Reviews for All That You Are
Guest chapter 1 . 11/27/2018
I. Love.
Tsukimine12 chapter 1 . 10/1/2018
This is beautiful and yet it hurts like hell
Loved it!
WaffleNinja412 chapter 1 . 5/24/2018
Time Flies In The Summer chapter 1 . 5/25/2017
This is so cute and pure! I love it!
Lady of the Sky chapter 1 . 1/12/2017
CatZ301 chapter 1 . 1/11/2017
Black Party 2
Bernard asked if he could go and meet Bernice’s parents. Once, his parents agreed, Bernard walked away and sat down at Bernice’s table.

"Bernard, these are my parents." Bernice said. "Charlie and Jenny Pines."

"Nice to meet the both of you." Bernard said as he shook hands with both of Bernice’s parents. "My full name is Bernard James Snowcloud."

"The same goes for you Bernard." Mrs. Pines said with a smile.

"This is my thirteen year old daughter, Heather Pines and my parents, Robert and Brenda Pines." Mr. Pines said.

Bernard shook hands with Bernice’s sister and grandparents.

"Bernice, would you like to go on the roller costar with me?" Bernard asked.

"Mom and Dad, would that be okay?" Bernice asked.

"Go right ahead." Mrs. Pines said.

"We’ll wait here when you’re done." Mr. Pines said.

Bernard and Bernice nodded and they went to go get in line for the roller costar.

On the roller costar, Bernice and Bernard were in a red car and they were talking to each other.

"Why don’t we just be friends and get to know each other better?" Bernice suggested.

"That’s a good plan." Bernard said.

Once the ride was over, Bernard and Bernice got off and they said goodbye before they each walked off to their parents.

The End
Friendship101 chapter 1 . 1/8/2017
Love at first Sight
Eighteen year old Kyle Calls was helping his mother do yardwork. Just then, they saw a moving van and a car pull up to a house on the corner.

A man, a woman, and a teenage girl got out of their car. They started unloading the car while the movers unloaded the moving van and bringing everything inside.

"Mom, can I go over there and meet the new family?" Kyle asked.

"Go right ahead." Mrs. Calls said. "I’ll wait here."

"I’ll be back." Kyle promised and he walked away.

Kyle walked up to the house. The girl and her parents turned around to look at him.

"Hi my name is Kyle Calls." Kyle said. "I live a few houses down from here."

"I’m Harold Steps." Mr. Steps said.

"I’m his wife Susie Steps." Mrs. Steps said.

"And I’m their eighteen year old daughter Kayla Steps." Kayla said.

"Nice to meet you." Kyle said. "Kayla do you want to meet my parents?"

"I would like that." Kayla said.

Once Kayla’s parents agreed on it. Kyle and Kayla headed toward Kyle’s house.

At the house, Kyle and Kayla walked up to Kyle’s parents. Kyle introduced Kayla to his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Calls shook hands with Kayla and said it was nice to meet her.

"Same here." Kayla said.

"Let’s exchange phone numbers." Kyle said.

"That’s a good idea." Kayla said and then she and Kyle did just.

An hour later, Kayla said goodbye to Kyle and his parents. Then she left the house.

The End
Book girl fan chapter 1 . 12/11/2016
That is so cute! And bittersweet as well, that there are so few times Leo can just be their big brother.
German Girl chapter 1 . 11/8/2016
This is so cute and warm and like everything you write, so easy to see! You write mindmovies to me
Thanks for that
Guest chapter 1 . 10/29/2016
This is precious!
Sparky chapter 1 . 10/14/2016
Haha. Sneaky sneaky making us think that the bros were going to war! A different war! Not this cute thing. Haha. Leo is such a dork isn't he? His face when he first puts on the space suit speaks all
CelandineGranger chapter 1 . 10/13/2016
This was pure gold. Such a touching little tale! Leo the dorky big brother is my favorite Leo. :)
Christina chapter 1 . 10/13/2016
Can u do a story where Leo is in heat Donnie and Leo go to the farm house so they don't have worry about their kids and Mikey and splinter and they stay at the farm house unlit Leo isn't in heat anymore and on the way down there Donnie thought Leo was going to stay asleep unlit they got there but he ends up waking up and goes in to heat and starts having sex with Donnie in the Battleshell While he is driving and when Leo is on longer in heat they go back home and then Donnie starts to feel sick and after he ran some test he finds out that his pregnant but he doesn't know that he's triplets he thinks that it's only two babies he carrying and the triplets are all boys and Raph is the smallest and youngest of the triplets and Raph birth is harder than his older brothers and Raph is special needs and is disabled and mentally disabled and Raph can't walk with out one of his parents helping him and Raph stays the size of a six year old and Leo and Donnie have two older kids that are both girls that are twins and they both four years old. Thanks :)
XxToxicBabyGirlxX chapter 1 . 10/13/2016
Sesshomarusama3 chapter 1 . 10/13/2016
Help me I'm dead :'D this is too pure!
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