Reviews for Fear of Heights
LostZoro chapter 1 . 1/30/2019
We need more tidbits like this.
AnotherGirlWithAStory chapter 1 . 1/14/2017
I'm really bad at writing reviews but I'm going to give it my best shot and hope it works out!

I'm gonna repeat myself for like the third time and say that I really love the way you write. This time I especially love how you wrote James. He is a tricky character - I think so anyway - but you managed to write him perfectly. He's charming and stubborn without being obnoxious or just over the top. I can imagine these two in a relationship from reading this fic.

Really well done!
fanfictionfan1990 chapter 1 . 11/30/2016
I don't think I've read a James/Hermione story before or at least one that I can remember. She's always shipped it's either Sirius or Remus. It's refreshing to see her paired with a Potter in this AU. In canon I do ship her more with Harry.

I think you characterised them well. I can totally see Hermione being having a fear of heights. She can't learn flying from a book. James helping her overcome her fear is really sweet.

I think it's predictable that Hermione was mad that the charm didn't work. That had me chuckling. Maybe I should read the story that this is a companion to.

This was really well written.
public static void chapter 1 . 11/29/2016
I'll be honest and say I didn't really enjoy this. Hermione is one of the characters I like the least and on top of that I think your characterization of her was a bit off.
The good thing is that I loved James because his dialogues felt as something he would say, and I'm sure he would have tried to teach a Hermione how to fly.
scrumptiousinternetllama chapter 1 . 11/29/2016
This was sweet! I loved the characterisations in this and it was both hilarious and slightly terrifying. I felt bad for Hermione but I couldn't deny that the situation was hilarious and James' cheeky comments were so endearing. The descriptions of how tiny everything looked from high up made it so much easier to see Hermione's fear. I really enjoyed the story; thank you for sharing!
The Crownless Queen chapter 1 . 11/28/2016
I don't think I'll ever truly love this pairing, but you did manage to make me enjoy it :p I can totally see James thinking his girlfriend needs to know at least something about Quidditch, and the interactions between him and Hermione were so well done and well-written I actually could believe such a date happened between them :p
Lovely story :)
Nuuhtella chapter 1 . 11/27/2016
This was very well written. The characterisation was really good. You wrote Hermione's personality to a T and did well exploring James. The idea of Hermione being afraid of heights is pretty funny - I like it. James was just the right amount of cocky and sweet which was cool. Well done.
Alytiger chapter 1 . 10/17/2016
LoveNeverDies78 chapter 1 . 10/16/2016
I've never read this pairing and, although it was an interesting story, I don't think I really care for Jamione. You did a good job with it though.
WrenWinterSong chapter 1 . 10/11/2016
I don't read a lot of crossgen or AU since it's not my cup of tea, but despite that, I thought this fic was really adorable. I've always imagined Hermione having a fear of flying, especially on a broom, so I've always liked fics that get her on a broom. I've never considered James and Hermione as a pairing, but you do a convincing job here by keeping them in character. James is his usual slightly immature, always teasing self while Hermione is still a bit uptight and easily flustered. My nitpicks are that the dialogue could be a bit more natural and flowing and both of them say each other's names quite a lot, to the point of being a bit distracting at the beginning of the story. Other than that, this fic was enjoyable and cute.
Jinx chapter 1 . 10/11/2016
More Jamione please!
ClaireBergstrom chapter 1 . 10/9/2016
Hahaha James was so mean! Poor Hermione.