Reviews for In Your Dreams
natters chapter 10 . 12/14/2018
Great fic
pherman015 chapter 1 . 7/13/2018
Damn so good, not opposed to more dreams acted out
Guest chapter 10 . 7/8/2018
That was amazing! Wish it would continue. Great writing!
CKL chapter 10 . 3/21/2018
Had to read this one a second time and loved it even more than the first.
Guest chapter 3 . 8/23/2017
Love this, kept on laughing
lovemycastle chapter 3 . 5/19/2017
oh my gosh. so clever and brilliant. cracking up and loving it! naked chickens will never be the same and thanks for the note bc I was going to google itfor real, huh?
lovemycastle chapter 1 . 5/19/2017
I just love this. love your style of back and forth and getting insights into each of them and how they parallel. I smile the whole time I am reading. I cannot finish this can't wait until tomorrow!
lovemycastle chapter 1 . 5/19/2017
I am working my way through your stories and can't wait to read each night
Guest chapter 10 . 3/29/2017
Incredible story! I really, really enjoyed reading it.
gngoa chapter 10 . 3/25/2017
This was fun, very happy end to a day and hopefully a night full of dreams. Thank you,.
MontanaKate66 chapter 10 . 1/21/2017
Great story & writing. :-)
Chelypdj chapter 10 . 1/12/2017
Ohhh this was so ho! It is so hot...
FluffyFierce chapter 10 . 1/8/2017
A very hot ending to a very entertaining story!
Beetlebug chapter 10 . 1/4/2017
Anther great story! I'm going to dream Castle tonight
elisha-am chapter 10 . 1/3/2017
Ugh,I'm late to this party again! I have no choice but read the whole story in once, so beg your pardon that I have to post a longer review.

First, I've read your stories for awhile now , and I notice that you often change POV in chapter, and it's fine most of the time, but sometime it just caught me off guard and confuse me a bit. Maybe try some page-break? (Still it's your choice, I catch up fast so dw about this too much;))

Second, oh boy the dreams, it's so hot but not enough, you , but the kitchen scene and the 'fun' part after that definitely worth the torture. (I kept squirming in my chair)

Third, these are some of my favorite quotes and paragraphs. They just made me laugh so hard that I got glares on the train.

"Midnight oil, Castle?" the soon-to-retire Kirby asks.
"Something like that. Beckett still here?"
"Unless she used a transporter to get herself outta the building, yeah."
"Thanks. May the force be with you."
"It is. And don't forget it."

He still can't believe it. "What about vegetables?"
She's got that little crease between her eyebrows, just like she had when they'd been making stir-fry. In the dream. If it was a dream. "Vegetables?"
"Vegetables. Do they knit sweaters for vegetables?"
"Why would they do that?"
"Because they're naked."

Fourth, fondue is a really funny word to me.

Last, again, your stories always bring me so much laughter, and you always manage to put in much thoughtful details makes it more of just a fun story. Thank you.

(I see you already posting a new story, I'll try to make it to the party this time!)
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