Reviews for your blood of innocence burning in my skies
WrenWinterSong chapter 1 . 10/31/2016
I really like this idea. I've always been interested in stories that bring together Harry's kids and the Dursleys. Lots of interesting dynamics there. I like Lily and her fiery protectiveness of her father even as she takes in his words and tries to be more forgiving. I don't think the dialogue flowed very well and could have been written to feel more natural, but overall this is a very beautiful story.
seriousblahblah chapter 1 . 10/30/2016
You had a great message with this story about forgiveness and you used some nice imagery in this story with the snow and little Lily hanging onto her father. I thought it was sweet and something in-character Harry would do, to bring his daughter to see the headstone of her grandparents. Aww I think it probably would've been healing for Harry too to go-over the events and what he experienced as he tells Lily about everything he went through to survive in the first war before she was born. It felt like a real conversation between a dad and his daughter, and I think you portrayed their relationship very well
Concrit: try to work on varying your dialogue tags a bit and maybe using different sentence structures or sometimes you can have a line without any 'he said' or 'she asked softly' at all and the emotion will still come through in the dialogue itself. try to show what they're feeling through the words and their body language rather than the dialogue tags. Anyways, hope that helps.
Aww you made me almost tear up when Harry was describing his difficult childhood and how he was mistreated by the dursleys, I can practically feel Harry's pain and long-held, deep-seated emotions coming out of the page
This is the best story so far that I have read for the fanfavourites challenge of September, this was my favourite and I think it far surpassed all the other entries because of the raw emotion and good-heart :-)
You made me think of my own father :'( thanks for making me almost cry heheheh
Keep writing and never stop or let anyone tell you you can't or don't know what you're doing. Follow your heart and tell the stories you want to tell, and how you want to tell them. Never let anyone trod on you or put you down, ignore any hate-filled reviews as unworthy of your time and not worth the salt beneath your shoes. You know what you're doing and you're in control of your own story and style
NeonDomino chapter 1 . 10/30/2016
I like that you started the story with apparating - travelling the same way Harry did at a similar age and not liking it either - with Harry being amused and a clear example that it can be gotten used to.

I like the nice father/daughter moments in this fic. The emotions you showed us were nice, and you lay the story out without just giving us a bulk of text.

One critisism is the timing of the story. At the age of 13, Lily would have been at Hogwarts. Her brothers would have been there too. She would have heard so much about the battle and I suspect that she would have visited her grandparents' graves by that age too. I think she was too surprised that Teddy's parents had died in the war and the other events. I feel like she needs to be younger to have this reaction.

I loved the ending of this, with Petunia's arrival. It was a nice scene and I like that Harry and Dudley were on speaking terms once again. I love that Harry forgave Petunia.

You wrote the ending very well, the event was unexpected but you handled it perfectly. Apart from my disagreement about what Lily's age should be here, I found the story to be well written. :)
scrumptiousinternetllama chapter 1 . 10/29/2016
Aww this was so lovely to read. I loved all the fatherly gestures throughout, like when Harry brushed the snow out of Lily's hair etc. I liked the repetition of the beauty of time throughout - and I really liked the descriptions of Dudley and Petunia. This was a great story with a consistent theme throughout and I really enjoyed reading it, especially Petunia's reaction to Lily and the wonderful descriptions of the setting!
CUtopia chapter 1 . 10/29/2016
I'm going to be honest - I really don't like scenes where characters retell a whole lot of canon events to another character, because as reader, we already have these information and this made most of the story rather boring to me. We've all experienced it together with Harry, so to speak, so there was nothing new.
However, the last bit brought some change into it - I could really see Petunia standing there as if she's seeing a ghost. Though I feel like this whole forgiveness thing maybe happened a bit too fast - you don't erase an abusive childhood that suddenly, even though they had a lot of time to ponder.
But I liked that you had Harry and Dudley have contact, it tied in with what happened in HP7, Dudley telling him that he isn't a waste of space to him.
The Crownless Queen chapter 1 . 10/24/2016
This was so very nice to read. I love this kind of story, even though I kind of hate the Dursleys for what they did, where in the years after, Dudley and Harry kind of make up. Lily Luna was great in this too, with how accepting she was in the end. I loved the scene too - it was very sweet and not as sad as it could have been - it felt kind of hopeful to be honest, and that was lovely to read.
Nice work :)
Elli5 chapter 1 . 10/3/2016
Oh, you made me cry... Beautiful story.
WolfWinks chapter 1 . 9/29/2016
This was amazing! I loved your writing style and your plot idea and the whole thing. I found the story really captivating to read, and I loved the ending. It was so perfect. I love love love the interaction between Harry and Petunia, especially when Petunia started crying. I also love the relationship between Lily and Harry. The only thing I was wondering about was if Harry had already explained it to the boys or not, but that wasn't really relevant to the story, so it didn't really matter much. I just loved this so much (It's officially on my favourites list XD)
Guest chapter 1 . 9/22/2016
Very nicely written good job