Reviews for Neighbors
Canada3dayer chapter 5 . 4/2/2019
just found this story, PLEASE FINISH IT! I loved Lou Grant when it was on...
neesie-pie chapter 5 . 2/16/2019
Just recently stumbled across this - I too loved the show when it originally aired. You've captured the characters perfectly. So disappointed that you haven't continued it or written more - the plot is engrossing and I was really enjoying the read.
Louise Hargadon chapter 2 . 10/28/2016
AGH I don't even know who might be the bad guy here! Is the old man gaslighting JoBeth? Has she really been driven crazy by her loneliness? DID THE DOG RIP OPEN THE BIN BAGS? Oh my god. I need to know.

I love Rossi, Donovan and Lou all standing round the Tribune like a bunch of old gossipy ladies trying to figure out what's happened to Billie when she doesn't call in ("Has anyone called in a murder?" "No" "Billie's fine!" OH Joe do not pretend like you aren't worried about her going to a potential crime scene!). And Animal frantically taking photos of literally everything is my favourite thing in the show, he doesn't even need any lines, he punctuates every grunt and facial expression with a perfectly timed "snap"!

This feels so much like a proper episode I found myself thinking "I wonder if this one's on YouTube" before I remembered it's a fanfic! Ooops. But I really cannot wait to read what happens next. I don't trust anyone but our boys and girl at the Tribune!
Louise Hargadon chapter 1 . 10/26/2016
I don't know this show at all but since when has not knowing a show ever stopped me from reading your stuff?!

Oh my gosh this is so exciting! I love Billie and Rossi - constantly winding each other up, him giving her chocolate bars that make it impossible to answer the phone, her not caring about where he's off to unless it's Mars (what did the poor old Martians ever do to deserve him?!). It's brilliant.

This whole neighbour dispute thing sounds like it's really gonna get crazy before Billie sorts the whole mess out. I can't wait to find out what happens.

Also I laughed like a drain at "I'm not cranky!" she said, crankily. Ah. She is us.

Loved this, Teebs me ol sugarplum. Really looking forward to chapitre deux (fluent).

Yours in newsprint
Ell Aitch xxxx