Reviews for Dinner and a Homicide
Just Call Me Ashe chapter 1 . 11/30/2016
“...icing on the cake of rage, the cherry and sprinkles on the sundae of pure wrath, the sugar and cream in Cinder's cup of freshly brewed, hot anger.” OMG xD You got me there! xDDD
grither55 chapter 1 . 10/7/2016
I enjoyed this story. Cinder and Pyrrha are my favorite RWBY characters despite how it ended up, but I still like them together. Great job!
inactiveaccount3847 chapter 1 . 10/7/2016
Thank you for writing this! Cinder x Pyrrha is my favourite pairing from RWBY and there's hardly any fanfiction for them. It was refreshing to read a story involving the two that wasn't one of my own ideas in the works. I really enjoyed reading this, their chemistry was wonderful.
Shenzi The Hyena chapter 1 . 10/4/2016
I can only agree with the person below me. This was awesome! D I didn't think I could see Pyrrha with anyone but Jaune, but here you go, changing my view with one fanfic. Please continue writing Red Flame! I really like your writing style and humor and would love to see more from you.
Fuckweasel chapter 1 . 10/3/2016
Right. When you said the reader would be pleasantly surprised, it certainly wasn't just a catchphrase. This was done astoundingly well. I love the setting you created for this. Cinder as a powerful CEO, Roman as her rival, Yang as a chef, somehow it just all fitted. I can even picture Ruby as a restaurant boss without having to strain my mind much. The scene between Pyrrha and Cinder was also very nicely pulled off. You managed to balance seriousness, sweetness and humour in such a way, that it still seemed genuine. There are a lot of authors, who can't write longer dialogues without some of it seeming forced or out of place, but I didn't get this impression at all here.

I don't want to drown you in praise, but let me just tell you, that I have enjoyed this story very much and I strongly encourage you to write more stories for this universe. You have just earned yourself a fan.