Reviews for Age of Aquarius (Arc 62)
GreciaTenoh chapter 3 . 12/1/2019
Wow, que increíble historia, estoy fascinada con esta trilogía, pero hay tanto todavía por saber!, faltan muchas senshis en recuperar sus antiguas formas, y para los que lo han hecho ha sido muy duro, me intriga saber las demás que pruebas tendrán que pasar, me dejaste atónita con la casi aparición de Hippolyte, todavía no la conocen, quiero saber que le pasó a ella? Por qué murió!?, de verdad espero que continúes esta historia, créeme que estaré esperando ansiosamente que la retomes! Un saludo y de nueva cuenta, que gran talento tienes, me quito el sombrero!, continua!.
Eranira132 chapter 3 . 12/26/2018
I love your writing. I am in love with this story. Actually with all of your stories. I really like the way you write the characters, the emotion and the action. Please do not stop posting your wonderful works of art.
DschingisKhan chapter 2 . 11/13/2018
And then they did exactly what I hoped they would. But politicians politick, so it didn't help as much as I hoped.

The OC sisters are interesting and add nice texture.
DschingisKhan chapter 1 . 11/13/2018
I've been wondering for a while why Rei and Minako can't do a live press conference to denounce their parents. Especially since Hino is a politician, so people are already predisposed to disliking him- all Rei has to say is "he never knew me in the first place because he only saw me as a political tool." Mina could say "Becoming Venus didn't change me; growing up changed me. How many of you are the same as you were before you even turned ten?"

Hopefully Kenji can accomplish something.
Dartemisana chapter 3 . 11/29/2017
I must say this is a great story I love it and I could be very happy if you updated more often.
Guest chapter 3 . 9/26/2017
great story please continue
Convergence-Eternal chapter 2 . 5/27/2017
So . . . THEY'RE BACK!

Sorry sorry. This was an awesome chapter. Great job TEitPP. You did an awesome job. I mean, as you always do. And you created an emotional roller coaster. As you always do. And you are so good at tone switches. You can be 3 seconds away from crushing a readers heart or you can be cramming it full of dread and then out of no where whip out the cutest moments. Or you can make every one run on sunshine and then come in with a sledge hammer. Why don't you have a job writing for something awesome yet? Why has no one given you money for this yet. Where is your acclaim? I mean, yeah you are on TV tropes. But I don't think you have your own page yet. One of these days if some one doesn't fix then I will. This is unacceptable. Your work must be documented!

You handled the anti Sailor Con perfectly. You handled Hotaru perfectly. And that surprise. And Saturns powers. And the Kaoih's. . . one Kaoih in particular. You really are too good at this.

I loved the beginning. Your humor and your timing was top notch. Especially the folic acid series of false revelations by Popa Kenji, I almost died a few parts there. Also Ikuko is priceless and awesome and totally brilliant. To be honest I did laugh cry a bit at the Men and Writers thing, "Each is absent minded in its own right; the combination together . . ."

Because some small part of me realized that with my luck I might end up marrying that combination. If he's anything like Kenji I won't mind though. And I'm pretty good at cooking around Chaos/ cooking for large groups of people on short notice. So if the universe does throw such a turn of events my way I'll be down. five words: Krusteaz Pumpkin baking spice mix. It is a life saver. You can throw anything into that stuff and it will be edible. Except for maybe poison. Don't throw poison in there.

Oh, and Daichi is so cute! I really hope he isn't evil. He is so perfect. I'm super glad that Ami gets to date some one like him. I mean, if he just ends up being used as a plot device to put more focus on Ami like psychic whats his face #1 then I'm cool with that. I'm just glad that Ami gets to happy for a bunch of scenes. Support is so awesome. And Daichi bringing Ami food when she's so busy with work/school that She can't grab it herself. oh that is just so sweet and adorable.

