Reviews for Skells & Love
Guest chapter 14 . 8/31/2018
I bet Elma sent out that order to sacrifice Jaynix's team to protect her Japanese "lone hero of the White Whale" boyfriend who presumably ended up becoming a backstabbing treacherous hanjian prick name Black Knight. He won't return to New LA with Lao in tow. Kind of like Shulk and Fiora or Shion Uzuki and Kevin Winnicot.
Guest chapter 14 . 7/16/2018
If Jaynix has somehow managed to kill Elma, Elma's death would be utterly devastating for humans and other Xeno friends. What would Kruse, Lin, Tatsu, Nagi, etc say about Jaynix if they find out that Jaynix did Elma in? Nothing good I'm sure and it doesn't seem Jaynix didn't think about the consequences she would have to face that Elma's hypothetical death would bring.
Guest chapter 14 . 7/16/2018
I think Elma is lying. She probably has the "end justifies the means" and "needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few" thinking when she came to Earth to save as many lives as she can and said she agreed with other people on how to do it. What went down with the Betrayer was "lies" as was stated by him, the awful truth about Project Exodus. Elma favors cold logic thinking and would standby the decision to save a subset of humanity or total extinction. Elma isn't perfect as she does make mistakes like how she handled the traitor. She probably changed after spending times with humans and learn that maybe it's not a good idea. She certainly would after what went down with the last traitor. Wouldn't want another causing chaos. I imagine Jaynix to be somewhat like Andrew Cherenkov where she contemplates shooting a sleeping Elma like what Andrew did with KOS-MOS if she ever finds out the truth.
SHAD0W ARCHITECT chapter 14 . 6/18/2017
This is a great fanfiction pls post 15 soon.
Rexaura888 chapter 14 . 4/29/2017
Ah, good ol' Maurice, with his public half-truths...or not? I know he's fudged numbers in the past so as not to paint a grimmer reality, but apart from that possibility and based on Alexa's perspective, pretty much most of his speech is true. So, does that mean Ethos is dead? Didn't seem like Kruse beat him to death.

Hmm...does Ga Jiarg know of the Lifehold Core and the idea that death isn't permanent for humans? I'm not talking about the totally controversial processes involved but just the general idea that all humans were presented with and as the player finds out at the end of Chapter 5 in the game.

I can imagine that in some ways Chausson is like Kruse in that he can't completely understand why people would work so hard to undo humanity's survival. I mean the man was willing to, at several points even, offer peace to an alien faction bent on humanity's extinction if it meant living in peace and eventually thriving. To see someone betray all that mankind's worked for, what his son and Mira sacrificed for, probably doesn't sit easy with him.

Took her long enough to realize that the doctors still had her personal possessions. Either Jaynix was still really out of it or Alexa's really good company to make her forget.

Add those items to the evergrowing list of things Elma wished she could prevent or control but couldn't, although it does make me wonder about what Danny and Boris mean to her and how different the team dynamic would be if they were still around.

I mean for all Jaynix knows, the man responsible for deciding to make Martyrs out of the 3rd Soldier Unit could've died on Earth or aboard another Ark, so maybe Elma's right and that knowing wouldn't help. Bet it's whoever ordered the attack on Green Fog though.

This is a really good "cooldown" chapter after everything that's happened in Mission and what we just learned about the 3rd Soldier Unit. It's nice to see the characters dealing with the aftermath and begin to head back to some form of normalcy.

I really like your Chausson. He's just about as he was in-game, but he's also a lot more open now that the Lifehold's been found and seems a lot less antagonistic as a result. He's also not afraid to drop his persona and let his true feelings slip through in private if something really gets under his skin. I also really like the dynamic between him and Elma. This does seem like the most natural path their relationship would follow after what's been presented in-game.

