Reviews for Courting Anne
Denie1943 chapter 20 . 8/22
Really sweet ending that BEGS for a sequel. I would love to see a story that tells about the journey through medical school and finds it too difficult for our favorite couple to remain apart and leads to a new plan, a wedding and an early beginning to their forever. Thanks for sharing. Stay well!
Denie1943 chapter 18 . 8/22
Exquisite! What more can be said? Thanks for sharing. Stay well!
Guest chapter 20 . 7/23
This is amazing your easily one of the best authors on this site pls pls keep writing like this.. Its so beautiful
LoveStory1974 chapter 20 . 6/29
It's sublime _
Thank you
Ds chapter 16 . 5/3
Ok, so you added great depth to Roy and bless you for that, most fics are just about how awful he was. Then you added some dry humour depth to Stella and this is hilarious ;)
My only complaint: In Canada in January in the orchard Gil puts a chain on Annes neck and admires the where isher scarf? really i would say they would be heavily muffled was a habit, routine, no way they forgot.
Oh ok, second complaint: how do you remove a glove of one hand while your other you hold to someone else...with your teeth? noo...not a lady in xix century...
Ds chapter 5 . 5/2
Seems his old trick of being a witty funny chum works best - Gilbert should remember his old strategy...
Merill9804 chapter 19 . 4/26
I believe I forgot the most important piece: all your orphanage-leaves-its-impression part of the plot. Somehow we all forget about Anne's history, and despite that you managed to incorporate those little facts into her behaviour&character.
(And so much fluff and romance! I love such good endings.)
Merill9804 chapter 20 . 4/26
I may as well write a full review then. Your idea for the story was wonderful. And even if it wasn't much easier than in canon, I already feel I'll be going back to this universe. You created gentle, lovely characters, and an interesting plot. In short, even when not perfect, the story is worth reading and sharing. Thank you for writing it.
Merill9804 chapter 15 . 4/26
I didn't intend to leave a review, but I must. Your Royal Gardner is the best Royal Gardner I've ever read, including LMM's original.
lilyofthevallies chapter 15 . 2/2
The ending of this chapter is somehow one of the most romantic things I've ever read. Amazing story!
Northlandgirl chapter 20 . 12/12/2019
ahh this was such a nice story. celt completely real for those characters. I enjoyed Gilbert's point if view AS well as Roy's portrayal. Thank you for this lovely story! my insides were all fluttering ar all the right places :D
katriaine chapter 20 . 11/5/2019
This is so amazing and beautiful. Thank you and please write more
DrinkThemIn chapter 1 . 7/28/2019
Re-reading again (for probably the fifth time). Love it all so much!
AoggFan chapter 20 . 2/21/2019
This is so so beautiful! I read the whole thing in one setting. You write these two SO well! I’m looking forward to binge reading your other stories now. Thank you so much for giving us this lovely fix.
TheMasterOfEmocorns chapter 20 . 10/8/2018
This story was so beautiful! Thank you for sharing!
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