Reviews for Destruction Trilogy: Fractured
ShannonAlexis chapter 29 . 12/15/2019
All this and it just stops? NO!
face70 chapter 8 . 7/25/2018
I just have to say, I absolutely love this trilogy. I'm a sucker for Sam whump and BOY DO YOU DELIVER! Not to mention all the psychological mind games - man, you just can't go wrong with that! Thank you for sharing this with us - I can't imagine how long it took to compose! MUCHAS MUCHAS GRACIAS!
Iuvsbruce chapter 5 . 11/18/2017
This might be harder to write, but you wrote it to perfection! I rarely shed a tear when reading fanfiction, but you have brought tears to my eyes so many times. Thank you for that! I am so very glad that you are still writing! I will keep reading and reviewing. God bless you!
Debra Wolford chapter 29 . 11/5/2017
where is part 3. this is a wonderful story but in need the rest lol
SuperFlarrowLover chapter 19 . 10/4/2017
Are talking about the one that had locked over their heads and arms?
Guest chapter 1 . 8/18/2017
Stunning piece of writing, glad to see you're back writing more regularly and I continue to be impressed. HBS xx
Guest chapter 1 . 8/6/2017
i've been to st catherines hill its pretty neat
CoffeeManiac chapter 28 . 6/29/2017
I was hoping someone would kill Anna. I like that it was Jody.

Dean plunging the knife into Thomas was probably too satisfying. It's a good thing this is fiction or I'd worry about my reaction. LOL
AllShallFade777 chapter 29 . 6/20/2017
(Just so you know, this review is for the events of the last few chapters as well as this last one ;)
I am so glad Anna and Thomas are dead; a few chapters ago, when I knew the end was nearing, I was sooo hoping they wouldn't make it to part three. Those horrible people finally got what they deserved! Although I was kind of hoping Dean and co. would manage to outsmart them and get one step ahead of them for once (considering that's what Anna and Thomas were doing the whole time!) and take them down when Anna and Thomas thought they still had the upper hand (after all their little games and tricks it would so serve them right; be like all, ha! right back atcha!)-but the way they went down is still pretty perfect. Anna and Thomas can out-plan, out-scheme, and out-think them as much as they like, using drugs and devious little spells to stay ahead, but when faced with an actual, physical fight when Dean and the gang finally catch up to them, they don't stand a chance. They rely on lies and trickery, and it's a fair fight (well, not so fair considering Dean was tied up, but you know what I mean :P) that finishes them. Oh, the irony!

So, I must say congratulations for creating two such terrible, loathsome, and convincing villains, both with such distinct and different personalities that work abominably great together (and even against each other, when Anna goes behind Thomas's back to torture Sam) to form an evilly perfect pair of antagonists.

Poor Cas, getting banished again :( With all the spells, wards, and sigils in the world of Supernatural, you'd think there'd be one that would prevent an angel from having to poof off when one of those sigils is activated :P

Including Jody in this story was a nice touch; she adds a sort of tempered, more tender emotion to everything that happens, providing a motherly care and concern while still being a capable member of the team. She keeps Dean from getting too caught up in the misery of it all and keeps him focused, and also shows us a softer side to the fear they all feel for Sam. Without her, all the macho 'pretending to be fine when I'm really not,' 'I'm gonna rip them to pieces when I find them,' stuff would get tiresome. Her presence is a grounded, level-headed relief during all the horror and angst ;)

I loved the way you wrote Ketch; to be honest, I missed a lot of season 12, so apart from 'evil' I don't know what he's really supposed to be like, but I liked the purposeful, calculating, and formidable character that he is here. He has his job, he has the experience and intellect to do it, and he's going to do whatever it takes to see it through, quickly and efficiently. Like Jody, he provides a unique perspective on everything, a logical and unemotional outlook made especially interesting by its contrast amidst the intense emotions of the other characters.

And of course, well done with Sam and Dean-although I totally hate (underline hate!) to see Sam so broken! All the horrors that led him to this point have made for one heckuva ride, and I can only hope Dean and the others can put him back together into a semblance of his old self. (please don't leave him broken forever :)

This ridiculously long review might have given it away, but I thoroughly enjoyed this story! So many clever twists and turns that kept me guessing, lots of drama, and well-developed characters. Before this gets any longer, I'll finish by saying thanks for sharing; I must now resist going immediately to part 3, as it would be nice to actually sleep tonight ;P
AllShallFade777 chapter 20 . 6/19/2017
This is so INTENSE! IN. TENSE! I soooo hate Thomas. His patronizing, condescending behavior is so frustrating and annoying, all the psychological torture is terrible (and terribly, horrifically, aggravatingly clever!), and the fact that he thinks he's doing all this for Sam's own good is completely awful. Just when I think I've seen the depths of his depravity, he pulls out something else-like letting Sam believe Dean is dead (evil!) and making Sam see himself/Lucifer torturing Cas (absolutely DESPICABLE!). He is one of the most creepy, chilling villains I've ever seen!

This story has kept me hanging at the edge of my seat all throughout. It's incredibly engaging-one of those stories where I'm cheering for every little victory the good guys manage (Sam's gripping escape attempt, every step closer to finding Sam that Dean takes), pulling my hair out at every crushing setback, and biting my nails with every ominous new development. I continue reading with bated breath in great anticipation of the rest of the story, I can't wait to finish reading so I can get to the third part of the trilogy!
AllShallFade777 chapter 11 . 6/17/2017
I absolutely love this story! It's so well-written and well thought out; rich in detail, drama, suspense, and awesome characters!
Jenjoremy chapter 28 . 6/8/2017
Oh it was very sweet to see Anna and Thomas get what was coming to them. I was especially glad to see Anna get killed. Yay, Jody! Yes, Thomas was batshit crazy, but he did love Sam in his own twisted way.
Jenjoremy chapter 29 . 6/8/2017
Wow - that's a helluva ending there! More like a cliffie! This was an awesome story and I can't wait to read the follow up. I'm trusting that you will put our boys back together again!
CoffeeManiac chapter 22 . 6/5/2017
Oddly enough, I've been wondering how Sam goes to the bathroom. This has been bothering me since the story began. I know it's not really relevant to the actual plot but it bothers me.
Your descriptions are excellent and it's easy to see what's happening.
I'm really hoping that Dean or Sam kills Thomas and Anna. They're both evil in their own ways.
I feel so sorry for Sam who has simply been pushed over the edge, and it worries me that Anna is doing things behind Thomas' back.
As for Dean and the rest, they have to catch up soon, right?
Excellent story. Can't wait to jump into the next chapter.
CoffeeManiac chapter 13 . 6/3/2017
Well, that was intense. Thomas is maniacally evil. Anna is sadistically evil. I don't usually have a knot in my stomach when I'm reading fanfic. I have one now.
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