If there was one thing that doesn't sit as well with me, it's Ethos's death. Considering Elma revealed this fact to Jaynix in private, we can pretty much say that what's Chausson said in his speech was true...but I feel like there's more that could've been gotten out of him. Sure he wasn't willing to talk since he'd rather see humanity be destroyed by the hands of deserters rather than hand them victory, but the guy knows things about Leva'el and the Remnant's COs, perhaps even their long-term plan to add Nardacyon to their fleet. Even if he doesn't know exact details on anything Remnant, he may know where to look for that info, and with Fortun dead and her knowledge banks gone, he'd be the next likely source of intel. I dunno what the in-universe stance on performing torture is, but I would think that attempting to force him to ingest "human" DNA might make him squeal, especially if he knows that that's how his Grandmaster went out and that the legends were true.

At any rate, two more chapters left? Or perhaps more than just the two problem ones? Either way, I can wait. You're not the only one who managed to recently snag himself a Switch (as in just an hour and a half before this review finds its way into your inbox). My BotW's been sitting in its box for nearly two months now. Think it's time to let it out.
Rexaura888 chapter 13 . 4/22/2017
That's an interesting naming method. Usually in such a tight knit group, team members often call each other by first name, last name, nicknames. This is the first I've seen where almost everyone (save for romance, concern, off duty, "Captain Hook", and in their frantic defense as they realize they may die...I'm realizing as I read on that this kind of naming thing doesn't last very long from a reader's perspective) call each other by rank/position out of camaraderie. Certainly explains a few things though.

Guess I made the right call in rewatching some Marvel and One Piece recently. Chapter's catering to both ends so far.

Or maybe not so much. I thought Jaynix hesitated because she had some code of honor that prevented her from hurting women, but no, she just had really good powers of observation and realized she couldn't fire on a civilian, even if said civilian was trying to save a WMD (a highly defective one, but Jaynix didn't know that at the time).

No questions, huh? Guess that Green Fog fiasco was the only time they were misled?

So that's what Skells remind her of, huh? "Don't make a girl a promise you can't keep."

Definitely doesn't sound like a order Nagi would give, at least not willingly. Jaynix must've figured at least that much out. Probably figured out it was Elma some time after waking up (or during some kind of chance encounter beforehand).

Will this be a memory that surfaces up, I wonder. Either way, life has a funny way of connecting dots. Hearts shall be connected and invisible ties and all that.

Huh. I guess it makes sense that Ganglion Skells wouldn't remind her of broken promises and more of the Ghosts, but is that all she sees when she looks at a Skell I wonder...

And that would explain why the doctors don't think very much of Jaynix. Must've been nearly as terrifying for Celica and Mia though, seeing their friend like this.

I really like this Chapter more than I like Mission, though for different reasons than why I lik Mission. The amount of world building here is satisfying, and seeing the mysteries behind Jaynix's emotions unraveled, more so. Seeing the 3rd Soldier Unit acting like a family of sorts like that, it really made me feel for them and for Jaynix when they went on to become Martyrs. I think it's because of how close knit they were that I latched into them so but not really so much with the fallen 5th division during Mission (or "Team Expendable" as I do morbidly called them in case I got the number wrong). For the amount of jumps in time and scenery, this still felt solidly put together, especially the end narration as we fast forward to Mission and the aftermath regarding Jaynix.

It also provides some good insight to Elma's feelings at the end of the previous chapter, especially when you factor in a certain "sung" martyr who wasn't a part of the Martyrs but was close to Elma's heart. Makes you wonder if Mill's school of thinking ("end justifies the means" and "needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few") means the same as it starts to hit closer to home each time, although we have seen her throw that line of thinking aside when it gets "personal" as a certain deceased Demise Ictus would attest to if it weren't, well, deceased.

As for nitpicking, only one point here, and it's the nittiest of picks: "A race of sentient dark matter creatures the Ghosts were a fearsome for." Missing comma aside, it all boiled down to one missed stroke and F7 not seeing anything wrong because "for" is spelt correctly, and I don't think it checks for hanging prepositions. Alternatively, the idea of the Ghosts being made up of only four and causing as much death and destruction as they did is even more terrifying.
Rexaura888 chapter 12 . 4/18/2017
Part 2 of the review, go!

And that's how Langul died. Not with a bang, but with a whimper.

I thought that "unnamed Ganglion Base" was too anticlimactic of a front for the final showdown.