And the video that Ami finds. And her practicing in the rain, more of that please. I mean. Its just so awesome seeing her find her self. And stop doubting her self and what she can accomplish. It kinda reminds me of this story i read a long time ago: Dungeon Keeper Ami. Only in that story the other scouts were taken out of the equation and Ami had to fight on her own. But you've written a story where the scouts can still find themselves while still having each other for mutual support. They are all going on their own journeys but they're together. So its like the best of both worlds. I mean, its really cool how you can keep all this together. One or two of your plot lines would tie up a normal author. But some how you manage to keep it all moving and breathing. How do you do it TEitPP? It is amazing!

I also liked how you had Usagi work through her feelings and process what Queen Serenity had to do. I really hope that you release more lore soon. More lore please. I mean, Pax is awesome but flash backs. And the lore that comes with flash backs. Those are awesome too!

And as always you handled Haruka and Michuru perfectly. If they ever continue the Sailor moon series to flesh out the outers then you really really really have to help out or be in charge of it or something because you are awesome! I mean, great job as always TheElephantInThePrideParade.

Thank you so much for this chapter!
Convergence-Eternal chapter 1 . 5/27/2017
Of course you'd hit us with an ending like that. Also, good job. I mean you did a great job. But TEitPP, thats the problem. You do a great job with immersion and your feels hit harder then a bloody jackhammer linked up to a cities entire power grid. That is to say, you are very good at keeping your reader in suspense and your Wham lines hit hard.

Oh, and Usagi's mom is the absolute best. That newspaper bit was awesome!

And also it was pretty awesome hearing about Hotaru's wicked punch. Actually, it was amazing. I mean some small part of me is wondering about her powers and how it seems like they are getting stronger. An even smaller part of me is really really concerned about how she's taking the new kid coming into the equation "At least Kara's parents have a replacement". The way you repeated that was impactful.

Any ways it was totally awesome that she decked a kid in the face. I mean, really freaking cool. Kid deserved it. Granted I did flinch when reading that exchange. It brought back some not so awesome memories. Lets just say I wasn't the one throwing the punch. And that i really deserved it. Yeah . . . but good job righting that part TheElephantInThePrideParade!

Oh also it was really cool how you work in stuff to show larger scope of all this. With like the graffiti and interview and with having there still be people who support the scouts. Thats a pretty cool thing about your writing. You always look at both sides, and weigh the logical (and perhaps not so logical) responses that'd pop up.

Also some part of me instantly understood how dead Mina would be if she scratched the Aqua violinists car. Another strength of your writing. Some times it feels too real, too authentic, it always stirs up memories. I still remember a while back when it stirred up some memories that i thought i'd burned. Wasn't so lucky. But that just means your putting allot of research and thought into this. Good job TheElephantInThePrideParade. Good job.

And having Motoki ask that question, and the way that your framing of Mr. Hino is reminiscent of our dear leader. Its uncomfortable. A good kind of uncomfortable. Like I said, you hit like a bloody jack hammer. Keep it up TEitPP. Your work is amazing. Course you probably already know that.
willtara4ever chapter 3 . 4/29/2017
Hi, here I am again! Yeah, I know I am super late and I'm sorry for that: life sort of got in the way. Btw, I have to thank you for your great timing in releasing this latest chapter: your story kept me company in between plane flights, train trips and b&b nights (things that happen when you decide to change job, city, and come back to your home country :)), so I had the chance to read it more slowly, scene by scene, and even more than once... Really, thank you!

