Reviews for All But One
Mylastfantasy10 chapter 4 . 11/6/2018
I really wish you'd continue this. Recently there has been such a lack in good HA! Fanfics that I've been rereading old fics. I just finished please dont forget me, and decided to look at your other stuff because it was really good. This fic to me has so much potential so if you haven't given up on this and you get some free time, I would be very grateful if you saw this fic through.
Asha-Blue18 chapter 5 . 5/31/2018
Hi! I know it’s 2018 and you last updated in 2016, but please, please, please continue this. I actually love your characterizations - it just doesn’t make sense for Arnold to be so passive all the time.

Your Helga has so much spunk. It sort of reminds me of my godforsaken HS days - was one of those girls who barely bothered to fit in.

And lastly - your Brainy was surprising but good!
dvd123 chapter 5 . 4/12/2017
I really hope you continue with this! I'm loving what you have so far.

Hee, so like Helga to ignore a sign and toss it away. xD It looks like she's been to Dinoland quite often, to have a backpack already there. In a way, she's already opening up to him. But Arnold better watch himself lol, though the bet hardly ever seems like it's on his mind whenever he's with her.
SlicedOnion chapter 5 . 1/4/2017
Trapped? Completely out of touch with his feelings? What's going on here? Oh I wish you'd continue...
SlicedOnion chapter 4 . 1/4/2017
Brainy?! Took me by surprise! I liked it. Poor guy.
KurooB chapter 5 . 12/23/2016
update soon pls
Missmybcmiyuki chapter 5 . 12/15/2016
HEADS UP! Long review inbound. Sorry i havent reviewed anything in ages so forgive me if a ramble.

I have been in a arnold and helga mood for weeks.
Watched all the episodes and movie, now im reading as much fanfics as possible.

I've read so many, some great others okay.
The premise for yours seems to follows the classic 'boy gets bet to date girl, falls in love, truth comes out, girl is pissed'

Which is hit and miss for me but im honestly very intrigued to see how the story unwinds for these two.

All in all i have not reason to think there's anything wrong with what you have written so far.

I think it's all well paced and the character's personalities seem well evolved based on their ages.

So i'm sad to see it end here and i hope it does not get deleted. Because i do hope you will decide to come back to this one day.

I know ill be on this arnold and helga kick next year too. Seeing as i found out just the other day about the jungle movie being made :D

Welp im off to read more, as this lingers in me, thoughts of what might have been.
Arnold the Lord chapter 5 . 11/26/2016
I say that you should ignore the haters because they are only here to express negative hate, thats what im doing and if I can do it so can you. I'm not a experience writer but I can tell that you know way more than me and you have a gift alright. With my heart, please continue this talented story
CatLady chapter 5 . 11/22/2016
Aww please continue with this story. I've been reading Hey Arnold stories for a while and it's hard to find a story as good as this one. The story is actually interesting, your writing style is great, and so is your grammar. Please ignore the negative reviews, anyone can write a negative review. Not everyone can give constructive concritizisim or a positive one. Those are the people you should listen to :)
sensei40 chapter 1 . 11/19/2016
Hi there thought id give your story some love and attention.

I have read over hundreds of fanfictions and even wrote some of my own and i know how it can be for writers to receive negative reviews. If you decide to continue the story then that is fine and if not that is also good. As one of the reviews said this is YOUR story and it should end when you decided it would end not when a couple of flamer leave a purposeful bad review.

The story.
There are many HelgaXArnold stories on the web site and i don't usually read any of them. I found your story to be very well thought out, especially the characters and how they behave as teens is also a great. I especially like how you portray the two main characters and how different childhoods affected them later in life. This is a well written, thought out fic, it be a shame if it went unfinished. :) have a smiley
Smckoy929 chapter 5 . 11/18/2016
Please please , please continue the story!
Jackie chapter 5 . 11/16/2016
I honestly believe that you should continue with your story. I can tell that you are a very talented passionate writer. I also belive This is YOUR story and has the potential of bieng a fine pice of art. I can also honestlt tell that you have Been definitely keeping all of the characters in their character while having a more realistic approach as to how their behaviors might be as teenagers in high school. I don't find Geralds or Sids Behavior to be disgusting or shameful I actually applaud you on the way you were capable of keeping them in character while also maturing and developing their brains as to what it would be like for them as any tipical high school students. I mean who here has honestly stayed the same from how they were in elementary school and not changed from then on into their High School years. I mean common! All of those stupid hate comments you were getting are a bunch of people who don't know anything about a good story. And it breaks my heart to see someone like you, who has this drive and huge passion and Talent for writing to be brought down by a bunch of idiots who not only manage to break you down but are dumb enough to not realize that this is a fanfiction! I mean the reason for fanfiction is to give writers an opportunity to bring their imagination and viewpoints to life and let their creativity run wild. And it's simple if those haters didn't agree with what you were writing then they don't have to read it! but i hope you knowthere's a bunch of us who are here to support you in your writing. And all those haters are wrong for trying to correct you and tell you how to write YOUR story. I honestly hope you reconsider and not delete this story.
MuddyMutty chapter 5 . 11/12/2016
Hey, I just found this off the Hey Arnold front page. I love it, but if you've decided not to continue it that's your choice. I hope to see good things from you later on, whether it's this story or not! Good work, I wish I was as creative as you.
Usha chapter 5 . 11/10/2016
But that's just cruel, I was reading with such great interest. Please write more.
Arnold the Lord chapter 4 . 11/9/2016
I love how the story is coming out, keep on doing what you do because it's amazing.
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