Reviews for Lavender Sand
LB Cat chapter 88 . 7/5
Beautiful story. Really enjoyed reading it. Thanks and take care.
Nahina chapter 88 . 6/20
wow...just wow... thank you for the opportunity to join you in this well written journey
Nahina chapter 85 . 6/20
That turned so rough so quick...
Nahina chapter 80 . 6/20
I can't believe this is almost over...nooo
Nahina chapter 30 . 6/19
I love that shukaku has a personality and that she takes it on
Nahina chapter 14 . 6/19
I know this story is pretty old but I'm honestly falling for your mind's ability to craft this so well uuuggghhh
Nahina chapter 12 . 6/19
This is such a well crafted story. like what?! I am amazed and so grateful to have come across this work of art
Shepard14 chapter 88 . 6/2
I loved the story, the idea was fantastic! However, I will not be reading another of your stories due to the lack of caring for grammar and spelling. I had to choke through all of this just because I liked the story.
I’m not overall negatively criticizing you, but it was a struggle of epic proportions.
Shepard14 chapter 11 . 5/31
I really like the story so far! Also, I know you have a disclaimer at the end of EVERY chapter, but a quick 20 minutes to go back over your writing for grammar and word usage would smooth things out immensely
Lol in ANY case, on to the next chapter
NyanCos chapter 88 . 5/12
This really was a great read. I am a little too late but Congrats on the full time job. We all know how exhausted it is after coming home from work. So we understand if you would not be able to write another story for a while. Thank you again for the time and effort you’ve given to this story.
Iyawolfwhite chapter 88 . 4/10
I’m so sad! I loved this story from the beginning! Thank you for writing a great one!
cathyscloud9 chapter 88 . 4/7
Enjoyed the story! Thanks
Guest chapter 88 . 4/2
I have always loved this pairing and thank you for writing this sweet story. I hope you will write more stories with Gaara/Hinata.
Guest chapter 88 . 3/28
What an adorable ending! Thanks for the update and congrats on your job.
Sak chapter 2 . 3/27
They meet!
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