Reviews for Darkness Takes The Day
AshenMoon42 chapter 21 . 5/20
Oh, wow! Brilliant ending, showing people celebrating while Remus's life was being destroyed.
Lady Raritatum chapter 21 . 5/18
Omg I’m TT_TT
I was so excited when I saw that this had finally been updated, I hadn’t stopped hoping! And wow what a set of updates! If I haven’t mentioned this before, you write each of the characters so well, and I love the perspective you gave to Peter, especially.
Reading about Harry’s first birthday was just heart-rending, and when I saw that the next date was “Oct 25, 1981”, my heart plummeted. Ugh that was just beautifully done and so so sad TT_TT absolutely wonderful story. Thank you for writing it 3
Stutt-Tee chapter 21 . 5/12
Beautifully done! I need a lie down in a dark corner now. Have loved this fic from start to finish. Bravo!
AshenMoon42 chapter 17 . 10/22/2018
A nice Christmas scene with a perfect little string of tension running underneath the plot. Lovely effect.
AshenMoon42 chapter 16 . 9/17/2018
A brilliant reaction from Sirius there, and the pain Remus is feeling is hinted at nicely. Great end, too!
jeremiah123 chapter 16 . 9/16/2018
AshenMoon42 chapter 15 . 9/2/2018
Such a lovely set of letters. The last one was my favorite by far, just the way Lily talks to Petunia, and the warning, and the reminder that she cares. Brilliant story ...keep going!
Son of Whitebeard chapter 15 . 9/2/2018
ooh love the reference to Harfang
AshenMoon42 chapter 9 . 8/29/2018
Another Reggie chapter! I love his thoughts, his decision to pull back, his defiance of Bellatrix, the bit about the horcruxes ... and the last line is very final, very certain, very ... okay I don't know how to describe it any more. But it's great, yet again.
AshenMoon42 chapter 6 . 8/29/2018
I love Regulus in this. The times I've read your writing of him have been really interesting. This shows why he joined the Dark Lord just to leave him again. Great chapter!
justagirlwholikestowrite chapter 12 . 2/4/2018
Usually i skip this chapter, but today I decided to read it and I've regretted every time that I've clicked past it thinking it would be another mushy story of how the brothers were actually always friends. You show really really well how the sibling dynamic works and how for a younger sibling watching an older sibling grow up is hard. You also show how Sirius felt no feelings for Regulus at age fifteen, but did at age twenty. A very well written chapter, and amazing work!
justagirlwholikestowrite chapter 13 . 2/4/2018
Few people choose to tackle the complexity of Peter's character development. You are so amazing at depicting it. I can really feel all of his emotions even when so many do then are twisted. But really, dint we all sometimes feel jealous of our friends? Peter just had more to lose. Amazing job, as always
Lady Raritatum chapter 9 . 2/3/2018
AAAH OKAY you posted this chapter almost a year ago but I haven’t had a chance to catch up until now, I’m so thrilled to see that you guys have written more! I love this story so much, as well as the first one. You’re doing such an amazing job handling the characters in a realistic way, bridging that gap between their Hogwarts years and that fateful Halloween. It’s so awesome to see more with Regulus too, he’s often overlooked as a character and you’re pulling him in so well! I can’t wait to find out how everything gets to that end! I said it already but AAH I’M SO EXCITED, thank you for writing and keep up the amazing work!
jeremiah123 chapter 13 . 1/31/2018
etfantasy chapter 13 . 1/29/2018
Wow, I loved it! Heart-breaking, but excellently written. I especially liked Peter's perspective at the end. Very insightful. Great job!
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