Reviews for DBX 2: The Black Rose
Elvisfonz23 chapter 53 . 11/16/2018
Magnificent final chapter I like the scenes of gogeta and vegito achieving Ultra Instinct and looks a new enemy is revealed. I can't for the new story and that.
Jack54311 chapter 53 . 11/16/2018
The final chapter, yet it obviously leaves an opening for another story. Not bad.
Jack54311 chapter 52 . 11/12/2018
Short, but it is an epilogue. Still good, though.
Elvisfonz23 chapter 52 . 11/12/2018
Magificent epilogue chapter I really liked the scenes that revealed Goku’s new transformation,the thoughts of Whis and others was so brilliant. Also beerus’s recollection too. I can’t wait for what is next.
Jack54311 chapter 51 . 10/25/2018
That's a nice ending to this. Good job.
Elvisfonz23 chapter 51 . 10/24/2018
Masterful Final Chapter, the scenes with the Grand Priest, Kass and the ceremony was so amazing. Also the idea of a kind of fusion between Kass and her brother was so cool and her wish with the Super Dragonballs was so cool. The thoughts of gogeta and trunks and what Vegito did with the statue and honouring Glenn was so amazing as were the other scenes. I love the moments between Kass and Vegito it as such a touching and perfect was of ending the story
warriorofdark chapter 51 . 10/24/2018
Vegito and Gogeta. I can sort of see them as being like goku and vegeta. HAving a rivalry like theirs.
New story make it happen. Replacing goku and vegeta with gogeta and vegito.
LSSJBroly chapter 9 . 8/4/2018
B..But my HUGE muscles! How could I be killed so easily?
ShadowLDrago chapter 23 . 6/18/2018
Not gonna lie, nobody here is interesting. Zamasu is basically the only interesting character and he's the villain. He's RIGHT. Vegetto's pride has been damaged and he can't stand that.
ShadowLDrago chapter 22 . 6/18/2018
So what I'm seeing is that due to Kassava's upbringing, she's got a lot of self doubt clouding her mind and not much self confidence, her pride is fragile and easily shattered, making it hard to properly push her to the limit, but when she DOES break through said limits, it's VERY impressive.
ShadowLDrago chapter 19 . 6/17/2018
On your left, Trunks.
ShadowLDrago chapter 18 . 6/17/2018
I like this Zamasu, he's smart. He's calmer and while still as batshit insane as his canon self, he's had time to reflect and think.
ShadowLDrago chapter 14 . 6/17/2018
I like the Supreme Kai of Time in this. She's showing WHY she's the boss and when people are being stupid, she will call them out of this and she's honest, this mission isn't intended to kill Kassava, if it was, she'd throw her to Cell or Buu. But if she doesn't do her damndest, she WILL die.
ShadowLDrago chapter 12 . 6/17/2018
Vegetto is FAR from perfect, he has the bloodlust of TWO full blooded Saiyans, Vegeta's pride and temper combined with Goku's sense of justice and naive nature, as well as his sometimes sideways view of the world. This means Vegetto can get bored frighteningly easily and when he DOES get angry, calming him down is no easy feat.
ShadowLDrago chapter 9 . 6/17/2018
So, from what I'm understanding, recruiting Kassava and Genn was a terrible idea because the two of them have a multitude of issues.
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