Yeah, surprise Seidr would put a damper on anyone's day, crippling phobia or not.

I know it would've been redundant, but I always wished that's Elma had Ghostwalker on top of Ghost Factory.

Much as I hate to say it, there goes half of Team Expendable.

Got what looks to be the first typo of the chapter: "Looking to [Bills], [Ga Buidhe] saw a deep cut along her back." Pretty sure Bills is the one suffering, not Ga Buidhe.

You haven't played many Warriors games, have you Ethos? Because you never discount the enemy commanders simply because they've no soldiers under them and you've many.

Oh great. So now not only is Badul a sadist by race, he's also got masochism hard wired into him too.

Ga Buidhe picked up pretty fast on Jaynix's trigger considering all that's been transporting around them and not ever witnessing it herself before.

Friggin Leva'el. As if robbing the Sattelis drones off the Vita wasn't bad enough...$10 says Bahdul's Remnant/Hand/however you will is going to enlist Nardy at some point.

And the mystery thickens. Whatever it was that was issued, seems like another thing to add on to the evergrowing stack of Elma's secrets, one that really seems to be eating her up this time.

This really was worth the wait. The tension, the drama, the twists, the foreshadowing. My one big complaint is that while not as bad, every allied Xeno not named Ga Buidhe and to a lesser extent Celica and Rock (since they don't really have much screen time, implied or actual, anyways) and L (since most of the names BLADEs fell out of the action at some point to give more focus on the main groups) still seems like an afterthought. We're told that there are various Prones fighting against the Ganglion, but we're also never told of their battles or how many died. Slovity pops up a few times, but we see her only kill the one Prone, and the other parts with her feel like you could've written a generic BLADE scout in her place.

Even Ga Jiarg's grand entrance and Ga Buidhe's shadows are more or less forgotten at some point as the action (which was really enticing by the way), and not in the sense that the other BLADEs are forgotten or not mentioned to give way to the main focus if that makes sense. The various divisions are still referenced, but Ga Buidhe's shadows stop being mentioned (not even covering the retreat), and so do the Caladors I feel (and on a more personal hope, I was kinda hoping to see the two remaining Hundred Hellion Wrothians in action as well as The Three Tallons and Gu Ladha). Not sure what could've been done to add to the Caladors as their presence was felt for a good deal after their reveal, but Ga Jiarg could've at least warned the Skell division about Leva'el albeit too late. I feel like he'd have known about its existence being one of Luxaar's officers.

That said, your awareness of them is getting better, and I really liked the various dialogs between Ganglion officials. Hope to see Chapter 13 in time.
Rexaura888 chapter 12 . 4/17/2017
Nice to see Vandham return to Engineering during this time. Makes sense as BLADE becomes more streamlined over time that his roles as Commander aren't as critical (and probably taken in share by H.B. at this point). I mean if Nagi can spend time gallivanting around Mira with Kruse's team, can't see why Vandham can't take on some grease work. He certainly seemed so into that kind of work too during Two Peas in a Pod and talks with NPCs in the Hangers regarding him.

It should be interesting to see the Wrothians on a more unified offensive front. Every time they've been in action in-game, it's always been tactical concentrated strikes with just a handful of soldiers or even just one loner or full-on defense in one case.

Ah, now it dawns on our resident Skell-head.

Ooh, looks like our little Level 11 Tyrant has grown up now. To think of all the times I killed him for Squad Tasks...

Well, that explains why Nardy's not in the head count. Wonder if she, like Dadaan, is liable to make a surprise third party appearance.

Wow. Ethos is just leaving Badul's unit out there to die. No reinforcements. No Terminus. Apart from the soon-to-be-procured Leva'el, do they even have a single Xern to their name?

Stealth Zigs? There's a scary thought, although with how good their detection skills are in general, at least they weren't the ones to get first blood this time around.

I know it's how it's presented, but I'm not sure if Badul's behavior is really all that abnormal? Milsaadi in general are sadists and live for the hunt, least last I checked, so to see him getting excited for this confrontation despite the odds seems normal to me.

