Reviews for Stormy Skies Are Gray
Mysteryfan17 chapter 1 . 12/4/2018
I picture Tony covering him up enough that no suit shows and sending a pic of Peter sleeping so Aunt May is softened up a little and won't yell toooooo loud. 10/10
petites sorcieres chapter 1 . 1/16/2017
That was cute ! Thank you
FrostedDragonHeart chapter 1 . 10/28/2016
Aw! The bonding! So completely irresistible and well written! Thank you!
AliciaRoseFantasy chapter 1 . 10/5/2016
You know, you really are a very good writer.
Christina chapter 1 . 9/11/2016
Can you do story where Peter is four years old and one day he gets told that Aunt May dying from a heart attack and they tell him to come to hosptail to say goodbye when he talk to his Aunt the doc tells him that they called Steve Rogers because they know that Peter was with the Avengers when is Aunt first came into the hosptail the doc also ask him if he knows if he any family left and Peter says that he doesn't know so the says that they checking to see if has any family left and Peter to busy talking to his Aunt that he doesn't know that Steve and Clint showed up but once his Aunt as died he hears someone talking to him it takes him a while to know that Steve is talking him then he notecies that Steve is going to pick him up and starts putting up a fight because he doesn't want leave his Aunt and once he is in Staves arms he fights him even more and Steve notecies a nurse coming to them and she tells that she needs to talk to him so he puts Peter on the ground and try's to keep from freeing his hand but Peter gets free and is almost back in the room when someone stops him and he didn't that know Clint was whit them earlier but now he notecies that Clint is the one who stopped him from going back in the room when Steve sees that Clint has Peter he turns back to the nurse and she tells him that they found Peters last family member when Steve ask who it is she tells Steve that Peter is his son and he is shocked to learn that he as a son when they are done talking Steve goes over to where Clint and his son are he can tell that Clint got Peter to clam down a bit but is still trying get out of Clint's arms but can tell that Peter is getting tired. Steve is Peters dad and Peter stays the size of a ten year old and is mentally disabled and can't talk that great. (ps There is No romance between Steve and Tony only Steve is Peters father) Only reason is that I don't romance between Steve and Tony is I like to see how Steve wolud do as a single Father and so far I have found story's with Tony being Peters father by himself or it is both Tony and Steve as Peters fathers and I haven't found one where it is only Steve as Peters father that's way no romance between them in this story. Loved it the story was really great I liked it a lot. Thanks :)
Christina chapter 1 . 9/11/2016
Great job on the story it's every good:)
Guest chapter 1 . 9/9/2016
Aww peters so cute! Nice job
Guest of honor chapter 1 . 9/9/2016
I love the story and I hope you update it soon.
Sunshine-and-Joy chapter 1 . 9/9/2016
I loved it! I think you wrote Peter really well and I liked the descriptions.
Bangtan trash yo chapter 1 . 9/9/2016
This was amazing omg! So cute, aww I loved ittt