Now, to make up for lost time let's see if I can write a lenghty review for the third chapter:)

First and foremost, the Mamoru/Usagi pairing. I think, apart from Usagi's brief visit on Act 1, this is the first chapter where we get to see them alone together and damn, they work. Normally I don't much care for this pairing, since I usually read Sailor Moon fanfics where the focus is on lesbian couples: in those stories either the two of them are kept in the background, or they act all lovey dovey in a very stereotypical way all the time (or they are not together at all because Usagi is paired with someone else :)). In any case, this pairing has never had a chance to really grow on me, and this is why I think your portrait of them is so good: I mean, you've made me like them! I already told you how much I appreciate this more mature version of Usagi, but in this chapter Mamoru takes center stage: his worry toward Earth's fate, his fear of being inadequate to protect it, his search for the truth in the past... It's all so very him. And I love their interactions, how they support each other and try to be there for the other... I didn't realize how much Usagi must have missed him until he showed up.

It's not the first time I think it, and it won't probably be the last time I write it: your skill at portraying these characters is really amazing.

On to the story: I like the dreams as a mean to see the past (was this the device you mentioned in your last reply?). It makes sense that Usagi and Mamoru would experience them only when they are together, considering that they are dreaming of Queen Serenity, who was the last - can I say legitimate? - owner of the Golden Crystal. And may I presume those dreams are actually extracts from "Pax Lunae"? Well, for know you are doing a good job at explaining (although that may also be because I've read this chapter one too many times XD).
Dreams were also part of the Rei/Minako scene, which actually made me uneasy. What Rei's doing is potentially very dangerous, and her and Mina's argument was simply delayed by Usagi's phone call: this issue is surely going to come between them again. By the way, how much time is it going to take before Rei figures out that all the names she's learning are actually stars, while she and the others take their names from their plantes? They even try to call her Sol! (on a separate note, is there a particular reason why you are using "Sol" and not "Sun"? For a while there I thought that the old Earth's language Mamoru can read was Latin XD)

With all these revelations regarding Sailor Earth, I wonder about Chibiusa's situation: she has the Moon power and name, but she can use both the Silver and the Golden Crystal. Furthermore, at the end of the chapter Earth herself said that Mamoru proved himself to be worthy of her power's regency, meaning that he is not the ultimate user but he's simply acting as a substitute for someone else. Is it really true that you cannot inherit powers from more than one planet, as Luna says? It's an interesting question, one that may also involve Haruka and Michiru's baby (a Sailor Neptune that can use the Space Sword?).

The whole scene in Elysion where they attempt to awaken the Earth was very well done, as it was the explanation as to why neither Usagi and Mamoru together nor Chibiusa could do it; honestly, it would have been way too easy to let her solve everything (despite the fact that she probably already created a paradox by activating the crystal points).

"Privately, Pluto thought this to be a moron’s understanding of the inherent consequences of a grandfather paradox. But that did not change the effect Helios theory would have on their current problem."

This made me laugh out loud (and considering I was on a plane flight at the time, I got everyone looking at me strangely XD). It's great how you manage to insert these little comical scenes to balance out all the drama.

I continue to be a bit confused as to how much Luna and Artemis (and now Helios too) actually remember from the past. In this chapter it's obvious they remember Queen Serenity being Sailor Earth, yet they don't remember Hippolyte (at least Luna doesn't): in general, it's difficult to tell when they really don't have the answers and when they do but don't want to share (like in this chapter). We'll see in the following chapters.

The final solution to Earth's awakening is great and I appreciate your reference to the original series (even though I always hated Endymion's purple costume... I mean, why purple, of all colors?): now I really can't wait for the next flashback. Although, I must say having everything happen in one chapter (Mamoru coming back, the start of dreams, Mamoru investigating into Queen Serenity's journals and finally coming to a solution) felt a bit rushed to me... it seemed they found the answer too soon.

Anyway, it was a great chapter. Once again, kudos to you for Mamoru's portayal and I can't wait to read the next!
SailorPeridot chapter 3 . 3/21/2017
need more...wonderful story
Valkyrie Celes chapter 3 . 3/20/2017
Wow, this chapter was amazing! You made up for how long a wait we had with such a mammoth, important chapter. So happy to see Mamoru figured out the whole drama from the prequel with Queen Serenity and the Earth, even though it hasn't been revealed to the Senshi yet. Go Mamo, giving the golden crystal back! Ugh that ending was fantastic, and everything about this chapter reminded me of how much I love this story. Can't wait to read more!
TropicalRemix chapter 3 . 3/20/2017
mamoru now has his king endymion suit.
Slices chapter 3 . 3/19/2017
First, congratulations on your acceptance! Good luck with grad school and all future endeavours.