It's fights like Nagi's where I really wish that Virus would affect Zigs. It's already hilarious how almost every Ganglion Mechanoid save for Seidrs and Shrads get horrendously crippled without long-range attacks, and it could've been a big Hope moment too.

I know there's a lot going on and a lot to narrate, but I would've liked to have seen some Skell descriptions. Otherwise I'm just assuming they're piloting Formula (Zero) Skells.

Drones, huh? Not a bad choice, Alexa.

Ah, I wish we could see L dance about in combat.

Not the same weakling Prone Tyrant anymore. If only the fight against him in-game were that intense!

Seems to be the appropriate response to taking a missle volley to your mech's everywhere.

I find it funny how given his few appearances thus far that Jaynix has had more of a sailor's mouth than Vandham has in your fics.

Since we're told what attribute Jaynix's longsword is, do we know if it's Orphean or Receding Rust?

Ayyyy! Slovity's here (and her English has improved)! Fffffff-! The Rexoskell's here!

A little late to bring this up, but while I'm pretty confident that Ahama's your own creation, it's been nagging me that Urdu seems like it too, but part of me wants to say she was actually in the game? That part tells me that she was the Black Skell pilot in the Corwin missions, but I know that's not true...

Gwin would be the first one to have to resort to foot. Always seemed to be the case for me in that he'd either get too liberal with his fuel, or he'd just get shot down.

I wonder if there's a bitter taste in Kruse's mouth when he uses Afterburner. I mean it's a good Art, one of if not the best Sniper Arts, but...

Wonderful. So now Langul thinks he's Tartarus from Halo...

Looks like the Budul's unit has been fed to the lions! TADAAAAAAAH!

It's nice to see that even Alexa cares about how the enemy Skells are treated.
Guest chapter 11 . 12/19/2016
Good story am waiting for Chapter 12 but there are some stuff you didn't make clear first one is Elma using her mim or her real body this is the first thing plus I only started reading your story starting from how they found Jaynix, and i had this question in my mind for quit a while who is that woman? and why won't Jaynix talk about her? plus i noticed that she sort of snapped at Elma when she was about to mention that woman but I guess she's the one who caused 90% of Jaynix's mental breakdown
Cormag Ravenstaff chapter 11 . 12/11/2016
Hurrah, another monster chapter. These bastards are hard find the time for

I just mentioned in that other review that you don't write L much, but here he is! I'll eat my words now

Heh, RIP Bills' emotions

How old is Kruse?

Gotta keep dat kitty safe

Solid ending there. Sorry this is short, but I'm busy gearing up for finals week
Rexaura888 chapter 11 . 12/9/2016
Maybe I've been playing too much Phoenix Wright, but that opening sounds like it belongs to the beginning of a case from the series, and man would it be a tense one knowing who "she" and "they" are.

Oh good lords, L. You're slaying me here. Love how Jay isn't even bothered by his butchering of figures of speech and is even using it to her full advantage to ruffle Lin's feathers.

Ah, so that's why he's here. Getting some lightheartedness in before the eventual storm(ing of those poor Ganglion fools...though depending on which base they raid and at what time they raid it...let's just say I hope the Skell teams are smart enough to leave the self-proclaimed Strongest Prone and his girls to Jay's ground gear and go play with Vendura or something...).

Strange that word about what I would think is a meeting of the top brass would become public knowledge to everyone in the AD, but I suppose that's one way to clear it out.

Oh? Are we seeing some shackles of the past coming off now? And isn't that sweet. Jay has a Gwin figure...I think...let's just hope he's not two days from retirement.

Ah, so it's a completely new stronghold entirely apart from the Milligan Supply Outpost or the Jair, Mesa, and Scabland Fortresses...which makes me wonder what Miran/Ganglion "Tyrants" they have and where the heck they could possibly establish themselves that wouldn't have been noticed by BLADEs, Wrothians, or the Dorian Caravan previously. Only possible place I can think of is the South Coast, and unless someone has been slacking off on their probe placements, at the very least I'd think FronteirNav would've picked up such heavy concentration of forces a lot sooner.

