Reviews for Don't Let Me Sin
Guest chapter 1 . 1/16/2017
Very inspiring, drama and romance. A smoking sebastian somehow it works. Looks like ELIZABETH is looking for love in all the wrong places.
emeraldd30 chapter 1 . 9/5/2016
To me this had a film noir feel to it that I really liked. So many layers and hints in this story, done very well. Its totally AU and yet everyone is as they should be. As always you did a fabulous job.
Brytte Mystere chapter 1 . 9/3/2016
So... I'll let you know, it took me this long to read this because you managed to make me go and watch the Narnia movies, where I found a new absolute fave, a new OTP, and basically fell in the dark hole than can be the new found obsession of a new member of a fandom, specially if they end up in shipping grounds.
This was confusing because I kinda ignored the summary and went on to read the story, so it took me a while to get what was going on.
Let me tell you, it's awesome. I'm not sure if Sebastian is a demon or not here, although I'm guessing he's not, but he was absolutely right about Ciel needing him and not the other way around. I keep being mesmerized at your writting, and I must have said this a lot already, but I'll keep repeating it because you deserve it: You're awesome and I love your writting.
Let me tell you, a part from the above, that while I love Edmund Pevensie with all my heart, a fuc has gotten into my head his genderbend version, with Peter, creating a new dynasty ala Adam and Eve, in Narnia, thus never leaving it by following that lampost out of the wardrove, and I can't get it out of my head. Also, I'm not sure if you've read it, there's this magnificent fic called Keeping the Faith, an AU from Prince Caspian, in which Lucy chooses to go follow Aslan that first time, Edmund following her. It's gorgeous, I tell you, because the relationships between the Pevensies are awesomely developed, and while Peter and Edmund are recognized as soulmates by Lucy and basically anyone that gets to be around them for a while, the story keeps it as an extremely close sibling bond, no RST (unfortunately, for me that is). And the reason I'm telling you this here is that you got me thinking when I went back to your story list to review this, with that Borgia-esque AU you made, that in practically everything Sentimental Star writes Narnia-related, Peter and Edmund are like Cesare and Lucrezia pre-consumation, which is frustrating as hell and yet beautiful beyond words. I mean, just in case you're interested, love.
Alsooo, gooods, that Fem!Ed AU. It's called Some Things Remain The Same, by grim_lupine on AO3, and its a series of snippets with AUs in which Edmund is a girl, for example. There's one in which Ed is the Head Spy, and since Ed is blonde in the books (so I've been told), I kept flashing back to Elizabeth here, because she was pretty much the Phantonhive of Narnia, and I guess a part of me is wishing that some time free from college, you'll get inspired and write something with Fem!Edmund (I call her Edith, but I've seen her called Edlyn too), and Peter (you must really be getting tired of me talking about Pedmund, sorry). Maybe even a vampire AU to boot? There was this fic in which Jadis' magic food had deeper consequences for Ed, giving him a hunger for blood and blood only, being unable to eat or drink anything else, and his siblings took turns to keep him fed.
Or there was this other fic, in which Edmund being stabbed with the broken wand of the Witch (which just let out some kind of huge energy bust he was on ground cero at receiving, since he destroyed it with his sword) and being touched by the “Deep and Deeper Magic", thanks to Jadis and Aslan's shenanigans, ends up with him having magic powers and Aslan trusting him with their good use (and Jadis' reformed wand).

Oh, oh, also, there's this fic, “Trial by Fire" by Sara Wolfe, where Father Christmas gives Edmund an amazing gift, he ends up being the first to go to Narnia and the story developes until reaching what I think was the best outcome to the whole sacrifice if the traitor thing (I recommend it fully, it's amazing). It's also very good with the characterisation and...
Damn. I'm rambling.
I swear dear, you've launched me into a fandom I would usually not have bothered with (and I would be missing all this awesomeness, so thanks), I love it, and I loved this fic too, even if my heart wept a bit because I don't see a happy ending for Elizabeth here...
Banana007 chapter 1 . 9/1/2016
You know how to write the most sensuous, sinful, and insidious Sebastian x Elixzabeth fanfics. I raise my glass to you, good sir/ma'am!
Guest chapter 1 . 9/1/2016
I really enjoyed all the hints at side parings. You handled the cizzy part in a polished and believable manner. Old Charles isn't going to be happy. The mood and tone was smooth and sexy.