Reviews for A Girl Walked Into a Bar
bttrflybelle chapter 52 . 7/29
I'm thinking wolf in sheep's clothing..still cant wait for your next chapter no matter how long it takes.
jackie69 chapter 52 . 7/29
Great to see Sookie not trusting Claudine...she really must earn it!
drhilde chapter 52 . 7/26
Sorry for not reviewing every chapter. This story is amazing! Thanks for writing. I love the characters and your plot twists :)
msbuffi chapter 52 . 7/26
Great chapter, however; I'm with Sook on this one. Claudine has to earn that trust, and she would have to be proving herself to me for a looonnnnggg time! Also, just how did she expect Sookie to take her news of being Fae-baby machine? I truly laughed out loud, and so hard that I almost spit water at my screen! Sookie's responses are perfect as always. I love this story!

I'm so sorry to read of your losses due to Covid. Not knowing anyone personally who has lost someone, I can't imagine the helplessness and desperation you must feel, especially knowing you cannot be there with your loved one. My heart goes out to you. There doesn't seem to be an end in sight soon for this terrible pandemic, so it seems all we can do is follow the CDC guidelines to keep ourselves as safe as possible. You have my gratitude for all you have done and continue to do as an essential worker, for putting yourself in harm's way to help others in this time of great need. Please don't forget to take care of yourself and be safe! Until the next chapter.
magnus374 chapter 52 . 7/26
Good to see that Sookie us careful about who to trust.
Perfecta999 chapter 52 . 7/26
What a good read!
Midwestmom chapter 52 . 7/25
I need to re-read a bit before I get to the new chapter but I’m super excited! I’m an essential worker myself, but not front lines by any means, and reading is my escape. Thanks for writing and please stay safe!
tleel chapter 52 . 7/25
Thank you for the chapter.
ljhjelm49 chapter 52 . 7/25
I love the update and you are back.
georgiasuzy chapter 52 . 7/25
Thanks for the update! I'll always wait for you to come back to your stories. I appreciate your job as an essential worker. I hope you get some time to relax and recharge your batteries, whether or not you are able to concentrate on writing. You're one of my favorite authors. Take care of yourself.
VampMad50 chapter 52 . 7/25
Thanks for the chapter. It’s certainly great to get. Thank you for your essential work during these times. Stay safe :-)
Duckbutt chapter 52 . 7/25
Thanks for the update! Sorry that as an "essential employee" you seem to have been run ragged. We understand that updates may be far and few between and we'll treat any of them as a gift! Great update but I don't trust Claudine!
georgiasuzy chapter 51 . 7/1
Lots of perfidy going on. This is another great chapter you've knocked out! Thanks so much for making time to write. I love this story and your other stories as well. Stay healthy!
LROlms chapter 51 . 6/28
I re-read this story for the third time to refresh my mind and hoping that you would've updated...I'm disappointed that you haven't updated since April but I hope you are doing well and keeping safe.
MissingEric chapter 10 . 6/27
Rereading. Loving it
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