I wonder what Nagi had to say to convince Vandham and Chausson to be on the front lines. It's certainly a morale booster to be sure, but I can't imagine those two feeling too comfortable about possibly losing the Defense Secretary of NLA.

Speaking of, why Oblivia as a venue for what seems to be the climactic battle with the Ganglion? They had much more of a presence in Cauldros and Sylvalum where it's much less accessible and arguably better defended what with Sylvalum's high walls for Zigs as well as Xe-Dom patrols and Cauldros's lack of BLADE presence, especially compared to the Ganglion. Even if one assumes that Or'rh Simh Castle (dunno if I spelt it correctly) fell after Luxaar did, they still have three sizable keeps and a checkpoint/choke point , two of which have a lot of strategically placed Zigs and one of which would require most BLADEs to hoof it in while somehow the Ganglion are able to fit Qmoeva and Seidr class Skells in there plus a Rexoskell. Plus, both Sylvalum and Cauldros are across an ocean passage as opposed to directly neighboring Primordia. I'm not saying this as an argument that those two continents should be the venues, rather I'm more curious about what made you decide Oblivia over any of the other continents.

Hey, can't be any worse than "Hip Hip Hoor-BLADE!" Tika.

Guess Celica and Mia are still too green for the assault, and L's not even an official BLADE (not like L can really be tied down to any one division. Maybe Curators...).

I know you don't care much for You-Know-Who (I want to say his first name, but man I'm having too much fun playing with the Voldemort references), but that's yet another thing (really just some of the main story's storytelling aspects in general) that I wish left a bigger impact in the game: he was right that humans can be absolutely despicable creatures, persecuting one another for the smallest differences in beliefs or ideals or just because they're wrapped up in their own sick and twisted little fantasy. Thinking about it. The fact that the Mediators division even exists should have been a blaring alarm that not everything was hunky dory amongst humans alone since it's not like it was formed once Xenos started coming in and that not everything was as nice as the ECP made things out to be (I'm even shocked that He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named-By-The-Author is the one of the only humans to have noticed this fact or at least be the only one to act on that albeit irrationally and stupidly). Be it the Ma-Non and their rather thickheadedness to the Orpheans and their rational approaches and reactions to things that would mortify others, none of the Xenos (except Veven, and even then only just) seem to grasp why it is that some humans act that way, and I like to think that Elma, Xeno that she is, doesn't either, even more so when one considers how she actually accustomed herself to human esque habits based on her H2Hs (being in a car, owning a cat, doing some engineering work, etc.) and after You-Know-Who gives that spiel to her face...but the game does nothing to address it (like a lot of good concepts in the game unfortunately.
They're presented, but then nothing's really done with them. Guess it's up to folks like us to expand upon them). It's a rather lengthy way of saying it, but I'm glad that you see it that way too.

I'm trying to think back to the Wrothian attack...was no one actually killed in their assault? I know Dana mentions one of her friends getting attacked, but I can't remember f she said that they were killed. I also want to say Mika says something too, but again, can't remember. As an aside, seeing Ga Buidhe at what's presumably the Barrista Court makes me wonder how Ni Zain's business is faring and why Ga Buidhe isn't sitting down for some curry...

Oof. Know that feel Alexa. It's bad enough that I'm kinda terrible with remembering names of people I don't really see on a regular basis. It's worse then they look so much alike, and not just the Zaruboggan thanks to the game recycling models. I do find it funny though that while no one calls out the fact that most Zaruboggans look alike apart from stature, there is that one perfume shop owner who mistook another Ma-Non as her friend.

Nice save. In fairness, it does seem like a slip-up Alexa would make since she's rather loose-lipped about Skells to begin with (makes me wonder if she's accidentally slipped anything about the Prog Ares before the player finds out that it's a thing).

I'll be honest: I figured you were going to show Ga Buidhe drinking something here. I was not expecting her to actually lower her face mask. I thought it was going to be like it is with Naruto's Kakashi where she has some kind of trick for seemingly drinking it through her face mask.

