Reviews for Tears for a Fox
WolfofAvalon chapter 24 . 6/30
I’m not sure if you still read the these, but I want you to know how important this story has been for me lately. It’s greatly improved my mood and calmed fears I’ve had about things going on in my life. For that I am very grateful. I’m not sure if you plan to continue this story or not, but I very much hope you do so.
WolfofAvalon chapter 18 . 6/27
I saw the line about his legs hurting from the coffee, but it was immediately addressed. I assumed it meant nothing or I had misread something. I absolutely love the way you write. I’m so sad that there’s only a few chapters left, but I can’t wait to plug on through!
WolfofAvalon chapter 17 . 6/26
I hadn’t even thought of him needing a modified proposal...I’m very interested to see how you continue to incorporate little details like that as the story progresses. I also very much love the flash back style of writing.
WolfofAvalon chapter 16 . 6/26
Loooooove the tail aspect of the story. It’s so adorable and I’m hoping a bit of foreshadowing?
WolfofAvalon chapter 12 . 6/26
I’ve always craved tragedy/pain/emotional distress for Nick when I read these fan fictions. Not because I want to see him hurt, but because I love seeing him push through and triumph on the other side. You are doing a great job capturing such intense emotions. Great job!
WolfofAvalon chapter 8 . 6/24
I didn’t think you’d actually do it...but you did...



WolfofAvalon chapter 6 . 6/23
This chapter reflects my biggest fear. As a law enforcement officer myself, my fear is noting being able to save my squad mates. I’ve been called at home twice now asking if I’m okay because of an officer involved shooting that happened while I was off duty. Not fun...
WolfofAvalon chapter 2 . 6/20
I love the style of writing you use on Nick’s perspective!
WolfofAvalon chapter 1 . 6/20
1 chapter down and I’m already bawling...superb writing!
Dracoessa Draga chapter 22 . 12/6/2019
hahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahaha!
Dracoessa Draga chapter 20 . 12/6/2019
Dracoessa Draga chapter 18 . 12/6/2019
yes, yes yes yes
Dracoessa Draga chapter 18 . 12/6/2019
too late judy.
Dracoessa Draga chapter 15 . 12/6/2019
idiot doe. she needs to "buck" off.
kittykitty59527 chapter 24 . 5/14/2019
When will you finish this story?!
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