Reviews for When Kingdom Comes
Guest chapter 1 . 11/12/2019
i ship dramione and all, but this was just soooo saddd! :'((((
Guest chapter 1 . 7/26/2019
I cried more to this then when my dog died. And I’m not sarcastic this really hit me but not in a good way , I mean the person who wrote this is talented but it was more pain then enjoy. It was only pain.
A Decent Writer chapter 1 . 10/25/2018
Much applause. (Not sarcastic I promise)
kellykaloo chapter 1 . 1/22/2018
Wow. But ouch. But so much wow.
bright places chapter 1 . 9/23/2017
my heart broke. good job hehe
LullabyTales chapter 1 . 9/8/2017
This is so lovely. And glad that Pansy in this story is someone who you can be in a real life. A dream for your own prince but it's an unrequited love but in the end, you can still manage it. A strong woman there.
Islandpersuasion chapter 1 . 5/7/2017
This story hurt my entire soul. I absolutely loved how it was written and while I cried I couldn't help but feel for you. You did an amazing job humanizing Pansy and I felt so sorry for her, she just seemed so lost and resigned. Im so terribly sorry this happened to you. This was an amazing work of art that expressed so much raw emotion and attention to detail.
Chard0 chapter 1 . 3/17/2017
This was an amazing story
oldstardust chapter 1 . 2/24/2017
Beautiful. Bittersweet. Lovely. Perfectly expressed emotions. Wonderful writing.
delightfullyscreechingtyrant chapter 1 . 1/9/2017
Omg. The feels. I hate this Story. I mean I love it don't get me wrong. It's beautifully written. It's love. It's tragic. But I hate that this happened to you. No one deserves that.
I generally don't like Pansy (JKR's Pansy, NOT talking about you here). She's just so superficial and cruel. But this was mean. Draco behaved like a complete asshole. He just used Pansy. To get over Hermione. That's cruel. I mean did he ever even feel more than friendship for her? And how dare he use Pansy as an excuse like that? Did he try to be noble or what? No. You do not treat your friends like that. Least of all your supposedly best friends. You just don't. And I mean, he knew! He knew Pansy loved him. She told him goddamit. And he still used her to forget Hermione.
Ugh! This makes me so angry. Don't get me wrong I will always love Dramione. They're my OTP and I will go down with this ship. But that doesn't justify his behaviour. Gods, I hate this. It's such a beautiful, tragic love story with a happy ending for Dramione and (seemingly) no ending for Pansy. She's lost. I mean I doubt she'll lose his friendship for good. That won't happen. But it will never be like it was. They'll tip toe around each other. She'll have to see him be happily in love with another women. And she won't be able to do anything against it. Gosh, I hate this. This is one of those stories you have to read when you'd sad af so you can cry your eyes out.

I hate it so so much that this happened to you. I hate it.
littlemuser chapter 1 . 11/26/2016
This is so bittersweet but even so I like
wickedride chapter 1 . 11/26/2016
This was beautiful ! You nailed Pansy's emotions and expressed them perfectly! Loved it :)
I am WhoPotterLocked chapter 1 . 11/2/2016
Oh my gods, the feels. I don't even know what I'm feeling rn. It hurts that this happened to you in some extent, but the Dramione love is like a balm, soothing it, but still letting it sting. My body is literally aching from this mixture of feels, I don't even know how to describe it. Wow. How much of this has really happened to you? Like, how similar was your relationship to this one? If you do not want to answer, no hard feelings, but if it hurts then you may want to share that story with someone, so that they can help you heal. Or just get yourself a real Draco to keep to yourself.
Harmonic Wisp chapter 1 . 10/30/2016
I've never really understood heartache - true, unadulterated heartache, until recently. A year ago, I would've rolled my eyes at the thought of how seemingly painful heartache can be. I would have looked at Pansy's situation and possibly been pitying at best.

I wouldn't have understood.

That pain in your chest, as if a lead weight had decided to permanently etch itself there, isn't some metaphorical feeling. It's a physical, very real discomfort that doesn't go away no matter how often you claw at it or drown yourself with ice cream or other distractions. And the only thing that can really make that feeling go away is -time-.

The worst part? I can tell that Pansy loves Draco so much that whatever anger she held the night they finally broke up won't hold for long. She let him go because she loves him. There isn't misplaced hate or rage at her situation, just the hope that time will make that awful ache go away so she can be happy for her best friend.

But that's love, and the best thing we can get from heartache is the knowledge that if we ever finally get that connection we crave we'll treasure it all the more.
LittleMountainofLight chapter 1 . 10/27/2016
Despite my dislike for Pansy's character, you did a great job at humanizing her. Thank you for writing this! I can't wait to re-read it.

(PS I am sorry that this happened to you.)
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