Reviews for Shadows of the Heart
Mangagirl1218 chapter 1 . 1/31/2017
Oh my God I can actually breath! I laughed so hard my milk came out my nose...
Kaylala.BooksandCandy chapter 1 . 1/24/2017
You should have made more chapters for this :) it's pretty good
LillianAsterPotter chapter 1 . 10/16/2016
A tantalizing tease! I love it. I wish there was was more!
Fanficluver4life chapter 1 . 10/11/2016
I'm in love this is so original and I can't even begin to describe how amazing this is
I can't wait for more of your stories
Snavej chapter 1 . 10/2/2016
horripilation is my new favourite word every drop of condensation? omfg this was hysterical
soulsborne123 chapter 1 . 9/29/2016
That was just amazing. I couldn't help but cringe in embarrassment when I realized Doki Ai was Naru, but it all went well in the end. Brilliantly executed!
archangelBBQ chapter 1 . 9/24/2016
Hilarious! The parallels between the gh fandom and doki ai fandom are perfect (best pen name ever also btw) not to mention the obvious parallels between the book and 'reality' and Mai's obliviousness. And how utterly hilarious that Noland is a vampire (who has to go back to Denmark urgently, love it!) It was most refreshing to see Mai's dubious protests against Keiko's ideas. Thank goodness someone has a bit of reason ;) Thanks for sharing! I enjoyed reading this very much!
MoonlitMia chapter 1 . 9/21/2016
This was so good, I enjoyed reading it
QueenofHearts7378 chapter 1 . 9/21/2016
Pffffft, oh my gosh this was amazing. I've noticed all the clichés in the fandom too. This was refreshingly different and I loved it.
mutemuia chapter 1 . 9/21/2016
Your choice of names for 'Shadows of the heart' made me laugh aloud.
I wish Mai would realize she is Maddy and the whole story is inspired on them XD
Very funny story, thanks for it.
Spiceandsugar10 chapter 1 . 9/20/2016
Ahhhhh, this is so cute! I can't imagine Naru writing (*cough* narumai *cough*) fanfic material though (that is technically what he wrote even if he tries to deny it), hahaha. Cute and funny story! Hope you update KH soon-ish :)
okaysunshine chapter 1 . 9/19/2016
AHHHHHH! THIS. THIS IS GREAT. I'm like crying I love it you did so good. Perfection! I'm so glad someone actually did that tumblr prompt head canon thing, and you executed it extremely well. I'm just gonna go hug my pillow and fan girl just a bit longer xo
llazo4108824 chapter 1 . 9/19/2016
This is a very cool fanfic that you made and could you make more chapters soon pretty pleases.
CSakuraS chapter 1 . 9/19/2016
Well! You more than did this idea justice! XD Thank you so much for writing this, I was cackling nearly nonstop throughout! I'm just so amused that he would not only do research for his novel, but then put that research into practice in his interactions with Mai. Just wow. I don't blame her for melting into a puddle, lol.
Ghost. Zer0 chapter 1 . 9/19/2016
Why do i get a feeling that this is only girls must read
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