Reviews for Magic, Myth and Merlyn
doenya chapter 19 . 11/27/2019
Really enjoyed your story!
Jade Meridian chapter 1 . 4/10/2019
I love this story up until last chapter or two. I have also read what you have posted so far of the sequel and it does not live up to the quality of writing you have in this one. The cruelty that you portray as a "normal" reaction for Arthur to have at the reveal of Merlyn's magic is not ok. It's abuse and there is no way that Merlyn would have stuck around. The way you are portraying Arthur shows him to be a terrible person, not someone who is confused and in need of sympathy. He is willing, and is pushing, for someone he claimed was his friend to do something that could kill them all to assuage his own pride and ignorance.
HPuni101 chapter 19 . 10/9/2018
This has been absolutely awesome. I love the au-ness and where the story is heading. I'm praying that Arthur accepts Meryln, so relieved that he didn't call the guards (hoping she isn't banished, not sure if she could still help him as Emrys -maybe she could if she redisguised herself). Interesting that you made it so Morgana was the reason behind the Questian Beast and how Meryln found out that Morgana is the kings daughter earlier...I'm still crossing my fingers for Morgana to remain good. Excited to read the rest!
HPuni101 chapter 14 . 10/9/2018
Awesome. Love how she was able to give Arthur the sword and the idea she came up with. I half expected her to appear in the arena in her red cloak. Although since Arthur has the sword, it doesn't look like he'll be pulling it from the stone. In cannon I was always surprised that Gwen's father wasn't arrested and that Uther didn't see his win was because of sorcery. I hope she comes up with the name Excalibur (from memory I don't think the name was given in cannon).
HPuni101 chapter 11 . 10/9/2018
I did realize that Lancelot already had lol, I just hope that Morgana finds out next. Love that Lancelot told Arthur of the woman in the red cloak and his opinion, so her knew he was saved by a sorcerer again...excited for when he begins to understand and finds out. Also love that she gets more appreciation and now recognition for what she does, so intrigued with what good will come of that. Excited for the rest. I don't think I'll be able to stop to sleep lol.
HPuni101 chapter 9 . 10/9/2018
I forgot to add Gauis in the last review. I also hope in your version Morgana remains good because Merlin tells and teaches her how to use her magic. In fact I wonder if she will be the first person to find out about Meryln. If that happens I imagine that Morgause and Agrivaine will probably be the main villains.
HPuni101 chapter 8 . 10/9/2018
Absolutely love your story. Your writing and the changes have me hooked. Already wishing for more chapters in the next part lol. Its different to he other fem Merlin stories I've read. Love her relationship with Gwen, Morgana, Lancelot and Arthur. Very intrigued with what will happen, particularly the magic reveal. Looking forward to the rest.
HPuni101 chapter 1 . 10/8/2018
Great start. Loving the changes, especially that it's not a recap of the series. I can't believe I missed this. Looking forward to reading the rest. Already wishing for more chapters lol.
pumuckl91 chapter 4 . 7/4/2018
I'm only in chapter 5 now but I already like your rewriting a lot!
oldcroneofawitch chapter 1 . 3/15/2018
I am really looking forward to the sequel. I hope you update soon.
lkdaswani chapter 20 . 1/30/2018
please update !
SarahELupin chapter 19 . 12/30/2017
I always viewed the anachronisms in Merlin as being similar to Atlantis. Atlantis was a great progressive kingdom with advanced technology then it was lost due to hubris of the people. Ties in a little with the Camelot mythos.
SarahELupin chapter 17 . 12/30/2017
SarahELupin chapter 14 . 12/30/2017
I love Merlyn and Arthur’s relationship. It makes much more sense than in the show.
SarahELupin chapter 12 . 12/30/2017
I like that Merlyn has a more active role in spreading the goodness of magic.
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