Reviews for Of Magic And Pizzas
NotTheOneYouWereLookingFor chapter 30 . 2/20/2018
Thank u so much for writing this story, it is a WONDERFUL one :3
noreenklose chapter 30 . 1/6/2018
Nice story.
I liked it.
Thanks for writing.
Guest chapter 5 . 12/30/2017
"found two turquoise pendants to hand over the door and the window of the cabin."
Should be: hang over, not hand over

"handed the guy over to one of his collegues, someone more able "
Should be: colleagues

"young Maria was in the dinning room"
Should be: dining room; dinning means making a noise.

"'Its nice to meet you too'"
Should be: 'It's nice to meet you, too'
Guest chapter 4 . 12/30/2017
"The elder sibling checked round, then signed in relief,"
Should be: sighed in relief

"He needed to so something"
Should be: to do something

"They where quite impressed"
Should be: were

"The child though was different fro other"
Should be: from

"It was as if Helena was unconsciously using some strange power to her Marissa back some of her humanity."
Should be: to bring Marissa back...
noreenklose chapter 9 . 1/1/2018
"One eye was shrunken into his head"
Should be: One eye was sunken into his head

"brandished a kitchen rusted cleaver"
Should be: brandished a rusted kitchen cleaver
rusted is an adjective of the item "kitchen cleaver"

"Grammy had grabbed the second one and torn the back of her ankles,"
Should be: Grammy had grabbed the second one and tore the back of her ankles,

"'It's one of the best places t make camp though"
Should be: 'It's one of the best places to make camp though

"and this one is Chika"
It's Chica, not Chika.

"Can you see how it says lets eat?"
lets should be let's (let us)

"places like Craker Barrel might have serious competition from the company'."
Cracker Barrel

"burst out of it and put it's hands up."
Should be: burst out of it, and put its hands up.

"If so maybe it has vanished' another tem member mentioned."
Should be: If so, maybe it has vanished' another team member mentioned.

"'I'm captain of the ship"
Capitalize, Captain is a title.

Oh, the descriptions of the weird family were horrifying.
I'm ready to see the fun when they attack.
Guest chapter 3 . 12/30/2017
"now Adonia body would not bear her another"
Adonia should be a possessive-Adonia's

"intricacy pinned back"
Should be: intricately

"would have wore just about anything"
Should be: worn

"something she inherited form the woman she would have called mother "
Should be: from

"had fled the dinning room "
dining room-repeats further down
Guest chapter 2 . 12/29/2017
"Helena, who was more use to portkey travel"
Should be: used

"with building fashioned from the Spanish golden age of architecture"
Should be buildings...there certainly must be more than one building in the city.

I hope you don't mind the corrections. I'm only trying to help you "do it right."

This story is going well, and I am enjoying it.
Guest chapter 1 . 12/29/2017
"'I'm afraid I may have some bad new for you'."
Should be: news

"I created some sparkled to entertain them, and they decided to try and copy me."
sparkled should be sparkles.

"courtesy of a strong wiccan sleeping potions"
You cannot use (a) which is singular, and (potions) which is plural together.
Should be: a strong wiccan sleeping potion. OR courtesy of strong wiccan sleeping potions.

"But if I've leaned one thing"
Should be: learned.

"secured us tickers to a boat"

"those who were wronged or mistreated have gathered their for a better life'."
should be: there

"So mote be it'"
Should be: So mote it be!
noreenklose chapter 8 . 12/31/2017
"'That's the last of them captain'"
Should be: 'That's the last of them, Captain'
The addressed officer is a title, it needs to be a capital.

"Seeing the grin expressions, she tried to lighten the mood. "
grin should be grim.

"making a note not to give Helena too much for ear of making her sick."
Should be: making a note not to give Helena too much for fear of making her sick.

"'There you go sweetie, doesn't that look on you."
Should be: 'There you go sweetie, doesn't that look good on you.

"His let was shattered beyond repair"
His leg was shattered beyond repair

"defeating the most evil wizard since Grindelwall?
Should be: defeating the most evil wizard since Grindelwald?
noreenklose chapter 7 . 12/31/2017
"When Voldemort blasted through the door and stepped through, the pair immediately launched a barricade of spells at him"
-barricade should be barrage.

"A piece of wood hit Remus in the left eye and he howled, clutching his fact as he let loose with devastating spells
-fact should be face.

"'The powers he knows not'"
It's the POWER he knows not.

"I fear that now that Voldermort is gone"
Should be: Voldemort

"standing when he heard appration pops outside."
Should be; apparition

"while the children take some chest on toast and milk"
chest should be cheese?

"eventually enough time has past that Marissa felt the woman must be asleep."
Should be: eventually, enough time has passed that Marissa felt the woman must be asleep.

"As the potions boils, Marissa wracks her memory for the Montoya family crest."
You are only making one potion, it should be singular.

"'That didn't seem top matter to you before' Diego said stonily."
typo top should be to.

"Marissa felt as thought a weight had been lifted from her shoulders"
Should be: Marissa felt as though a weight had been lifted from her shoulders.

The story is doing well, and it's very interesting.
On to the next chapter.
noreenklose chapter 6 . 12/30/2017
"and looked in serious risk of loosing it again."
Should be: losing it; perhaps losing more? I can't see how the vomit gets back in your stomach to lose it again. EWWWW!

"She was heading to the dinning area"
Should be dining; repeats further down.

"When he finally calmed enough to talk with insulting, he spat out that Petunia had run away as well
Should be: When he finally calmed enough to talk without being insulting, he spat out that Petunia had run away as well; OR without insults

"Lily's old friend Snivelous Snape had came from there"
Should be: Lily's old friend SNIVELLUS Snape had COME from there
Snivellus is the accepted usage in the HP Lexicon.

"each time he retuned home"
Should be: returned

"distracted by a scene form the movie"
Should be: distracted by a scene from the movie

Please forgive me for using "guest" on my last two posts...I did not notice that I wasn't signed in! ;-D
icedshadows chapter 30 . 12/3/2017
you realy made something good! its...great...just... great.
lost of word!
angel61991 chapter 30 . 5/10/2017
This was cool. Is there a sequel?
SneakyDevil chapter 1 . 3/24/2017
James is a magic nazi? Wat?

Albus is a kindly understanding person? Who is willing to keep people secrets and not throw them under the bus? Wat?

Taking a portkey to Madrid and then a boat? With a one and two year old? Wat? You know planes existed back then right?

Vernon is a nazi? Wat?

Squibs(who don't and can't have magic) invented magic? And only they are able to use it? How did they make it in the first place if they didn't have magic in the first place? Wat?

Hyper mature one and two year olds? Wat?
FANactic Writer chapter 30 . 3/9/2017
I feel bittersweet. Happy because I came to a bunch of updates and sad because it finish now. Thank you for sharing this!~ ( •̥̥̥ω•̥̥̥ )
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