Out of curiosity: Ethos isn't the guy who was reporting in to Luxaar after the Wrothians left, after the Zu Pharg was taken out for a joyride, and during the Battle of the Lifehold, is he? Guessing his race is also unique like most other Ganglion officials (with the exception of Ryyz whom I'm thoroughly convinced is somehow a Qlurian from her Gravity attacks and based on removed audio files indicating that Celica could manipulate Gravity too like Ryyz and the NeilNail constructs).

Not so fun when you're the one being called out as dense, eh Jay?

Uh-oh. I sense a love triangle forming...or a love triangle with Bills kinda hanging off on the side or something?

Ooh right...the note...completely forgot about that once L and the big Oblivia mission got involved. And here I thought Jay was packing up her bags and leaving to find herself or something. Dopey me.

Something doesn't quite add up for me. Anyone reading this, correct me if I'm wrong, but the battle with what's presumably the Ghosts (not the Ganglion as Kirsty thought) in the Habitat Unit was taking place just before the Whale crashed on Mira, right? So how could Jay be fighting outside in her Skell one moment and wind up in a Lifehold Pod the next? Unless you're referring to the battle with the Ganglion as the Whale was initially escaping Earth, in which case please ignore this message, I fail to see how that's possible. Then again, the opening lines do seem to touch on my confusion since somehow Jay's gone and the offscreen voices aren't sure how themselves, so perhaps it's intentional that I'm supposed to be confused about this in which case I guess I'll have to wait and see.

Oh, that night in the Industrial District. Hard to believe Alexa forgot that Jay was crippled in fear and that she tried to help Jay out after snapping her out of it and introducing herself (speaking of, wonder how her phobia of Skells will play into the battle. If the entirety of the Ganglion forces are holes up there, imagine all the Qmoevas, Galdrs, and Seidrs there are. Maybe they even hauled in some Xe-Doms (technically not Skells, but given Jay's reaction to one, they certainly are in her eyes) via Xerns).

Good chapter, but there is one thing I was hoping you could critique about me for a change: do you think my reviews are imposing on your writing? Because if I didn't before, I definitely feel like I'm ghostwriting now, something I was rather hoping to avoid since my first review of Skells & Love as I thought it was going rather well at the time and just decided to spitball a few things as is my reviewing style. Overtime, I can't help but notice how many of those spitballed ideas (as well as the odd criticism or two) have stuck throughout the fic. Did I mention Jay and Nagi talking at some point? Oh hey, there it is. Was there something I previously said about the Wrothian alliance? It's in the next chapter. I'm sorry if I at all sound condescending about all this. It's not that I'm bitter at all seeing some of my ramblings popping up in your fic. Truly, I'm flattered that you've included this many let alone any at all. But I'm also worried that the fic is becoming less of "Skells & Love by Einenias20" and more "Skells & Love by Einenias20 & Rexaura888". It's your fic and head canon first and foremost, and I wouldn't dare impose on it, not intentionally anyways. And I haven't said anything about how Jay and Alexa should be handled (least I don't think so); that's all you, but then so's the world around them. If you don't think there should be more Xenos
Guest chapter 11 . 12/9/2016
An update! THANKS keep this up!
Cormag Ravenstaff chapter 10 . 11/29/2016
10k? You're killin' me

Chapter 10: Words. It has a lot of them

Finally! Elma can get Jay out of her whiney funk.
Well, at least she might be less whiney now. Fingers crossed

Now THAT was a mood swing. Fuck, she's happier than Riki at a feast

I think that cat should be the protag of your next story

I'm just not a fan of Ga Buidhe. She's just so...boring to me

Oh, it's Hope. Forgot she existed. Surprise!

Yo, Jay is fucked up! Physically this time. She just can't catch a break

Ha, forget me complaining about Buidhe, I fuckin' HATE Bozé

Do we even know Alexa's last name?

You heard about the credible rumor going around that XCX is going to get ported to the Switch? Think it'll actually have an ending to the game? XD
Rexaura888 chapter 10 . 11/29/2016
Busted! That's what ya get for being introspective in a public area, never mind the fact that he was only a few yards away from the Barracks. Try atop the Ma-Non ship next time you want some privacy time in NLA, Jay.

