Reviews for Ironheart
AndrewWolfe chapter 5 . 5/19
You're going to have to edit out the Voldemort reference, even if Tony was read in on the Statute of Secrecy nobody knows Voldemort survived until Harry unmasks him in the other story. Unless you're going with a universe in which the Harry Potter movies came out on schedule AND there's a real Harry Potter, in which case can I have some of what you're smoking?
jamnaz79 chapter 9 . 4/17
Hell of an action scene looking forward to the fallout.
jamnaz79 chapter 7 . 4/16
Solid hydra breakdown and an interesting story. I look forward to where this series will go.
Silverwingzz chapter 5 . 4/13
Araytigre chapter 9 . 4/3
Whiplash-2 may think that he took out the Party Bus as well as the two Iron Suits, however, he is sadly mistaken, even if he did manage to get the missiles in close enough range, between the shielding, chaf, and Repulsors, etc (even with Riri offline), the Big Splash didn't happen. This they will discover when they cannot find the expected debris field, which Would have occurred If they had succeeded. Fortunately Riri's systems were temporarily knocked out due to various forces, as well as herself, hopefully the Baby is OK. "Tigershark" badly overstepped his orders, and sadly paid the price for his arrogance, particularly as one of the Suits had just Rescued his Wingman, who Would have Died without her intervention. I wonder if they will realize that the Iron Suits could have taken out ALL of the Aircraft against them at ANY Time they wanted too, whereas all they did was to either disable the planes (the F-22 "Whiplash-1"),or render it unusable (the Strike Eagle "Barnburner"). Thank You. TTFN
Tenro100 chapter 9 . 4/2
Very awesome and enjoyable read from start to finish I can't wait for more chapters to come and enjoy
amortentiate chapter 9 . 4/1
Nice action scene. It ran a bit too long in my opinion. The mind checks out when there is so much text to go through. Nothing against your writing it's just how I process information.

Is this Riri and STARC's inexperience in play? They are engaging in a dogfight when they don't have to.

Your experience with the USAF is coloring the way you are portraying a canon character, in a way he's not shown in canon (MCU only).

In any case this is an exciting story and I eagerly await the next chapter.

Thank you for writing. Cheers
Frosty Wolf chapter 9 . 4/1
Poor Riri, all the bad guys are giving Tony credit for what she's doing. Though to be fair, it's basically a joint venture with STARC. Fortunately or unfortunately, depending on how you look at it, that's not an illusion that can last. When people do finally find out that Stark is dead a lot of dangerous people are going to start focusing on Riri.

Sadly things went worse with the AF here than they did in the movie and I don't doubt there will be fallout from that. Somehow I doubt they destroyed their target as successfully as the pilot is claiming, and not just because that would cost us our main character.
Araytigre chapter 8 . 3/27
Nice! It will be fun watching both this story, and Spider-Mage, and seeing how they mesh together. I had to laugh when Rhodey incorrectly assumed that Tony was alive, and that Happy was in the other Armor (not that He would be caught dead in one of those "Tin Cans"), boy will he have to eat Crow when the Truth comes out, lol. Even IF Rhodey were to get Warrants for Tony and Happy, they legally couldn't enforce them, as they were in that Country with the permission of said Countries Government, besides the fact that Happy probably wasn't even in that part of the World. I am glad that Sue was able to get all of those particles out of her chest, which leads to the question of why Tony (in canon) never did, particularly he had the means to hire the very best Surgeons, and the best Tech to get it done, period. I bet that Dr Strange could have handled it easily (before the accident), and I know that there are other Surgeons just as capable as he was. Until next time. Thank You. TTFN
Frosty Wolf chapter 8 . 3/26
Well Rhodes is barking up the wrong tree. If he keeps up that attitude and he's not getting a War Machine suit anytime soon. I do hope we get to see his reaction when he finds out how wrong he is though.

Overall though this story's been very interesting so far! I like how your using the comics to expand on the MCU, the later of which I'm much more familiar with but I still know enough to follow. The notes at the end of the chapters help too. Raza alone is shaping up to be a far more interesting villain than we saw in the movie.

Keep up the great work!
amortentiate chapter 8 . 3/25
Nice chapter and extra points for the HISHIE reference.

Riri is really a much much improved Tony Stark who knows not to do the entire Lone Gunslinger act, which is largely unnecessary.

A minor correction; Punjabi is a language, Punjab is a state in India and Pakistan.

However why so pissy about James
Rhodes? Rhodey has been the only character in the entire MCU who has always stuck by Tony whatever the cost. He did not waver on the friendship even after he was paralyzed after the airport battle in Civil War.

Funnily enough the MCU seems to have a love/hate relationship with the US Military. They seem to dislike the Army, Thunderbolt Ross comes to mind. The Army were the villains in The Incredible Hulk. (The exception being Captain Steve Rogers). The MCU does love the Air Force. James Rhodes, Carol Danvers, Sam Wilson and Maria Rambeau off the top of my head.
amortentiate chapter 7 . 3/23
This fic holds so much promise. I think I'm going to enjoy this a lot as and when you post more of this.

As far as world building goes, in the author notes it seems like you're trying to bite more than you can chew.

Go simple and focus more on Riri taking control of Stark Industries for example. That is essentially Iron Man 1. Iron Man 2 is about fending off a competitor and anointing a new CEO. Concentrate on that perhaps?

The beauty of MCU is about building on an established foundation. Throw in too much at once you get DCEU. Not as much for anyone, the creators or the end audience. Maybe try to avoid that. It's your wish either way.

I like this story and am off to read Spider Mage.

Stay safe during these days. Cheers.
IronHeartStan chapter 6 . 5/3/2019
This is so good! Giulietta is something else! I need an update A-SAP!
IronHeartStan chapter 5 . 3/1/2018
I loved! This story is so well-written and every character is depicted excellently. Great job!
SweetXscape chapter 4 . 6/19/2017
Oh my... *passes out* What a plot freaking twist! Tony is such a mess for that, but I can't say I don't at leas partially understand why he did what he did. Once again, amazingly written and so detailed. Thank you, thank you, thank you for this.
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