Reviews for From Russia with Not Quite Love
peppe1951 chapter 8 . 10/13/2018
I liked this story but would enjoy it even more so if you would finish it. I want to know who the traitor is and how the A-Team saves the day.
MissEclipse chapter 8 . 2/20/2017
Oh, what a great build-up to events that finally led to their mission in Hanoi. And of course, we all know that Morrison was the turncoat! This is one instance when I can say I'm very glad you didn't stay canon to the TV episode. I much prefer your interpretation of Dimitri's involvement with the team. And all the jibber-jabber between the guys were all in character.

Nice, muchacha!
RobinRedoe chapter 8 . 2/17/2017
Oh my, this was a really good read. I enjoyed the hypothetical conversation. So clever. And the open ending here. Brilliant. ARgh! I wished the story wasn't completed ;)
Sonny Quinn chapter 8 . 2/16/2017
Morrison definitely knows more than he's letting on and Hannibal is beginning to get on the jazz! What is to come? Has Dimitri told all? Can't wait to read the next chapter!
RobinRedoe chapter 7 . 2/2/2017
Ahhhh that last sentence... the plot is thickening! I love where you are going with the story. The conversations between the colonel and Morisson are interesting too. Like I said earlier, I enjoy how you write their characters and how they interact as close friends, while of course we already know Morrison wasn't so trustworthy in the end. Had a chuckle at Face pretending to need extra care but transforming into a cheerful eavesdropper. He's so slick. Can't wait for the next chapter ;)
MissEclipse chapter 7 . 2/2/2017
Morrison seems to know more than he is letting on and Hannibal is on to him. All very intriguing ...
MissEclipse chapter 6 . 1/16/2017
I loved how Hannibal put Morrison in his place. You really showed how he cared about his team and how they all seem to be bonding with Shastakovich. But will he turn out to be a bad guy? Looking forward to finding out.
RobinRedoe chapter 6 . 1/15/2017
Great chapter. I love how Hannibal is written and how he managed to get his pilot out of a tight spot.
Thanks for the update!
Hattie J Huper chapter 6 . 1/15/2017
Well done Hannibal for sticking up for Murdock. After all he got them all home in one piece.
avieryfriend chapter 5 . 1/2/2017
Just started reading your story today. Love how you write and am enjoying this one. Great job. :-)
MissEclipse chapter 5 . 1/1/2017
Nice insight into the smooth operation of the A-Team working as a unit. Looking forward to finding out what happens to Dimitri.
RobinRedoe chapter 5 . 12/31/2016
Great chapter! And had a laugh, envisioning Murdock hanging like a turkey below the chopper.
Curious for more, as always. ;)
LittleMonkeyDog chapter 5 . 12/29/2016
So glad they all made it out alive and well. LOL Murdock ... He had no idea how to behave as a just a normal passenger on a helicopter. Dangle like a Turkey. OMG.
MissEclipse chapter 4 . 12/28/2016
Yay! Loving the introduction of Murdock and all his jibber-jabber! No question he would go rescue his unit.

Boo! The team are down and in danger. Hannibal could have left Dimitri behind, but he chose to keep him with them. There is definitely something intriguing about Dimitri.

Looking forward to the next posting.
Hattie J Huper chapter 4 . 12/23/2016
Poor BA, no wonder he hates flying so much. Hopefully they'll be picked up soon.
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