Reviews for Duel House
Guest chapter 13 . 3/12
Because I am tired of everyone suggesting THE EXACT SAME THING I'm going to suggest a deck for Luna.

While it's true that their is only one "music themed deck", there's plenty of decks that fit Luna much better in both design and theme, such as a "Dragunity" deck.

With monsters that can be described as either, "Warriors riding Dragons", "Warriors using Dragons as weapons", or "Dragonwarriors" I think it's metal enough for Luna, and with a strategy that can be summed up as "everyone supports everyone else" it matches her personality as one of the most supporting sisters in the family, always willing to help someone else if she's able.

Of course the choice is up to you if she gets a deck or not, I just wanted to give my opinion.

Good luck with your stories. :-)
The Storyteller993 chapter 5 . 1/12
And thats game
diazmanu2002 chapter 13 . 1/9
Please a duel with ciber dragons
Wolvenstrom chapter 13 . 1/8
Nice. It makes perfect sense for them to duel for it.

I still think of the other other girls get into dueling then Luan should have performages or performimals. Lisa could have chemicrittere or alchemy deck, and while I do picture Lynn with a battling boxer deck with its theme of countering your opponent like an actual boxer . I also can't help but imagine her being tricked or forced to use a 'wimpy' or 'girly' deck like maldoche or dragon maid or ghostrick, and ultimately deciding when offered a 'real' deck that she'd rather use the 'wimp' deck and see the looks in her opponents faces when she beats them with 'cream puff monsters'.

The only one that confounds me is Luna. The only proper music archetype is melodias. Which is based on divas and idols. Not rock and roll. Unless she has a lesson about embracing a side of herself she thought she'd buried. Otherwise I'd say some machine or rock type.
sonic423 chapter 13 . 1/8
This is a good chapter, but I don’t remember the text about ultimate falcon is special summon by remove rise falcon who is rank 6 cause the spell card, I remember only can use rank up magic skip force to summon satellite cannon falcon.
Mr. Haziq chapter 13 . 1/7
*insert You Still Take Damage meme*

Gotta admit, settling it with a duel is the most mature and easy way to settle a dispute.
The Keeper of Worlds chapter 13 . 1/7
Impressive, and if I had to guess it was Rainbow Overdragon. The maxed out insane fusion they have.
JTWAS1994 chapter 13 . 1/7
Excellent Work As Usual Buddy!
Harriet546 chapter 13 . 1/7
Awesome! Leni won the duel against Lori with Rainbow Dragon and Elemental Hero Neos to end the bickering over the dress while Rita is revealed to see duel spirits like Lincoln, Leni and Lily.
Gamelover41592 chapter 13 . 1/7
Awesome the duel was great and it looks like Rita and Albert know something looking forward to seeing where this goes :)
Zoryan El Muerto chapter 13 . 1/7
Agreed. Leni and Lori had a fun duel, and the former showed she shouldn’t be underestimated. She’s like a fashionista Jaden Yuki, not all that bright but a wiz on the dueling field. I can guess that communicating with duel spirits runs runs in the family, seeing as Rita May have some experience.
Sonicfriend129 chapter 1 . 8/1/2019
Yellowpikmin88 chapter 9 . 7/21/2019
You know, if you decide to get Luan in on duelling she has to have Pegasus' toon monsters.
sonic423 chapter 12 . 7/20/2019
Good chapter, except you put too many pot of greed in this chapter, do that one time. If you want them to draw more cards Try pot of Avarice or reckless greed or something. but one time. Or cards like supply squad. Just trying to help.
The Storyteller993 chapter 4 . 7/20/2019
Well that was fun , to bad for Clyde he lost but he still got to spend time with Lori after the duel .
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