Reviews for Much Abides
Pitch'snieceanddaughterofMew chapter 1 . 4/12/2019
I'm crying because this hits SO close to home and I'm sad and scared but this helps and I THANK YOU SOOO MUCH!
VioletImp798 chapter 1 . 1/29/2019
Really good!
SaraDaniela2004 chapter 1 . 1/21/2019
I would at the end of the chapter hugging and crying on Dr. Two Brains. It would have broken my heart even more. Yeah, I wonder how her life would be. Cause she is not going to stay 12 forever. (When the series starts, she is 10 1/2 and she has two birthdays meaning that she is 12)

Maybe she should get a salary for protecting the city. I mean she is too cool to get a human job.
Cat chapter 1 . 1/22/2018
*cries bitterly*
Oh, the feels!
This. This right here is how the series should have ended.
Guest chapter 1 . 2/16/2017
Never read a WordGirl fic. But this was really good. Love how you captured the emotion and voices of the characters.
Night N. Gail chapter 1 . 12/20/2016
This was just lovely. :3 I can relate so strongly to all the feelings in this story, even though I never had that experience of going away to college. Just the deep-cutting sorrow of knowing that everything is changing and that there's nothing you can do to stop it... Letting go is hard. Especially letting go of relationships.

Speaking of relationships, I love the dynamic you've pulled out of WordGirl and Two-Brains' relationship. I know it's in the show and you didn't exactly make it all up, but that just makes it even more impressive, in my opinion. I love how you were able to bring out a really powerful friendship that feels somewhere between a brother-sister bond and a father-daughter bond. I also love how the affection they have for each other is so clear and vivid even though it's hiding beneath a mask of coy chit-chat and alleged cat-and-mouse enmity. You do good work with these two, Otempora. :) I'll definitely have to check out your 'Doctor Is In' story one of these days. ;)
arwenishtar chapter 1 . 12/7/2016
Beautiful. Simply beautiful. I'm starting to feel like Word Girl right now...
cygnus1123 chapter 1 . 10/13/2016
I loved this so, so much. I've thought about how Wordgirl would feel when she had to finally graduate and move on sometimes, and you did an amazing job capturing that feeling - when you know you're being forced to move on from something, even if you don't feel ready yet or even want to. I don't remember if I ever reviewed "New and Subtle Shades" (which was also really good), but anyway - I love the headcanon that Wordgirl becomes closer to the villains as time goes on, and this (plus the other fic) was such a perfect way to show just how far they've all come.
Geeky Graceful Gum chapter 1 . 10/1/2016
This is so depressing, but that is how life is sometimes. Change happens whether or not we like. Excellent story, it made me feel immense emotions.
Deepizzaguy chapter 1 . 9/30/2016
The story reminds me of the ending of the book "Rocky III" (1982) which is former boxing champion Apollo Creed (RIP) knew one day his reign of being a boxing champion would come to an end but he would hang on his memories as boxing champ like a high school yearbook. This Wordgirl story fits the narrative.