Second, thank you for updating, it is a wonderful chapter as always and I look forward to your next one.

Slices out
willtara4ever chapter 2 . 1/16/2017
I'm back to review another (very) interesting chapter!

First of all, congrats on your grad school application! Even though I'm not very familiar with it (European universities have a slightly different system), I imagine the process must be difficult. So I'm crossing my fingers for you!

Back on to the chapter: I feel like you may be setting a theme for this part 2, and that is family. The topic was touched upon in act 61 with Mina and her mother, but this time having the focus on a lot of Senshi's parents really shows how diverse a family can be: in one chapter we see a loving a family (Ikuko & Kenji), a family that is slowly expanding (our favourite Outer Senshi), a family that is no more (Usagi & Queen Serenity) and finally another family that's not working anymore (the Kaiohs).

I was not expecting the Kaiohs to come up, honestly. I liked what you did with them in this chapter mainly because of Michiru's reaction to the article: she and Haruka may act all mature with the younger Senshi but they are still only 21 year old girls, and it's nice to see them act like it every once in a while. However, I hope the Kaiohs don't become just a different variation of the Ainos because I think that would be quite redundant from a story perspective.

And speaking of the story, I now must confess I haven't read "Pax Lunae" yet. This was on purpose (and you have no idea how difficult it was, while waiting for Act 62 to come up!): I want to discover the Silver Millenium's story together with the Senshi, having the same information as them. So I'm sorry to say that the little snippets I read in this chapter are so not enough to satisfy my curiosity XD even though they made an interesting conversation between Usagi and Luna: I was expecting Usagi to have issues with her mother keeping secrets from her, and I hope she can somehow find a way to decrypt the journals (she, not Ami or Minako or whomever). It will hopefully help her get a better understanding of who her mother was, and why she did what she did.
And how come Luna doesn't remember anything? It's like she and Artemis had part of their memories locked up: they remember some things (the Senshi, how the Silver Millenium was destroyed...), but on some other topics they know less than Minako now. Some memories were deemed unimportant, or Queen Serenity did something to them that they don't know about? In any case, I understand Luna's frustration: it's difficult to be an advisor if you yourself don't know the answers!

Finally, let's talk about the big problem: public opinion. I consider the Sailor Accountability Initiative a consequence of that, a tool for Senator Hino to gain political consensus - I'd like to think that normally no one would have given him the time of day, considering that half of his proposals are not even applicable. I appreciate a lot that you hadn't made this the sunspots' fault - yes, public opinion can be nasty and yes, media can be ungrateful and forgetful of what you did in the past if today's best selling story is that you are public enemy #1. These are completely normal human behaviours, and if you plan to one day rule all of Earth then you should learn how to deal with it. That said, I really wonder how you are going to spin this around because it looks to me that things are only going to get worse... And I'm not only talking about Hotaru's latest stunt (which was not even completely her fault... Try being an angsty teenager with the power to destroy worlds!)

Once again, great work and I can't wait for the next chapter!
Monalis chapter 2 . 1/15/2017
another amazing chapter! haha can't wait to read the next! ah, and just be wondering, (cause I don't remember reading) about their relationshipHaruka, michiru, setsuna and Reinakothe others, besides the sailors, knows? like their parents and the rest? or you intend to explore this ? cause I don't remember reading about this, and I think it would be cool. hahaha but just asking hahah and I'm don't coment, but I start reading sailor moon H too! I'm still starting, but it's really cool too! waiting for the next chapter of the two fics hahaha
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