Reviews for The Deserter
CHEF chapter 8 . 7/16
Good chapter. You certainly set out everything pretty good. I would imagine Rau and Kota, Starkiller's no Galen's Jedi teacher could get along quite well... Both are pretty much old left overs from the clone wars... Veterans... HONDO OHNAKA! The ancient relic washout pirate eh? Personally I think he would be shot first or stabbed first by either one no questions ask cus he's a pirate.
Commander Hecker chapter 7 . 7/16
Well then I suppose I been using the wrong term haven't I now eh? No, I agree with you. As long as there's development in the plot to cause them the characters to become like this, they ain't OOC. I tell ya one thing mate, yer almost as a good as no scratch that! Your just as good as AncientDoom , the guy who turned Starkiller into his own OC very skillful. He was able to do it with the development of the plot explaining everything well enough.
Hello There chapter 6 . 7/16
Nice job mate! You did well. It's honestly perfect! I believe that if you continue your path, you shall become one of the best writers there is. Frankly, I can already see this story going up into perhaps 4th place on best Starkiller fanfictions? A job well done lad!
Nam chapter 4 . 7/16
Good kriff! That sure was short eh wasn't it ey? So far, I see no errors as of yet. Not much let alone any. You've certainly improved. Now at first I thought Sabine was a little OC in this chapter until the more I thought, the more it fits her. Her past.
FFN.1D3NVUVX0M chapter 1 . 7/16
Ok so. Congrats! You got the characters good and correct, they aren't being too OC which means ya hook me in for the long run mate! Except. Seems like you abandoned a good story here mate. Like you simply forgot about it for atleast 3 maybe 4 years. Kind sad. But don't worry, I'll try to get you to 150 reviews at least laddie since you managed to impress me with just one chapter! One! Your one of those wonderful exceptions to my rules! Great work, I love it!
Drago1404 chapter 1 . 4/11
us this abandoned?
Lucius Walker chapter 10 . 12/16/2019
Looks like they meet again, and oh boy, they're not on the best terms. Not on the worst, but certainly not the best.

Hope to find out what's next for them!
Lucius Walker chapter 5 . 12/15/2019
Damn, this chapter's title makes much more sense now.

You know, this OC is VERY unlike the original one, and strangely enough, I like it. Not only does it make sense given the situation and his history, but it does make you want to know more about what made him this way.
Lucius Walker chapter 4 . 12/15/2019
Man, I am just loving this darker version of the original. It's much more realistic, and it really does set the mood of the Empire's presence just crushing everything and everyone in its path.

It gives us the sense of hopelessness, and yet, it also gives us the feeling that somebody needs to do something. That somebody needs to stand up, and fight against this tyranny.

Which is exactly what the Rebellion is about.
Lucius Walker chapter 1 . 12/15/2019
A slower paced story is often better than a quickly paced one. Nice work!

Also, I hadn't exactly finished the original story, but yeah, admittedly the OC was a bit of a Gary Sue. Don't get me wrong, the original fic was still enjoyable, but yeah.

Anyways, first chapter in, and I'm just loving it! The atmosphere is realistically grim, they're in a tight spot right now, and yet, there seems to be a light at the end of the tunnel. Just love it!
Ghost320 chapter 1 . 8/10/2019
Nice going on so far, cant wait to see what happens
tigerdomteur chapter 10 . 7/30/2019
Zeb must feel really stupid when Sabine and Rau speak Mando'a xD.
Even if I can image that in Sabine's presence you often feel pretty stupid. That girl knows so much stuff...
Guest chapter 10 . 7/29/2019
Great chapter! I’m excited for the next one.
Drago1404 chapter 9 . 6/14/2019
good story keep it going

just one mistake I saw in rise of starkiller you greet your readers in German and as a German I can say the grama is a bit off, it's not "guten Tag, mein Freundes" but "guten Tag, meine Freunde" it just bothered me a bit

can't wait for the next chapter
NightShock99 chapter 8 . 4/23/2019
Where are the Rakghouls? They’re the most common thing you can find on Taris. How have they not run into a single swarm?
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