Reviews for Changing Scenery
andreabl2 chapter 27 . 3/25
Hey it’s me again... I am so happy that Draco owned up to how he was treating Hermione. I still feel like Harry should have had to work for forgiveness a little bit more but I’m happy that they are acknowledging what they did wrong and fixing it. I just love that I can read a story with my three favorite pairings all wrapped into one.
andreabl2 chapter 25 . 3/25
Hey! I’m a new reader/reviewer and I think that this story is soooo goood! I love that they have patched things up but I don’t get why Narcissa told Hermione to fix what is broken when she didn’t break it. Like Harry was in the wrong and I also felt that Draco was getting way closer and putting in more effort with Harry rather than Hermione. Also how come Hermione had to reach out first? Harry should have been the one to initiate contact since he was the insensitive one. Anyway I’m just ranting but once again your story is amazing! Honestly I don’t read Veela stories often cause usually they’re not that good but this one is great and might give Veela stories a second chance if they’re at the same caliber as this.
SpaceKace chapter 30 . 3/12
This is a wonderful story! I really hope you finish it off! And you left us with a smut cliffhanger! Cheers and all the best to you
SpaceKace chapter 28 . 3/12
Greattt smut chapter! Well done
SpaceKace chapter 21 . 3/10
Whatttt noo! Although this will definitely force Hermione and Harry to cooperate. I am loving this story. Very very unique! Cheers!
Jenna chapter 30 . 3/1
I’m going to get an account just so I can follow this story. I first starting reading this about the time when there was only 10 chapters and I only made it to number 4. I’m sort of glad I waited till 2020 to finally finish reading it so I could binge read. Honestly, this is probably some of the best writing I’ve ever read. And I’m learning so much new vocabulary. I’m excited to see where this story goes. I can’t wait till Harry, Draco and Hermione all together go further than the time at the Samhain ball ;). You are such a good writer, thank you for this story and for continuing to update.
JennaRM04 chapter 1 . 3/1
I reviewed this anonymously before tonight but I don’t know if it worked. I’m going to get an account (I got one) just so I can follow this story. I first starting reading this about the time when there was only 10 chapters and I only made it to number 4. I’m sort of glad I waited till 2020 to finally finish reading it so I could binge read. Honestly, this is probably some of the best writing I’ve ever read. And I’m learning so much new vocabulary. I’m excited to see where this story goes. I can’t wait till Harry, Draco and Hermione all together go further than the time at the Samhain ball ;). You are such a good writer, thank you for this story and for continuing to update.
SpaceKace chapter 17 . 2/27
I’m a late comer to this story, but it’s just so good! And to give a memory is really such a clever gift! Cheers
cochran4444 chapter 30 . 2/8
also the title of this chapter! rocky horror picture show comes to mind. antici... pation
cochran4444 chapter 30 . 2/8
yasss yasss yasssss! thank you so much for this update! *fanning myself thinking about that "coffee
lrmorena chapter 30 . 2/8
Love the slowness of getting together. Keep them coming please.
Lucy Greenhill chapter 30 . 2/6
Hey! Great chapter! Can’t wait for the next one! xoxo
wizard4life chapter 30 . 2/6
Hi there,
I litterally devored this fanfiction. This triad is hot now, couldn’t stop until I finished these chapters in one night !
Can’t wait to read the next night of torrid passion between Hermione and Harry.
So well written with all the complications of a Triad
Cant wait to hear more from hermione perspective !
Black Banshee chapter 30 . 2/2
I'm so happy they finally are on the same page !
colao chapter 30 . 2/2
Hermione's cute in her nervousness. Finally she'll get some physical reassurance : )
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