Reviews for Doll in the Basement
PhoenixNinja101 chapter 4 . 4/15
I liked all endings. But personally, Ending 1 is my fave! It's okay, at least you sated our curiosity. Would've looked forward to the completed version though...
Codename tetsu chapter 4 . 4/12
I hope my review help and I hope you read it... please continue the story i really like it so much
Codename tetsu chapter 4 . 4/12
The goms discover that tetsuya was indeed a doll after they found him lifeless on the same position when they first met they as they look around more in the house they found the master bedroom and found a dairy they discover that it belongs to tetsuya ' s parents ... akashi made a research to find somthing about the kuroko's family he discover something that is that the kuroko's had move because their son was comatose on the age of 13 but then he also found out that the said son has recently had awoken ... the kuroko family on the other had was glad their son finally had awoken... tetsuya was confuse of what happened when he wake up he found him self in front of two people claiming to be his parent and a young man who claim to be his childhood friend ... they said that he was under a coma for 3 years now and they though he will never be awaken ... then when he started studying he dosen't know but the game basketball feel nostalgic ... so he joined with his so called childhood friend kagami at first they question him for his girly look and feminine body but when they see how he play they let him... and then as they were getting known as a player they in counter many good player and they had a chance to play against the defending champion in basket ball... on the other hand the gom was interested of their team because of the rumor that their is a player with a low present they were curious on who is it they didn't know that it was tetsuya... their he in counter the GoMs in a game... he was surprise that he know him and then he the GoMs where persistence to make tetsuya remember... and slowly the dream that he was having make sense now he disciver that it wasn't a dream but when he was in a coma his soul separate from his body and was left in their old house ashe learn his memorise from when he was in coma he became close to the goms especially Akashi who was waiting for kuroko to remember ... the Goms became more protective with tetsuya as he is now close to many people especially that tetsuya haven't change he still look beautiful and look like a girl when you first glance... and their the start of a rom-com having the goms to be overprotective to tetsuya and wants tetsuya to come back to them then start a romance between akakuro ...
Tetsuya chapter 4 . 4/12
the Goms found the tetsuta that is a doll not moving but then they saw a note that says that please find me this is not my real body...
Tetsuya is from a rich family they move house after he have been in coma when he was 10 until now that he his 15 yrs he wake up... and when tetsuya wake up he remember her family and his friend like kagami but feel like he forgotten something he was having a strage dream about this people
Voilz chapter 3 . 3/13/2017
I'm glad that I could read this work. When you said this story is inspired by "Don't breathe", I was really excited since I really like that movie. The elements of creepiness and adorableness blend in well which made me giggle quite a lot. I love their friendship and interaction, and how Kuroko becomes attached to them, which is so cute yet so sad at the same time since he now understands the feeling of loneliness without their companies. Wish you luck with your school. Hope to see your update soon.
agirlwithgoodergrammar chapter 1 . 10/27/2016
That is so cool! Love it :)
Daddy Victor chapter 2 . 10/23/2016
for updating this! I really like how the elements of creepiness and adorablness(is that even a word) was mixed on the first chapter! Then poor kuroko being all alone when the GOM are not around.I like how you portrayed Kuroko U SQUEEEEEEE AKASHI IS ADVANCING MUWAHAHAHA
DRAMAticallyYoursTruly chapter 2 . 10/23/2016
I'm so glad that you decided to continue this! (Also, your oblivious-Kuroko is just so adorable! Good job!) Can't wait for your next update!
eanniemae chapter 1 . 9/15/2016
Oh my! I love it. Pls continueeeeeeeeee. Thank you :)
DRAMAticallyYoursTruly chapter 1 . 9/13/2016
Is continuing it an option?! Really?! Then yes, please! This was so well-written, and I really enjoyed it! If you can continue it, please do!
lookingforanewworld chapter 1 . 9/12/2016
Wow it is horror fic with happy ending. Tough I think is just a humor fic from first place. Aomine and Kise in basecamp moment so hilarious especially Aomine. Yes yes next chapter please... Your story is nice and well writing. Never enough with gomkuro friendship fic. Thankyou...