Reviews for Countess Dracula
Megan T of Sea Doves Sudeo chapter 11 . 1/24/2019
thank you every much, im glad i waited to read this.
HeartOfChaos13 chapter 1 . 1/9/2019
I like this chapter and this story seems Interesting.
Nina Vale chapter 11 . 12/26/2018
awwww a baby! It's so precious and cute! I love my OTP being happy parents and Qrow melting at the sight of his kid. He always struck me as a good father. Sorry I'm so late with the review. I haven't been feeling very well lately and haven't been on my computer for about two weeks as a result.
Akira-Hayama chapter 11 . 12/16/2018
Ngl, that was the most unexpected update ever, but it was a nice update nonetheless. Nice to see Qrow and Winter having a child; their semblance must be good. Although we won't know, it's a nice open ending to interpret.
Kc4229 chapter 10 . 2/1/2018
Its late but this story is fantastic! I loved reading each word as the suspense built up, the level of attention you brought to just the absolutely necessary portions to move the story forward but keep the read enthralled. You are excellent, I cant wait to read more of your work!
Dressyone22 chapter 10 . 12/8/2017
Skysex. I don't think anyone has attempted that before this. This was a really good fic, with a cool gothic vampire age feel to it.
Silencer39 chapter 10 . 12/5/2017
This has been a fantastic story. You've mixed 2 (technically 3) of my favourite things together masterfully. The relationship between Qrow and Winter was perfect, the vampire aspect of the story was on point and very well fleshed out while still having an air of mystery about it and the bits and pieces of Weiss and Ruby were excellent (despite not being the focus of the story), I'm a sucker for White Rose. Honestly can't thank you enough for this wonderful story and wish you all the luck on your next one!
Akira-Hayama chapter 10 . 12/5/2017
Apology not needed, this epilogue was worth waiting for and the ending itself was satisfying (imo) as it leaves it sort of open for imagination on future events instead of you adding all those things in your ANwhether you did it on purpose or not and I'm glad to have discovered your story.
Nina Vale chapter 10 . 12/5/2017
awww, such a nice story. Of course, he'd be concerned over Ruby, she's the closest to him and if he ever needed an heir I think he could name her one, if it is possible in this story(legally I mean. In-universe. after all this is Patch and Remnant so you don't have to keep to patriarchal first son model). I love it when these two find happiness, their lives both here and in canon seem so lonely for different reasons but still lonely, and it's just so heartwarming when characters like this find their happiness with each other. Thank you so much for writing this lovely journey :) and well everything that is connected to it, including discord, Tumblr and discussions over stories and writing.
Megan T of Sea Doves Sudeo chapter 10 . 12/5/2017
that was beautiful, thank you so much.
Akira-Hayama chapter 9 . 9/1/2017
Woo update! Awesome chapter as usual, although it's always sad when a story is close to finishing but your story is still gonna be one of my favorite Nightwatch stories just because there's not a lot of stories about them. I'll stop rambling...can't wait when you upload the epilogue coz this was (is) a great story for an AU
NaughtyRWBY chapter 9 . 8/31/2017
Man I just wound this story and it is awesome! Easily one of my favorites. I would love a spinoff series of RubyxWeiss, or maybe we can get a YangxBlake story. Really looking forward too more.
Nina Vale chapter 9 . 8/31/2017
Aaaaa this was perfect and I love balls and parties in fiction I once again put Love Song for a Vampire as soundtrack to soft Qrowin moments bc this is Qrow's song for Winter and not only when she's the vampire but in general XD they are just so cute and hit it off fast when Ironwood and Ozpin butting heads isn't there to distract them and obscure their similarities
FeugoFox42 chapter 9 . 8/31/2017
It seemed so long since I lest read about "Lady Vlada Tepes Schnee and her companion for the night, Lord Qrow Branwen", but I am glad it came back today. A brilliant story, can't wait to see it wrapped up nicely.
Also, I'm (mostly) hoping there won't be any ridiculous twist at the end where Winter just outright drinks all his blood and kills him, uttering something akin to "Never trust a vampire" as she does. I've seen one twist done like that on here, and it didn't work.
ZilarArness chapter 8 . 8/23/2017
Out of all the numerous ships in this series I think the Qrow/Winter ship is my absolute favorite. I've always had a huge fondness for vampires too! I can't wait to see more!
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