Still, a completely empty AD? What are the chances of that occurring? Well, I guess viable could be an answer depending on how buy you think BLADE is post-game compared to during the main story. I just personally think that there'd be people/Xenos pulling all-nighters or BLADEs returning through the East Gate from a long day's night nearly all the time.

Funny thing. When I got to the end of the first segment of Words, I was sitting back and trying to think of a mission that Elma may or may not have been on in-game or in your fics that may have given her insight on how to better handle her confrontation...and I'm at a loss. Jay's is such a unique case, and Elma is far too inexperienced in this kind of deal, using the same approach she did with Kruse when he was about to leave NLA for good. Wonder if she thought she'd be remotely as successful, especially if she knew what happened to Jay's unit.

Talk about your about-faces. Jay really is the master of disguise once she and life put her past temporarily aside.

And that answers my question about Team Elma's pet.

What area of Primordia are they hunting in? I'm just trying to think of what kind of Ciniculas would be roaming in such close proximity to each other as well as Suids. The only area I can think of is outside of the Silent Mire, which leads me to think Bronze Ciniculas, but I can't seem to think of a case where two have been roaming together the same area outside of Noctilum and Sylvalum. Otherwise, there's the Young Ciniculas in the East Janpath Plains (I think. I haven't touched the game for a little over week as of this comment, so names are getting fuzzier) as well as a Bronze, but there aren't any Suids in the area.

A little more obvious about how many admirerers you have when you're not talking Skells or being with them around Skells, eh Alexa?

Yeah, from that fight, I'm guessing Bronze Ciniculas, which makes that leap from a dead one to the shell of the other one that much more impressive (and yet still feasible thanks to Mims). There's no way a couple Young ones would get that kind of reaction out of Jay.

And there's that Ga Buidhe line from your second review video.

Did you check the Cathedral Bell Tower, Alexa? Definitely one of the more unique H2H/NPC spots in the game. Seriously, I can smell the smoke coming from her head in this section.

I haven't said this before, but one of the things that I wasn't entirely keen on in your previous fic was how everyone kept calling Ga Jiarg by his full name, Prince title present or not. It might just be a personal thing, but I guess I'm just not accustomed to hearing his full name like that from people who have addressed him as Prince Jiarg in-game. In fact, the only people I can think that drop the Prince title are Luxaar and one of his subordinates at the end of Chapter 9, and that's because the Ganglion think themselves as being above the Wrothians. Seeing you have Ga Buidhe call him "Prince Jiarg" is a change I'm liking.

The Wrothian-Human alliance is such a weird one to me. I mean it's cool that humans have Samurai (Pizza) Cats in Space as allies, but for what Ga Jiarg calls a temporary alliance until the Ganglion are defeated, humans and Wrothians sure are exchanging a lot with one another. Knowledge of FronteirNav, Ground Gear, cullinary skills, credits (even if it's a one-sided exchange), and now in this fic basic Mim functions. It's like neither side is afraid that they'll use that knowledge against each other some day, a point that's brought up in one of the Affinity Missions (the one where you're investigating he wrecked Wrothian Skells in Noctilum) and never mentioned again, unless neither side thinks the partnership to be so temporary (kinda like what Knuckles has become to Sonic in the Sonic franchise).

Alexa has a bed at the Outfitters Test Hangar. Why am I not surprised?

Oh man, that foreshadowing at the end. It's almost like "Next time on Dragon Ball Z!" levels of anticipation. All in all a pretty good chapter. Was not expecting as much lighthearted moments from this one honestly, but they do help to keep things up. I definitely like how oblivious but not quite oblivious your Alexa is in this chapter, and the Ga Buidhe/Jaynix chemistry is refreshing too in that there's at least conflict on Jaynix's part but she's not necessarily keeping Ga Buidhe out of it like she does with Irina, Elma, or Frye. Speaking of, first time we're not getting any Ostrich dialogue in the fic, huh? Was he one of the parts you had to cut out?

