit chapter 16 . 2/24
Hmmm. Kara craved that kind of intimacy with someone with the initials L.L? Hmm. Who could that be? Could it be Lex Luthor? Lionel Luthor? Lois Lane? Lilian Luthor? Lucy Lane?
Chloups chapter 1 . 3/12/2019
Thanks for this story !
Hydrocity3 chapter 30 . 6/3/2018
Why couldn't the show be this story? This was one of the best stories I read on the site. I look forward to see what you do with Supercorp in the future.
lemon-rind chapter 30 . 2/14/2018
Good job! And of course Supergirl has to save the day :)

I have a sneaking suspicion I might be coming back to read this again soon.
Wispenq chapter 30 . 11/27/2017
So... I really want to make a review, but I just, can't seem to find the right words to it.

I guess I'll start with telling you a little bit about my experience with deciding on reading this fic. You were already on my fav / follow author's list because of the Bechloe fanfics. So I kept receiving alerts about this fic. The thing is though, I didn't even know anything about Supercorp, Sanvers, or Supergirl for that matter. Not that I don't like DC, Marvel or Superheroes in general, I just tend to not watch shows that aren't already finished. But then, I accidentally stumbled upon a Supercorp fanvid, and so the shipping monster awoke. I started watching only Kara's and Lena's scenes, reading small fics, to have an idea about the show and its characters. I decided to begin with the small ones and then read the lengthier ones. That's when this particular fanfic enters the story. Admittedly, I was a little scared. I just knew that I was totally going to obsess with it and I would start sleeping less and less by repeatedly telling myself 'just one more, one more chapter and I am done'

I found myself lost in the magical adventure of this fic, enjoying the fun, the action, and most of all, the romance of it. I love that it was so full of references and details about the comics that you would end up making absolutely yours. Taking over them completely in a masterful way. You could truly see how you would mold them to the purpose of your story to fit. And it did. It fit.

I remember thinking -every time I read in the author's note that you were apologizing for the lengthy chapters- what on earth are you apologizing for? The more words the merrier(?). You know, something like that. We definitely need more fanfics like this, with a great length that feels right and necessary, never over the top.

And I suppose the only words that come to mind for this sort of 'review' are thank you. Thank you for this incredibly journey. For the laughs and tears, for the tension and relief, and mostly, for the sweetness and tenderness reflected in the protagonists relationships. I am both sad and happy to have finished this story. See, I was reluctant to read this last chapter, to be honest. In a way, I was glad because I'll finally get to have a goodnight sleep. Yet at the same time depressed, because you know, it's kind of over. I didn't want it to be over, but all good things must come to an end, right?

I know you are working on the follow-up, so I'll wait till that one is finished to read it. I am certain it'll be as well written as this one. Until then, I wish you the best of luck.
CharlesEvanWinters chapter 30 . 9/2/2017
I loved it I hate you for ending it I want more
T-Rex Ninja Kid chapter 30 . 8/29/2017
This was awesome :)
Guest chapter 26 . 8/1/2017
This is the best story I've ever read. Like ever. My favorite part was the fact that you wrote it like the tv show would normally be. And I really liked how you got into each of the character's heads. I was so emotionally invested in this it was ridiculous. It's a beautiful beautiful story and I hope to read more supercorp stories from you.
FFChik chapter 30 . 7/26/2017
Thanks for creating this, throughly enjoyed reading it!
Mkfreeze27 chapter 30 . 7/24/2017
An awesome story , I really enjoyed it
PaultheMalamute chapter 30 . 7/23/2017
Will you be my Savior?
While I enjoyed the story overall, especially the plot of the story, there were a few things I thought could be improved upon to make it even better. One of the things that bugged me was the use of past and present tense within the same sentence, its a small thing but it stops the flow of the sentence and makes it awkward to read. Another thing that annoys me personally is the use of the words 'granted' and true', it just sticks out when I'm reading a sentence and sort takes me out of what I'm reading; as well as the fact that I don't think they even need to be there. Anyway it was just a few minor quibbles I had, overall I really enjoyed it and I'm glad I found this story. It's really hard to find novella length Supergirl stories like this one, so thank you.
LOCISVU chapter 30 . 7/21/2017
dnmann chapter 30 . 7/21/2017
Great, great chapter. Nice stopping point. As long as you promise more.
Leapyearbaby29 chapter 29 . 7/6/2017
Jeez! That took forever with the naming process! I LOVE THAT SHE'S A TODDLER! Yippee! And I've read SO many Supercorp stories where Kara and Lena have a daughter named Lori! Lol! What's with the "L's" man? Lol! I love how Lex didn't kill Lena or Kara! And had some humanity still left in him! He still is a little good under all that bad! Like ying and yang! And Kon-El looking up to Lena awww! And I love how Laura has blonde hair and green eyes! If they had aged her how fast would she have grown? Didn't teething hurt? Lol! What about food and diapers? Lol! So Kara wants twins? Can Kara be pregnant?! I would absolutely love you! They can totally name them Astra and Alura! Please! What do you mean Supergirl would be Galatea if she had died a few chapters back? And what is the Martha joke? Isn't Superman kinda doing what he did with Kara to Conner? Leaving him with someone else? What happened to Clark's father? How did they find Krypto? And who is Streaky? UPDATE SOON PLEASE! :) ;) - Munro McLaren
I hope you answer back! :)
Do you ship Clexa or Emison or Bechloe or Trimberly?
I have Supercorp Prompts! T and M rated! :)

I love the anagram of Laura! And how it keeps up with the "L's"!

Sorry for these questions! :)
I absolutely love the length of these chapters! Keep it up! You're an amazing writer! :)
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