Reviews for In The Shadows
Caroleg chapter 12 . 4/13
Love it
twimima8 chapter 12 . 1/22
Thank you for writing this lovely heart warming love story. I enjoyed it.
Beautiful chapter 12 . 2/12/2019
It was really good
Blistful2006 chapter 12 . 3/15/2018
This was a wonderful story so happy that Bella got happiness and her crazy ass parents were punished for what they did to her. Their actions was deplorable.
it's simply me n you chapter 11 . 12/22/2016
Glad that her "parents" got sentenced, but totally understand that she feels cheated on justice being served.

Congrats on getting your Permanent Residency card
it's simply me n you chapter 8 . 12/22/2016
What an awful, awful thing. Those words that her so-called Father said to her, should not be said to anyone. I hope that somehow he is taken care of & can never hurt her again
KatHat4 chapter 12 . 12/19/2016
I saw your story on the TwiFanfictionRec's and read through it. What a sweet story! It seems you did it all without a beta and with only a few errors each chapter - so, good job! One suggestion...if you write a story that takes place in Seattle...and the characters are American...they would not use Australian terms, right? ;)

Congrats on your new citizenship!
boopgirl chapter 12 . 12/10/2016
good luck
Siriusmunchkin chapter 11 . 12/9/2016
A good story. You handled a sensitive topic very well.
mounds01 chapter 12 . 12/5/2016
Good story!
M. Cullark chapter 11 . 12/5/2016
It was a beautiful fic with a happy ending (which I love) but I felt like there's something missing. I think it was way to quickly the development of the relationship between Edward and Bella. Maybe a few more moments with them will do. And also to know more about Bella's baby father because it just sounded like a random guy she slept with and then disappear. That sounds very unlike Bella. What's his name, where they in a relationship, how long they had been together. And what happened with her dad? But even with those details congratulations on your work.
ALiveTodaytoWrite chapter 11 . 12/4/2016
Beautiful story
shaz308 chapter 11 . 12/4/2016
Congratulations on your new permanent residence status. Good luck in the future.
shaz308 chapter 9 . 12/4/2016
Time for her parents to pay.
shaz308 chapter 4 . 12/4/2016
Hope this works out.
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