Reviews for My little genie
achalida chapter 13 . 4/19
Byakuya and Ichigo was funny!Hahaha, I can imagine their faces after the moment. Ichigo was so cute, this baka missed his midget that much. Thank you for updating.
Just shipping chapter 13 . 4/19
I finally caught up with the story and now I cannot wait for the next update! I am curious about Byakuya and Hisana's story and I want to know how Rukia is going to take her revenge. Also, I like the friendship between Rukia and Riruka. It's nice to read about Riruka as a good person
jobananasan chapter 13 . 4/17
Renji is soooo adorkable! Oh my gosh he's so funny! I thought he did something horrible or unforgivable. I hope we get to read how his confession goes. I'd love to know what Tatsuki's going to think once she finds out she 'ruined' his romantic plans. XD

Thank goodness for Riruka! She's exactly who Rukia needs so that she can be more street wise, not as naive. She needs to let Ori know that her good/innocent girl act isn't gonna cut it anymore; that she's on to her; that Ori better own up to her actions and take responsibility for what she did. I can't wait to see what Rukia and Riruka are planning to do. I hope Riruka shows up at Ichigo's workplace, maybe team up with Uryuu, to make Ori nervous. Also I'm curious to see what Grimm is gonna do next. I'm sure if Riruka ends up meeting him she'll figure out what he's up to. Oh this is gonna get so frickin' good!

*facepalm* Ichigo, Ichigo, Ichigo...LOL! He's so hopeless! I pictured that whole scene anime style, eyes bugging out, jaw dropping so low, when he realized he just hugged Byakuya. It's a good thing all he did was hug him. Can you imagine if he kissed him? BWAHAHAHA! That would've been hilarious. I wouldn't be surprised if Byakuya took another shower just to get the feeling of Ichigo's arms around him off of him. XD I really hope he tells Ichigo how he met Hisana. I'm just dying to know. Also, how did Hisana and Rukia get separated? Are we gonna find out about the war that Riruka mentioned?

"...if I die tonight I want you to know that you were the most magical and amazing thing that happened to me."-AWWWWWWW! He's such a sap but I love it! I hope though that his feelings are the real thing and not some kind of 'side effect' of the whole master/genie relationship. I guess we'll just have to find out, huh? Anyways, always happy when this fic gets updated so thank you. Hope you're doing well and looking forward to the next chapter. :)
Uin chapter 13 . 4/17
Well, Ichigo's an idiot. I don't blame him for missing Rukia so much to try to find her in the Kuchiki mansion, but he's a big idiot for assuming it was her bedroom lol

Um, so I'm wondering what's that everything Byakuya has to tell him. I know it's about his experience with Hisana, but I wonder if there's more to it.

It's kinda relieving that Rirukia is going to help Rukia give Inoue a lesson. It's nice to know that she has a girl friend that is willing to help her with this, since I know that involving her family in this would be problematic. Though I wouldn't be against Rukia telling Byakuya or her grandfather what Inoue did.

I'm glad you're well. I hope to read more from you soon.
RukiYuki chapter 13 . 4/17
aahhahaha ... cant stop laughing for ichi idiotic kami sama please hehehe ... also cant wait for ichiruki lemon , thanks for the update kiss hugs !
blackhellbutterfly chapter 13 . 4/17
Omygosh! I can’t stop laughing at the part where Ichigo hugged Byakuya. . Ichigo you crazy poo. Hahaha! Glad you’re back and hope you’re safe, too.
Gacsam chapter 13 . 4/17
Haru000 chapter 13 . 4/17
I'm excited for Byakuya and Hisana's story! I feel bad for Ichigo though, atleast he got to hug he's future brother-in-law hahaha
Marie on the Moon chapter 13 . 4/16
Super interesting chapter! It was hilarious that Ichigo ended up hugging Byakuya- and somehow I didn't expect it to happen lol. Very curious to see where this will lead with him learning about Byakuya and Hisana. Can't wait for the next chapter!
razmire chapter 13 . 4/16
There are situations more awkward than what just happened with Ichigo and Byakuya, but I’m struggling to think of any at the moment.
MugetsuIchigo chapter 13 . 4/16
LMAO. SMH Ichigo. Half-naked hug with your boss...*continues laughing*


...I'm dead.

Thanks for updating!
Lydia404 chapter 1 . 3/31
lovely story!looking forward to your next update!
achalida chapter 12 . 3/18
Wow. A long chapter. The way Ichigo says goodbye to Rukia was cute.
My country, Thailand was effected by Corona virus, too. I cannot go abroad now and as I’m a healthcare worker. I am extremely busy right now. Please stay safe!
Thank you for updating.
Break Blade chapter 12 . 3/17
Hey there. Nice to read you again. So the chapter felt short but i liked how open were rulis and ichigo about their flirting. Just it still feels sureal the feeling of grimjaw for rukia. I can understand that for ichigo cause of the magical bond it seems to be there. But with grimmjaw... It feels forced and false. But ok. So yea i want more development or relationships and characters and stop to i troduce more and more characters. There are plenty enough already and to little character development.

Thanks for asking. Here in Mexico its alright. More scandalous than true danger for the corona. Hope you stay healthy. See you soon
Lamjung chapter 12 . 3/15
Coronavirus is still not taken seriously here in the UK. But we're being careful. Lovely chapter even though it is too short. Nothing much happening right now. Thank you for the update.
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