Reviews for The Auror Mentalist
Triniti Shadow chapter 35 . 6/30
Ohmey, I see we have to suffer some more. I must admit that I have only vage guesses who that evil pair is. I like the way you portrait Luna here, her character is most of times reduced to being odd and talking about creatures nobody else can see. I had hoped that her ability to mindspeak would be helpful. I hope Draco can reach her and that Hermione (I beg you) will not be hurt again. Your story is so captivating it's amazing, ty
mental chapter 34 . 5/11
Sing a song of shipping,
That'll make you cry,
Smart & decent Muggleborn,
Forced into this lie!

When the plot was opened
Readers began to wail ,
Coz they tried to stick her with Draco,
A total utter fail!

JK was in the World Bank,
Counting out her cash,
Despairing at this pairing,
That is completely trash!

Dramione authors were typing on the net,
Writing out their silly fics,
Never really realising yet,
They look like total dicks!

Sing of wish for filament,
That just goes on & on & on,
Coz so many of these shippers,
Just want to shag Tom Felt-on!

When this ship was ruined,
They began to scream,
As sane intelligent reviewers,
Poured scorn upon their dreams!

(this edited flame is a collaboration between those on hogwarts ***** ***** chatgroup 05/10/20
thanks to all involved)
Triniti Shadow chapter 34 . 5/3
'Mum' Narcissa should spend time with Draco (and Hermione) more often, it's good for them. Ron and Draco will never get along I guess, but Harry did well in stopping this 'fight' at the beginning. Ohmey, I hope they will find Hermione in time and she isn't hurt
Triniti Shadow chapter 33 . 2/4
OMG they are bound to paintings, how cruel (what an idea - terrific). Is the woman Marietta Edgecombe ? Revenge for what happened as she betrayed the DA ? Can Hermione get out of this on her own ? I guess her parents are in a painting too and I hope they can 'come' back to life. Thrilling, well done
Triniti Shadow chapter 32 . 1/8
OMG Chalayne, what an ending of this chapter. So many questions.
Despite his inner struggling Harry came around, I loved that.
I think it's nice to see Ron is learning to get his temper under control, but I don't like him nonetheless ( I never liked him in the books too ). I can't tell how eager I am to read more. Pls continue as fast as you can
Triniti Shadow chapter 31 . 11/10/2019
Draco is so protective about Hermione, even if it's only his mother. I liked that he did the same Luna did and talked to her without speaking. Could he 'hear' Hermione what she thought in her head too? What does his patronus looks like? Luckily Harry is coming around. Can't wait for the next chapter
Triniti Shadow chapter 30 . 8/30/2019
Thank you so much for writing again ! Another lovely chapter. I think this weekend is a big step in their relationship. They both know, they can be open to eachother. I'm eager to read more.
Briggan12 chapter 29 . 6/11/2019
teagan chapter 6 . 11/24/2018
great job;)
teagan chapter 4 . 11/24/2018
I don't think theres any thing wrong with this chapter
teagan chapter 3 . 11/24/2018
this chapter was good it sounds a bit like in the deathly hallows when ron leaves Hermione.
daswhoiam chapter 29 . 10/28/2017
Wow just caught up on the last 3 chapters. Amazing! I love that they can be open with one another now and just enjoy each other. I'm looking forward to solving the mystery I have a theory of who it is but I will wait till the end.
Triniti Shadow chapter 29 . 10/25/2017
What a surprise ty!
Now we are getting to know more about the crimes and Hermoine's capabilities. I cant wait to read what happened to her parents. I hope they will be ok.
Triniti Shadow chapter 28 . 10/25/2017
Lovely chapter. I like the way he could see her despite the scars. You made the contrast between Ron and Draco clear. Not to forget that Ron hadn't like Hermione at the beginning. Ty
Ren Mashiro chapter 21 . 10/24/2017
THANK YOU! I have been waiting for someone to break through the silence and bring awareness to the abuse. So glad to read Ginny's real emotions over the whole situation and for Harry to finally and truly understand.
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