Reviews for Intoxicated
Guest chapter 18 . 10/4/2019
Great Story When Is Chapter 19 Coming.?
LoneAdvocate chapter 18 . 8/24/2019
Finally they're together. Great chapter. Guess they call it liquid courage for a reason.

Can't wait for the "M" rating to kick in with these two lol.
buterflypuss chapter 18 . 8/22/2019
good chap
buterflypuss chapter 17 . 8/21/2019
good chap
123robot chapter 15 . 7/24/2019
Oh man, I REALLY loved this latest chapter. Just so fun all around, between Bonnie's shenanigans and Ash and Clement's little reunion. Bonnie's plan seemed pretty elaborate for what essentially amounted to a change of clothes (and some baking practice), but it was plenty entertaining nonetheless seeing the lengths she went to, plus you can't deny that it had a positive effect. :P Then again, she was lucky enough to have factors out of her control like Clement's inventions and Ash's early return work in her favour, so can't give her full credit as nice as that'd be. :D

The ending of this chapter was super sweet, although despite what you said, I couldn't help but throw my hands up at Ash's insistence in his mind that this is all totally platonic, somehow! :D Literally "will you go out with me" and I was like "Oh my gosh, I don't believe it, it's happening" and he still convinces himself otherwise, unbelievable. :P But I did enjoy it of course - I guess the day out is when things will get really spicy so that's the next thing to look forward to. Depending on what Team Rocket get up to I suppose, although I'm sure they'll be as ineffectual as ever. Can't help but feel a little bad for them though. D:

Also want to mention the last couple of chapters even though I didn't get a chance to review them specifically. I thought it was really interesting how you gave us a slightly different perspective with the focus on Calem and particularly the gym battle - I thought that was a pretty refreshing detour that was unique from the rest of the story, which helped avoid it from feeling like a boring distraction. Plus it's kind of cool how that chapter sort of stands on its own like it's own short story. Although I will say I was definitely pleased for Ash's return because it somehow felt like he'd been gone ages even though it had only been a couple chapters, so nice to have him back. I guess I know how Clemont feels :D

One more thing - I just want to say that I'm totally fine with any delays if you feel they're necessary, and I'd rather that than them being rushed out in spite of quality! So I'm happy with you taking any extra time you need with them. :)

So yeah, in case it wasn't obvious, I think the story is still doing great! :D One of my favourites to keep up with at the moment. Also, sorry this review got a bit long, had a lot of thoughts I wanted to cover.
LoneAdvocate chapter 15 . 7/24/2019
Of course Team Rocket is gonna try to ruin this lol. Can't wait til Friday; go for it Clem.
crownthegoldfish chapter 15 . 7/24/2019
AHHHHHH I was screaming when Clemont asked Ash out omg my science boy finally worked up the courage and did it!
crownthegoldfish chapter 14 . 7/18/2019
Ahhh! I can’t express how much I enjoy your writing! All of the characters are amazing every time and the little side stories are still interesting too. Serena and Calem made me squeal, I think they’re so cute! And of course, the revelation that Ash and Clemont will have some ... alone time... got me really excited for the next chapters! I’m excited for them, but take your time! I’m sure they’ll be great.
crownthegoldfish chapter 13 . 7/10/2019
Man Serena’s so cute, and so is Clemont and damn this Calem boy’s ‘bout to destroy Serena’s feelings for Ash. Either way, this chapter was different but still well-written and sweet!
LoneAdvocate chapter 12 . 7/3/2019
Oh just come out and admit it guys. I'm positive neither would hate you or feel disgust.
Nice ending to this chapter despite the tension, which was needed for a heartwarming scene.
crownthegoldfish chapter 12 . 7/2/2019

caps aside, i really do love your writing and the subtle details, serena’s saltiness and really uncomfortable attempts at trying to sway ash her way are great, and bonnie’s appearance was great as always. this chapter was p angsty but i loved it, as i love all of them! keep up the amazing work
MoonBeamStruck chapter 11 . 6/27/2019
Woow these chapters are getting more intense every time you post a new one. I love it! For the test: I am in favor of the story continuing in this direction ;)
123robot chapter 11 . 6/26/2019
Hi, just wanted to let you know I'm still really enjoying this! Things have really built up a lot in the story since my last review - it's honestly grabbing me more and more with each passing chapter. :D I can't go over everything, but I'll mention some things - I hadn't been expecting Bonnie to take on such a major role, but I'm definitely happy for it because her antics and stuff are a lot of fun to read! She's certainly very brazen, so she makes things very entertaining!

For this chapter especially, it almost KILLS me inside how ridiculously close it seemed they were getting but not quite there, haha! This is some torture you're putting us through here. :P Oh, also, I had actually been thinking the same about the sexuality thing so was good to see that addressed. Finally, as for your "test", I was totally caught offguard specifically because I had assumed it wasn't going there, so I suppose you could say it was more of a surprise. :P But I'm completely in favour of more like that, so you know. Plus it'd look out of place otherwise. :D

That's all I have to say so keep up the good work!
crownthegoldfish chapter 11 . 6/26/2019
Hot damn that was spicy! I appreciate your authors’ note and how you handled the sexuality talk with Bonnie! Admittedly I even implied in my last review that liking both men and women meant bisexuality when there’s even more to that and the other different sexualities that exist too. Aside from that, I love all of these interactions, and Ash and Clemont are so frustratingly close to getting together but AREN’T and I know that’s the point. It’ll make them getting together even more cute and satisfying! I absolutely adore the hint at cultural differences, such as how drinking soup isn’t polite in Clemont’s book but perfectly fine in Japan and the mention of chopsticks! I know Ash has already travelled in Unova so he probably got reprimanded there but I can just imagine Ash slurping his soup so loudly since it’s a sign of respect/that you’re enjoying your meal in Japan but then Clemont is like “uh, Ash can you eat your soup quieter please” and Ash is confused.

Speaking of Ash being confused, oof that wet dream. Sounds mean but I can’t wait to read about Clemont moping around and being salty at Ash for pushing him away that night. I love reading every chapter of this and I’ll probably end up re-reading all of it in the future when I have time. I love it, keep up the great work!
MoonBeamStruck chapter 10 . 6/21/2019
Great chapter, love the idea of the horror movie :)
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