Reviews for Confusion of Hearts
whiteanddark chapter 27 . 2/29
Please update! I find this story so interesting! To many basically retell the anime but with inserting an OC in place of Em. I LOVE the fact you give her different interactions with the characters! I love Em in this one too - she’s not as annoying I hope we get to a point where she narrows down her choice. My heart honestly breaks for each of the ones who have fallen for her, I can only imagine what it’s like to wait and not let go.
Dark Rose Charm chapter 27 . 1/20
Omg! Sooooo cute I just can’t decided you are such a tease but we all understand why it late we have our own life after all anyway good to hear from you again take care
Mizuna Kurenagi chapter 2 . 1/17
Wonder how they're gonna react when she shows up.
Maeson chapter 27 . 1/14
Are going to give the brothers individual endings? Because that would be great!
Blah Blah Blah chapter 26 . 12/12/2018
Hii:) i recently found your story and i got hooked immediately. The way you portray the brothers and Rina feels really in character and realistic. Though i did feel that each brother practically fell in love at first sight with Rina despite their supposed feelings for Ema a bit weird but i still really enjoyed this story a lot~
Keep up the good work:D
P.S are Ukyo and Masaomi going to be joining the other brothers in the competition for Rina's heart?
Dark Rose Charm chapter 26 . 10/12/2018
I decided I want either Natsumi or yusuke or subaru to have her more yes only those three and also yay your back and alive we have miss you I have a story of my own but it’s naruto not sure if you like it but if you do check it out anyway can’t wait for more take care
Guest chapter 25 . 9/10/2018
Next should be hikaru
Guest chapter 25 . 9/1/2018
Ship with hilary?
Dark Rose Charm chapter 25 . 8/20/2018
Epppppp! I don’t have a problem with that I mean dang! This is gonna be good can’t wait for more! Yay! Miss you!
Dark Rose Charm chapter 24 . 4/22/2018
Whahahahaha!I can't believe the brother are stalking now and what happen to fuuto and kaname is hilarious! I miss your story want wait for more I don't know who I want her to ship with i mean I want it to be either natsume, tsubaki, Hikaru, Subaru, fuuto or yusuke
Saniah-san chapter 21 . 2/13/2018
Con el capital anterior está más que claro que los chicos están por Rina - así que lo que había escrito antes sobre Ema y Subaru deja de existir , ya que le buscaron pareja :3 - y de paso ahora Kaname está con otro papel, nada mal porque le queda de maravilla y muy cierto en cuanto a que Yusuke se parece a una fresa xD.
Gracias por subir el capítulo, y disculpa por no haber dejado review, cuídate bye.
Hearts chapter 23 . 2/2/2018
I TOTALLY LOVE RINA AND HIKARU! All aboard the HikaRina ship yes plz
Dark Rose Charm chapter 23 . 2/1/2018
Well that guy deserved a punch or a kick at his nuts but that's just me but I am proud of her for moving on but dammit I don't know who I want her to be with I mean they are all good for her but most is natsumi or Hikaru obviously sound like he is your favorite but one never knows but damn your so mean making it hard to decided just a tease hehehehehe! Anyway your welcome I truly love this story ohh! Also I love yusuke too how he treats her probably those 3 more anyway can't wait for more later
Saniah-san chapter 12 . 1/1/2018
Realmente extrañe el llame pero bueno que se le puede hacer , me gustó el capítulo, ah! Por cierto una preguntica, Subaru se quedará con Ema como en el manga? Y fue lindo el que le diera un abrazo, sentí que le era necesario, y fue agradable la interacción de todos jajajaja y disfrute las pequeñas reacciones y cosas que decía Hikaru jajajaja puede que sea como es, pero ya era hora ver algo en él ya que es el que observa y disfruta de las reacciones de sus hermanos y un poco de tu propia medicina cae de maravilla :3.
Gracias por haber le subido, cuídate bye bye.
Saniah-san chapter 11 . 1/1/2018
Kyaaa no se pero mr emocionó más cuando pasan estas cosas con Hikaru :3 Sheee... Ni yo me entiendo pero, nah?! Prefiero las sorpresas jejejeje. Ah! y yo también pienso que kaname es alguien agradable, a su forma pero lo es, y de ahí hay que ver cómo van las cosas jejejeje hay estos hermano ( internamente estoy esperando las reacciones de Hikaru wuaa ) pero cabe recalcar que no tengo a uno en específico.
Gracias por haber le subido cuídate, bye bye.
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