Reviews for Shadow House 2: The Reckoning
Anonymous Cloud chapter 10 . 6/29
Come on 'hun you said next year not three years! XD If you remember what you planned, please finish the story. It's really good and it's pleasant to see your writing improve as you keep going!
LillyOfFire chapter 10 . 11/19/2017
Actually, Dragobete is sort of like Valentine's Day in Romania, Martisor is only a spring tradition and only women and girls wear it ;) Also, if anything bad happens to Vlad, forget the ghosts because I'LL be coming after you... XD Anyway, this is even better than the first fic, the plot is thickening and I'm really curious what is behind all this! And update whenever you can or want, I will be following this ;)
OverWorldly chapter 10 . 10/25/2017
Im honestly intrigued now- there are so many questions unanswered. The closer they get to the answers, the smaller their number (still have high hopes that my fave pair would survive this)
LuckyKittens chapter 10 . 10/25/2017
I really wanted to say dirty words...
Really forst Yong Soo, then Lukas and Vlad, and now Mei?
Aarrrgghhh! It's like reading fic about HetaOni all over again...
alguien22792 chapter 9 . 10/16/2017
Aw come on! Keep those two alive please!
alguien22792 chapter 8 . 10/12/2017
I knew he was dead XD
alguien22792 chapter 7 . 10/9/2017
Well I guess he's dead... XD
Are they facing a demon? I mean because of the salt and all... (sorry too much Supernatural)
OverWorldly chapter 7 . 10/6/2017
lol Yong-Soo xD i hope majority would survive this. Im curious on what arthur suspects the shadows are
alguien22792 chapter 6 . 10/1/2017
Yay! An update!
OverWorldly chapter 6 . 10/1/2017
Yes! i've been waiting for this to update and its so worth it 3
alguien22792 chapter 5 . 3/10/2017
No! don't leave it here!
alguien22792 chapter 3 . 3/10/2017
No, nononono why!? Why would he go to ANOTHER haunted house!? I would just be a selfish person and continue living my life! Fuck future killings and all...
alguien22792 chapter 1 . 3/10/2017
I just re-read Shadow House so I'm happy to found a sequel XD
Fanciey Crietures chapter 5 . 2/25/2017
Please make an update. The story is too amazing to be left unfinished