Reviews for The Dawn Has Arrived
ThisguyTrucks chapter 58 . 9/23
This story is so shit glad it’s dead LOL
maroncellimassimos chapter 58 . 8/29
And here ends the story...(maybe?)
H20 Ferrum Dominus chapter 4 . 5/4
Maybe he can regain his power over time? Becoming stronger as each day passes? But why can't he heal his missing eye? Surely that would be a trivial feat to one as strong as himself, even if he is weakened considerably.
H20 Ferrum Dominus chapter 1 . 5/4
Hmm interesting start to say the least. I'm regretful that I wasn't there when this story first started cause it is damn interesting! Although how would you explain in the prologue onto why the 'Moon' is stronger that the OG "SUN". Isn't Sol literally stronger by magnitudes compared to that tiny moon?
mr. jack joke chapter 18 . 10/29/2019
to bad you didn't make one for Halloween, it would have been fun.
mr. jack joke chapter 13 . 10/29/2019
deleted scene: Helios and Taric running away from Pantheon with a plate of cookies in their hands.
mr. jack joke chapter 8 . 10/28/2019
okay, just reading around different chapters now that I am up to date, did Helios ever apologize to Ekko?
Torn wings rising chapter 58 . 10/17/2019
After reading the chapter I decided to read the whole story again xD

I sure you have a live to keep going, but maybe you could shovel some time free to write another chapter sometime, I'm sure I'm not the only one anticipating it, alas, farewell, and have a nice day.

Torn Wings Rising
Proximacentari chapter 58 . 8/15/2019
I know it's been discontinued, but I really enjoyed this story. I've been a lurker since the beginning, and even though it's been 3 years since it started and a year since it ended, I hope it can continue. FicfansEverywhere if you see this, I hope you're doing well.
RockySES chapter 13 . 7/20/2019
Course, he needed a cape.
Shredder8 chapter 31 . 11/30/2018
I would read the Shy x J4 big time. My favorite ship in the game.
Wolfstorm33333 chapter 57 . 11/6/2018
Just to clarify, I am writing this after my review of chapter 58.

I'd like to make an addition to my previous review to address the complaints I've seen in others. Mostly about Helios' light speed, and my fellow readers apparent inability to pay attention or remember that this is a fictional story in another world that has magic, dragons, and gods.

Helios can move at the speed of light, yes. You can bring math and science into this if you want, but in all honesty...

It doesn't matter.

This is a fictional story, with the goal being to entertain. And that is exactly what it does, but I digress. The reason I say my fellow readers can't pay attention is this: Helios doesn't have TRADITIONAL light speed. The mere idea that an object with that much mass can accelerate to light speed without causing the end of the world due to the force released by said acceleration is absurd. So why then, can Helios do it? Well, this was explained rather simply literally the first time he did it.

His ability is not spatial, but rather temporal.

Time. Helios either slows time around him to such a massive degree that he appears to move at light speed, or he accelerates time for himself to such a degree that he achieves the same result. Either way, this is why everyone around him slows to a virtual stop. The other reason that I believe this, is because on the way to the freljord, he mentioned that he could only travel at light speed for 10 minutes at a time, before needing to rest. He was not saying that ten minutes passed for everyone else. If that were the case, he would have circled the planet millions, even billions of times. No, ten minutes to him would be an instant to us. He would cover the same distance that he normally would in ten minutes, but he would do it in an instant.

Now, if any readers had used enough critical thinking to realize this, they would also realize that he could not use it to destroy the moon. Tell me, how does one jump to the moon if time is altered but the physical body is not? He is no more capable of jumping to the moon than you or I, why would this change just because he moves faster? And even if he could, what would he do then, punch it? He can lift a mountain with some effort, but that doesn't even come close to comparing to the amount of force required to destroy the moon. And do you think Selene, who has already shown herself to be AT LEAST AS STRONG AS HIM IF NOT STRONGER would just sit there and let him?

Speaking of Selene, let's talk about why him getting his powers back is not as important as everyone thinks. This one is simple. Since she beat him the first time, she has only gotten stronger. Why would returning to his former power matter? It let's him put up a fight, but it does not by any means assure his victory. I'm honestly excited for the moment he finally realizes that yes, he does need help, and everyone has to work together to beat her. That seems to be where the story is going, and I am personally rather excited by that fact.

If you're still reading this, and you understood it, then kudos. You have more patience and critical thinking skills than the people who have been complaining about his light speed all this time. I'm honestly disgusted with the fact that anyone would think the author just "wants reviews" like it's a bad thing. It makes me think they have never written before. FEEDBACK, BOTH POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE, IS VITAL TO A GOOD STORY. Authors don't ask for reviews because it's a contest. They aren't likes, they aren't subs. They are meant to be constructive criticism, and from what I've seen, some people seem to have forgotten what CONSTRUCTIVE means. I suggest they try to remember before making themselves look like assholes again.
Wolfstorm33333 chapter 58 . 11/6/2018
After reading this fanfic in it's entirety, reading a few of the reviews, and realizing that it has been discontinued, I decided that I needed to do something I am usually too lazy to do, and leave my honest, sincere thoughts on your story, as well as your writing as a whole.

I want to start by saying that you are NOT a bad writer by any meaning of the word. In fact, The Dawn Has Arrived is one of the few fanfictions that I would use the word "exceptional" to describe, and I reserve that word for only the best fanfics. Your fanfiction grabbed me from the first chapter, and held me until the last. Even now, I find myself starving for more.

Now, this wouldn't be much of a review if I just said "it's really good, keep going". There were parts of the story up to this point that I found less entertaining. Namely, the overabundance of references and fourth wall breaks that reached their peak in the freljord arc. I found that these were funny in small numbers, but the number in that particular arc stopped being funny and started ruining my immersion. However, this improved as the story went, and eventually they were back to being funny. It would help if the author's notes were not included in the story itself, but rather, included at the end.

Other than that, however, I find that I have very little to complain about. The length of the chapters is excellent, the storyline is absolutely magnificent, and the pacing is perfect. I'm not sure what feedback convinced you to discontinue this story, but I think I speak for everyone when I say that they are wrong. I have seen COUNTLESS fanfictions on this site that I believe do not even deserve to be on the same site as this one, because they are so much worse. I have seen COUNTLESS examples of bad writing, and I can assure you, without a single doubt in my mind, and without an ounce of hesitation, that this is not one of them.

Please don't give up on Helios. He needs to beat Selene. He needs to save Soraka. He needs you to show us the ending we all desire.

It's been almost a year. But we'd be thrilled to see you come back.
Sythus1234 chapter 1 . 10/11/2018
Love your way of writing. Gives of the Deadpool feeling
Guest chapter 16 . 7/21/2018
Bring out the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch
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