Reviews for Two Years in San Francisco
T'Sara chapter 20 . 7/13
I just discovered this and am really enjoying it. I hope you update this soon!
tanseynz chapter 20 . 7/4
Thank you SO much for updating this marvellous story. Until this, I’d found most OC stories to be too canon dissimilar to engage me, but Sivok and Matteson are simply too compulsive.
I laughed so much at this chapter given FINALLY Sivok has realised what everyone around him could see. What a nut!
And your descriptions of his emotional (another Vulcan delusion is they’re invariable calm and in control) hysteria when expected to feed fish and carnivorous plants was just hilarious.
Please continue if you’re able - this entertains such very well.
mindofconfussion chapter 19 . 6/27
A Total Fangirl, Pt. 2 (Pt. 1 is on chapter 20, and I didn’t realize we could only post one review per chapter): I would also like to state that I admire the amount of research, and effort, you clearly put into this masterpiece. I loved all the details, and the scientific garble that I half understood. The emotions were fine. I had thought it jumped into them a little hastily, at first, but it suits them, and I love it. You’ve written into creation a Vulcan that I love to read about, other than Spock and Sarek. That has been somewhat hard to find. I love Sivok and Cecelia together. I constantly fangirl and have to suppress squeals, as I don’t live alone. THANK YOU FOR THIS GLORIOUS MOOD LIFTING STORY!
mindofconfussion chapter 20 . 6/27
I just finished reading what you have so far, having devoured it over the last three days. I couldn’t put it down, to the point where I didn’t sleep as much as I should have. I NEED that ending! I hope to encourage you to push forward. I did notice a few errors along the way, including some missing words, and one or two repeats. However, I adore your style, and hope to see more from you! With all the prettiest of pleases, A Total Fangirl.
Guest chapter 20 . 6/20
I can't believe you stopped writing there! Thanks for sharing the story so far.
irockmysocksoff53 chapter 20 . 5/25
I remember reading this a long time ago on AO3 and loving every chapter that was out at that moment. I still, after rereading this today, love everything about this story. Characters feel fleshed out believable and lets be honest a vulcan and human paring is just precious to read about.
I really appreciate how you put in so much work and passion in writing this and I hope to see more of this fantastic story in the future!
Guest chapter 20 . 5/12
I don't remember the password or even the email account I've used, so I'll have to post as guest for the moment.
I hope everything is well with you and I wish you all the best,
Mme Fish
RemusJ chapter 20 . 4/29
I'm so glad to see this chapter finally posted and the bright side of sheltering in place is that I finally had the time to read it (again). The last chapter was posted prior to Pike appearing on Discovery so until now, I had imagined him as Jeffrey Hunter. But reading this chapter I found that I now see him as Anson Mount. There were some funny moments in this chapter that I really enjoyed - Sivok smirking at Pike and Pike now being able to read his expressions well enough to know it, Sivok wanting to correct the substrate levels in the aquarium, and realizing "he was able to achieve a meditative state standing over a dangerous body of water." When he said, "Perhaps you will find Vulcan footwear more efficient" I could have sworn I heard Rose Nylund's voice, lol. I've been watching a lot of Golden Girls lately. Although at first Sivok seems like a typical Vulcan, you have fleshed him out as a unique individual with moments such as his squeamishness when feeding the plants and his utter cluelessness about his own feelings and behaviors. Now that he's no longer clueless the story should get even more interesting and I'm really looking forward to it.
Guest chapter 20 . 4/7
Please, please, please continue! I need this to be complete!
Bianca chapter 12 . 4/7
I like Sivok's protective nature for Matteson. I feel bad he doesn't understand himself. I don't think he's ever been in love before.

I wonder how much he'll change in regards to his attitude towards humans. He reminds me of Mr. Darcy, lol.

I really really like the Octopus, Frank, and the link he has with Sivok. That was really nice. I never even thought about the telepathic link that could happen between them. And I do love Frank's sneakiness, lol. Sivok feeling betrayed towards Frank was something, hahaa.
Bianca chapter 11 . 4/7
I'm really enjoying Sivok's unconscious jealously, especially when he pulled her down from cheering on Pike, lol. It's cute.
Bianca chapter 10 . 4/7
I like the whole plot of this.

I do feel really bad for the older Vulcan. I know what he did was wrong but I can't help feeling pity for him. :(

Also, I think having chapter names would be great. I always like names for chapters to give the story a little more flavor.
Bianca chapter 7 . 4/7
I like how Sovik, and a lot of other Vulcans for that matter, is so cute. They're quite innocent, I would say, at least socially. I feel sort of bad for them with their confusion.

I also like the explaining of Vulcan etiquette. I don't know much about it but it is very fascinating. It reminds me of Japanese culture in a way with it being so reserved.
Bianca chapter 5 . 4/7
I think it's incredibly adorable that Sivok is jealous, lol. I think he's being willfully blind in his attraction to Cecilia. At least partially.
Bianca chapter 4 . 4/7
I never thought I'd read a story where a Vulcan was so prejudiced. But they really are now that I think about it, lol.

It's not necessarily a bad thing unless it gets in the way like what's happening to Sivok here. I think it's more honest than any other fanfics I've read concerning Vulcans. Tomfoolery is more polite with it but I think I like Sivok's point of view. Not that he's prejudiced, only that he's being completely honest about his thoughts and views.
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