And on that note, I can tell there were parts you wanted to expand on in this chapter and maybe one or two spots where I could see yourself wondering if you should leave it in, even when I ignore what was said in the A/N of Alexa and in the second review response video. As it is though, I think the chapter's just fine. It accomplished what it needed to and set the groundworks for the next chapter (i.e. "Tomorrow" and how people will react based on their interactions with Jaynix "today").

One thing I will point out that did stick out to me, particularly in this chapter and as a result of my bringing up the Ma-Non ship a couple times, is that Xenos that aren't Elma or Wrothians named Ga Buidhe or Ga Jiarg aren't really present in this fic so much. The one detail that stuck out to me is the lack of Tatsu in the breakfast part. I understand you don't like him much, and that's fine. Preferences and all that jazz. It just struck me as a little weird that the "Team Leader" wouldn't show up to try some of Jaynix's food (maybe he prefers the taste of Linly food meh meh!), especially since it's been established in this fic that he's still living with Elma and co. and not travelling as a Nopon emissary of BLADE to different caravans or something. Now, the lack of Tatsu I can get, but then that led me to think "where are all the other Nopon in the city?" Then I started writing this review and when I brought up the Ma-Non ship, I'm thinking "where are the Ma-Non?" And then the questions started stacking up. When I saw Hope with the flowers, Orpheans. Ga Buidhe and Jay hunting for game? Seems more like a Prone thing. My commenting on Bozé's fourth H2H location? Made me think of Fortun which then made me think of Definians. (Oddly enough, Zaruboggans are the only race I didn't think of at all when reading through this chapter).

I know it's not like you're outright excluding them from the fic or your world (Ma-Non were mentioned at some point when Army Pizza was brought up. I think that was just in "Alexa" too, during the morning jog montage), but then I thought back to that bit in the beginning about the empty AD. Apart from what was previously said about how odd it seemed to me (also the apparent lack of Formula Skells walking up and down Division Drive and standing by the East Gate based on how there haven't been any mention of them in previous chapters), the lack of different Xenos makes this depiction of NLA a little...empty? Maybe it's because of how used I am to seeing them across NLA (and I haven't started or seen a new file since starting it up), but couple their lack of presence in this fic (and I think your previous ones) with the fact that Jay is the only human who would have been introduced to all these different races across NLA after they've immigrated and lived amongst humans for some time (and how well she has supposedly adapted to them based on her understanding of the summary she was given, or maybe she just doesn't have a reaction at all to these different cultures and personalities), it is a bit jarring for me. I dunno. It's not like it's detracting from the fic all that much if at all, and it's only something I now noticed. Just thought I'd point it out, and if you think it ain't broke, then it really doesn't need to be fixed.

Anyhow, all that's left to be name dropped at this point are the Murderess (who I'll admit I can't really see fitting in this fic myself, or at least at this stage, but hey, H.B. got his cameo in as did mute Doug, so maybe Sharon might drop by for a surprise), Celica (and by extension Rock. I will say I'm surprised he hasn't been brought up since whenever someone looks over from Repenta to the Outfitter Test Hangar during the day, it's kinda hard to miss the Big Friendly Giant hauling things around) Mia (who's probably still hanging out on the Ma-Non ship), and L (oh boy can't I wait to see your L here. I remember him from your first fic, and I can tell Jay is definitely going to remember him).
Cormag Ravenstaff chapter 9 . 11/22/2016
50 minutes! Damn boi, that'll be something that will take me time to get to

Hey, it's that Alexa chapter! Now you have my attention

I always get the feeling NLA was small. With how many people there are, I can't imagine there's enough room

Alexa has good taste, picking a tank top. Though the game does just kinda throw them at you

How long are you projecting this fic to be?

I'll be honest, Jay's little killing bad guys story was kinda cliché. At least, nothing stood out to me, and it felt typical

No one is that obtuse. Alexa is kind of laughably slow, not understanding what being called beautiful means

I get the feeling this story will end with them dancing

Solid ending, that's some conflict I'm interested in!
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