Reviews for Naruto: The Uchiha Prodigy
Adrien.Zviaguine chapter 20 . 9/6
Hey! I don't know if you're looking for a beta reader but if you are I can volunteer! I'll try to help with grammar and your overall writing quality.
Anyway I loved this story. I think it quite good in spite of some trouble and small mistake, but it doesn't distract me from the overall goodness it.
It is actually my second read through ahah!
Anyway bye!
AshShotX chapter 22 . 8/6
I’m a little depressed this story never got finished or the re-write that was promised. Even though that sucks the story was good and had a lot of potential be an amazing story. Most Sharingan naruto fix’s have him as some sorta god when he’s a Genin but you did good with his power. Yes he was easily Jonin or elite Jonin level but Itachi was similar when he was 13-14.
Anyways I can only hope you either continue the story or rewrite. Honestly I don’t see why a rewrite is needed but it’s your story and your decision.
uflesh940 chapter 18 . 6/27
"no medic-nin alive will be able to fix what I do to you" sounds kinda hot tbh
Zenobien chapter 9 . 6/15
screech release Imfao
GoldeN ViZionZ chapter 10 . 6/12
I also like how you have thrown in some references to other anime in this story as well with Naruto using the word mongrel like Gilgamesh and Kasumi stretching out words like Happy from Fairy Tail.
GoldeN ViZionZ chapter 9 . 6/12
Lmao I love how you are calling Sakura’s screeching a kekkei genkai.
ThatBlackMan chapter 5 . 6/2
Smartyul chapter 22 . 4/14
Loved the story, I’m sad that it was discontinued but I can see why it was.
Weird Eyed Guy chapter 22 . 3/23
Shut nooooooooo
Wyatt noo chapter 22 . 3/8
What nol!
Elijah chapter 8 . 2/13
notvisiulebliss chapter 9 . 2/4
It's so cliche it hurts... I mean obviously no one is going to just die please stop doing this... I can't take anymore
Guest chapter 13 . 1/6
Whenever he says “Sumi” I think “Sue me”.
Ferocious Nightfury chapter 4 . 12/21/2019
Lol! It would have been awesome if her name was naruko though. Dang it! And lol! Naruto U. Could very well mean uchiha. Snort
mateususantosu chapter 21 . 12/4/2019
omg the ending was so fucking cool!
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