Reviews for Beyond Beasts
The Full Catastrophe chapter 12 . 8/7
Fantastically done, heart-wrenching - your take on the ghosts and Danny’s ghost half was fascinating and poignant. I think Chapter 11, from Dash’s perspective, must have revealed the distresses Danny experienced when he first died in the portal. I was sorry things had to end so tragically for Dash, but looking at the story as a whole, I think there was no way it could have been a happily-ever-after deal. And it remains unclear what Dash’s fate is.
Danny, arguably, had the best outcome but is experiencing a disorienting loss of self. He’s lucky to have such good friends that will help him on his long journey of recovering from the trauma of the past two years.

For all the games that this story played with my feelings, I greatly enjoyed reading it. (And loved the puns, seriously.)
Dp-Marvel94 chapter 12 . 7/1
Dang. I wish I'd checked this out earlier. This was really quite a ride. I love your descriptions and the lore you've built here. I was at the edge of my seat wondering where you were going with this and what would happen next the whole time. Excellent story!
MsFrizzle chapter 12 . 6/8
Thank you for writing this story. My daughter and I really enjoyed it. You really took this in some very unexpected directions that I haven't seen before. The interactions between Danny, Tucker and Dash were very insightful.

We were a bit confused about some things and there were a lot of things left hanging a bit in the last two chapters.

I suppose we don't get the whole story about this eldritch patch of forest. It obviously has a long history of being a very creepy place. The encounter at the diner/gas station really stands out as the best of the horror genre. *shudder* I'm still not entirely sure what was real and what wasn't.

And what was the deal with Vlad? What was he trying to accomplish there, especially with his past history? He conveniently and creepily shows up and hides the body but, that can't be the end of it. They stole his car - surely there are going to be repercussions. Questions from the authorities?

It seems that Danny has lost his powers for good and has become fully human once again and although we has seen time after time, how difficult managing his dual lifestyle, I'm not sure any author has quite shown the repercussions of not being human in quite so convincing a way. So much so, that although adjusting is going to be difficult even with the help of stalwart Tucker, I'm glad for Danny.

The ghostliness of the forest just sort of ... evaporates?

The story leave it a bit unclear if Dash has disappeared with all the ghostliness of the forest or if he will return as the a new version of Phantom. In any other story, I probably would cringe at the idea that Dash could take on that role, but you have given your audience insight into the character that actually leaves the possibility open for Dash to take on the role.

Again thank you for your story and you patience in my late reviews.
KarlTheWizard98 chapter 5 . 5/30
Honestly, this is likely one of the best Danny Phantom fics I've read. The beautiful natural imagery, the perfect balance between dark events and light-heartedness, the awareness of how twisted the world can be, and especially the hyper-realism of the story (aside from the fact that this is based on the supernatural) really set it apart from all the others. Thank you for the beautiful piece! I just know that you're destined to appear in history books as one of the greatest literary minds of the century. Keep up the incredible work!
MsFrizzle chapter 11 . 5/25
I finally got a chance to have a reading session with my daughter. I realize that I'm not the first reviewer to note the beautiful poetic nature of your writing. It was worth another read just for the flow of words and images and then a third to interpret what was happening.

Writing this way really drew the reader into the surreal confusion Dash was feeling rather than giving us an outside view.

There are a lot of unanswered questions that I hope are addressed in the epilogue.
repliedgrunt14 chapter 12 . 5/24
loved everything about this, golden description writing and solid story
Psychohalcyon chapter 11 . 5/20
what the heck epilogue already? lmao I don't know whether to laugh or cry. This story is so well written. Poetic. Beautiful. I was expecting a kind of deeply romantic slow burn love story between Dash and Danny only for it to suddenly end before it even really begins. Like somehow, the power of love would keep Dash alive, and he and Danny's souls would join and they would become two halved of the same souls, symbiotic or something. It all seems silly now that I see it's the end and I'm both laughing and crying right now. Wow. Anyway, looking forward to the epilogue!
Cyan Quartz chapter 11 . 5/19
Woah, you just hit a 79 on the poet-ometer. Bodacious writing skills, Of The! You don't mind if I call you Of The, do you? It's your middle name after all.
DB-KT chapter 11 . 5/14
...what...? I cannot even put into words what I am feeling right are you so good at writing that you make me feel this way.

Now I’m going to go cry somewhere. X,D
KumquatAssassin chapter 10 . 4/10
Wow, I love this story. I love the way you describe ghosts and the energy and oh my gosh the forest. Your really doing vlads character well. Good job, I’m awkward and you are a great writer I could read how you describe ghost energy for hours thanks
Zane Tribal Tyne Alexandros chapter 9 . 3/26
So... Dash is dead. Well not compleatly yet. So here’s what Danny needs to do... get him to the Ghost Zone where there is ambient ectoenergy and then cut the connection bettwen them while useing some shock equipment to resuscitate his heart. Sure, theres an almost definite side effect of Dash becoming a halfa too and learning Danny’s secret... but I feel like that’s a small price to pay in order to save the jock’s life. Not to mention the reaserch data to gained... That last one is mainly my inner Type-Moon Magus speaking.
Zane Tribal Tyne Alexandros chapter 3 . 3/26
Yup, demon. Totally called it.
Zane Tribal Tyne Alexandros chapter 1 . 3/26
Hmmm... Not a normal ghost. Not a Fae either, or at least not a summer fae. Demon? Perhaps...
PhantomOfProcrastination chapter 10 . 2/13
Oh wow this is developing nicely! Can't wait for the next chapter! I hope Danny pulls himself together and that Vlad and Dash will be okayThanks for sharing!
MsFrizzle chapter 9 . 12/30/2019
* Gasp! * I did not expect this. I suppose the looking back there were clues but I did not imagine that Dash was dead. When reading the first part of the chapter, I had some trouble figuring out what was going on, but that helped put us into the character's place as they fit the pieces together. The descriptions mostly have us overwhelmed by the clashing ghostly sensations between Danny and Vlad.

You also very effectively bring out the sympathy for Dash in a way I have almost never seen. The little seemingly innocuous tidbit where Paulina comes over to show him how to cook salsa was amazingly effective in getting the audience to sympathize with Dash's hopes and dreams and understand why he was so driven to take the risks he did.

Poor Danny, torn up with the guilt of doing the sensible thing of walking away from someone who is determined to do something very stupid.

I also don't really understand why the waitress/spider-thing manifested? Was ghost-Dash making this happen the way he made the salt work? Why? If it's goal is to absorb all of Danny's core, how would this help?

Why is the forest the way it is?
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