Reviews for RWBY: Grimm Reaper
Gizmo Gear chapter 88 . 2h
Jthamilton chapter 77 . 9/14
I legit was thinking to myself half way thru winter was a cradle snatcher or whatever you called this
Guest chapter 87 . 9/7
Wow i am glad I found this keep up the good work
Gizmo Gear chapter 87 . 9/8
Yay! Another update! :D
Mrtyu666 chapter 4 . 9/4
"Ruby screaming my name" ( ͡ ͜ʖ ͡ ). HEHEHEHEHHEHEHEHE
Gizmo Gear chapter 86 . 9/2
Do be sure to wash that blood off, Kaiden.

I patiently await the next awesome chapter!
MaeseJaime95 chapter 85 . 8/31
Voy a hacer una review en general. Me gustaba el otro libro, aunque entiendo tus razones de subir los capitulos en este fic.

Con respeto a los capitulos subidos hasta el momento, es fascinante volver a leer los altos y bajos de Kaiden pre-encuentro con los demas (Pd: sigo esperando ver mas de Dark Kaiden y una revancha contra Raven).

Algo que tambien he notado es que ya no se repiten tantos parrafos (en el otro fic pasaba que se repetia una oracion/parrafo y dificultaba un poco la lectura) culpo al sitio y no al escritor.

Seguire esperando mas actualizaciones de este y el otro fic.

Pd: SPOILER Kai la vas a tener jodida mas adelante. Disfruta el viaje xD
Gizmo Gear chapter 85 . 8/29

I kinda saw him meeting Muramasa later, dead or not, coming from a mile away.
Gizmo Gear chapter 84 . 8/26
You write a damn good mental break, though.
Gizmo Gear chapter 83 . 8/26
Perhaps churning them out so quickly is not such a great idea. Take your time. Work through them. Release a chapter once a week at the most.

A fan of your hard work-
Smartyul chapter 84 . 8/23
There's no war this side of the Ba Sing Sei
Smartyul chapter 83 . 8/19
I like the Grandmother already. I think Nora would too.
Gizmo Gear chapter 82 . 8/18
Ok, so, one thing I have noticed in more recent chapters is a drop in quality. Perhaps reading over it a couple times and editing it before posting might help with this. A rushed thing is always bad, while time taken is eventually good.

That aside, I am still enjoying the story itself! Take your time when writing. It helps to make it much easier to read.

Until next chapter!
Guest chapter 81 . 8/15
So are these chapters before the second volume of your story, like what he did for the 2-3 months in mistral. Or bloopers from here and there in the timeline
Smartyul chapter 82 . 8/17
Yay! We found Grandma!
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