Reviews for It's Still You
Guest chapter 34 . 1/12/2019
This story is confusingly amazing. Can you do a chapter where they run into Frisk's real parents? Then the parents go to jail?
omega115 chapter 16 . 12/26/2018
about bloody time!
DragonCrusader chapter 34 . 11/5/2018
Mal, while what you did certainly wasn't pleasant to see, you did make people have to see the truth. I hope you do find peace.

I don't really want this window to this timeline to close but... I know it can't stay open forever. Maybe it'll open again time from time.
DragonCrusader chapter 23 . 11/5/2018
This Gaster is amazing. A Mad Scientist who isn't evil but very goofy.
Jack0lanterns chapter 34 . 10/31/2018
This has to be THE most unique form of self-insert I've ever seen. I'm impressed!

While I'm a bit iffy on the Chara/Frisk aspect (I have no problems with that ship - it's actually grown on me quite a bit - but ten/eleven just seems a bit young for a relationship to me) I really like the plot you've developed. You've got the 'dysfunctional family' dynamic pretty spot on too, not to mention Undyne and Papyrus will ALWAYS get a smile out of me.

Keep up the good work :)
DeadlyHuggles chapter 34 . 10/15/2018
hey, hey, hey.
its fine.
everything's fine.
you don't have anything to be sorry for.
you came back.
we knew that you would.
everything's fine.
take as long as you need to.
everything's going to be fine.
the dark is resting.
its not over yet.
everything's going to be alright.
goodnight, Painful Parody.
DeadlyHuggles chapter 4 . 10/15/2018
Fuck Jerry.
Dragonsrule18 chapter 34 . 10/6/2018
Such a wonderful, sweet, comforting chapter!
dream1990 chapter 34 . 10/6/2018
I love it and I do really care, I am willing to accepted this and I forgive you
offbrandbiscuit chapter 34 . 10/6/2018
I like how you let the plot leak into the actual story. It's some serious ARG shit you're pulling there.

I agree, it has been incredibly long, but I'm fine with that. It was worth the wait. Thank you!
dream1990 chapter 33 . 2/27/2018
Guest chapter 33 . 2/18/2018
You, Painful Parody, are awesome.
I'm going to be very honest with you. When I first started reading this, I wasn't expecting this fanfic to be much. Your constant use of bold and italic in the first chapters reinforced this notion. After a while, it grew on me. I was never confused, so what the hell, why not.
When Chara and Frisk went through Snowdin, I realized that this story was going to be something special. You put your own twist on something that I had seen already so many times. You made me laugh. You made me fall in love with characters that I already knew, and those that I didn't.
I wasn't expecting to grow attached to the not-so-dead human children, but I did. I remember their names, their faces, their personalities. You should be proud of yourself, because that's not a easy feat to do with me.
I love Alex, Jamie, Jack, Ana, Sam and Tara the troll. I love your interpretation of the cast's relationships, especially the dynamic between Chara and Frisk. They had real chemistry there, and most of my laughs came from them and their antics, especially Chara's.
With everything taken into account, I love this story, and I especially love you for taking the effort to write this.
85,350 words, and not a single one of them was wasted.
Thank you.
DeadlyHuggles chapter 33 . 2/3/2018
I swear this story is literally the best thing I've ever read.
You have made me smile, laugh, curl up in a ball and grin because that's how I deal with fluff.
Then you made me cry, weep, sit in shock as tears run down my face.
You taught me almost as many important lessons as the actual game.
Sometimes you need to face yourself.
Your gender doesn't define you.
It's perfectly fine to be a homosexual.
Its okay to hurt.
I'm allowed to cry.
The story doesn't end with the words "The End"
This has been an amazing journey and I hope to continue it one day.
Thank you for this Painful Parody.
But now as it is much past half five, beating six of clock, I must wish you farewell, as I require a nap.
Dragonsrule18 chapter 33 . 1/26/2018
Wonderful story!
Sue Doe Nym chapter 32 . 1/23/2018
Huh wow. Is this the end? Two little words, but not the usual, clearly-discussed-earlier ones. What a coincidence.

(P.S. I'd give this story the "Best According to Chara" Award, but I'm not Chara)
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