Reviews for Dear Loki
Natalie Rushman chapter 1 . 1/31/2019
Oh wow...

(I feel like most of your stories leave me a little speechless after reading them. It always takes me a few minutes to articulate my thoughts.)

This one is sad in a different way than 'We Will Never Part' is. It feels a little less direct - not lesser, just different. I think that's really appropriate, considering the narrators. The letters were impressively done. As a writer, I'd be intrigued by the idea of writing a piece like this, and then have no idea where to go with it. You made his letters sound like him. They sounded like things he would say to Loki (or want to say), and you didn't fall into the trap if writing the obvious. 'I love you' and 'i'm sorry' were there, but they didn't take center stage. You also managed the REALLY impressive feat of making them sound like letters. Letters have different pacing than other modes of communication, and you preserved that. You even left awkward moments sometimes where i could see Thor reading over what he'd written, decide that - incomplete as it felt he had no more he knew how to say - and finish the letter.

I love that you showed Odin as grieving his son. I also appreciated that Sif and the Warriors were upset too. A lot of times they're all shown as not really caring all that much - or merely upset that Thor's unhappy.

You did a wonderful job with this one, as always.
waterlogged chapter 1 . 6/28/2018
I dunno what to say...
this made me cry a lot...
a lot...
Amazing job!
Guest chapter 1 . 2/27/2018
Wow... All those letters, all those words Loki somehow never heard... How awful it must have been for him, simply not being able to feel the Love he needed, even though he was surrounded by that very love...
Guest chapter 1 . 2/27/2018
Never doubt I love you...beautiful
UTBS279 chapter 1 . 1/16/2018
tragic and sad, and very good
ElfofMirkwood1379 chapter 1 . 4/15/2017
Wow this is gorgeous! You conveyed so much raw emotion in such a concise and touching way. I don't have enough words to praise what you have created here - a truly beautiful piece of writing!
Lialioya chapter 1 . 11/7/2016
You always manage to make me cry (in the best ways, of course). The entire premise of this story is so beautiful. Thor's never really depicted as someone who would turn to writing as a release, and it's nice to see.

Also, I can't believe THIS is rushed. It's fantastic!
peanutbuttercup chapter 1 . 10/6/2016
Aww, so beautiful and sweet. Love it!
GoodForBad chapter 1 . 10/4/2016

My dear sweet friend - words cannot truly express how much I adore this. You know already that I hold your writing in the highest regard, but this one hit me rather unexpectedly with a sadness I can't quite describe.

I think the post-Thor, pre-Avengers fics will always be my favorites. I find an introspective Thor piece to be so satisfying - probably because it was a side that wasn't shown at the end of the movie. This one-shot was delicately penned with the underlying aspects we obviously all crave. I love how intimate it felt, what with the mentions of Loki's true nature: his intelligence with the sayings of Midgard, the empty library where he would spend his time, his quick wit at the dining table. I think the whole "I wish they had met you" scene is what utterly destroyed me. Hello tears, my old friend!

And my God - don't even get me started on the ending. This fit nicely into the canon of their first meeting on Midgard, particularly with Thor's frustrations. "Did you morn?" Loki demanded. Is it strange of me to think of this one-shot as canon, especially in context of Thor's "We all did" response?

Frigga's pain was palpable. I love how she and Thor ended up coping in the same way; the written word expresses what the mouth cannot. At least in most cases. I feel this review is nothing short of a bumbling mess as I try to regain my bearings.

All in all, well done. You are truly remarkable, and I thoroughly enjoy everything you post. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to destroy Jotunheim.

...and then sob alone in a corner and then eat some chocolate.
Windy Darlington chapter 1 . 10/4/2016
Wow, beautiful! There was so much emotion and depth, yet you completely managed to keep everyone in character! I thought the final letter, though brief, was a perfect ending.

Asteria8 chapter 1 . 10/3/2016
I don't think I've ever cried this much