Reviews for Color and Shadow
Shadowdapple chapter 8 . 3/12/2018
That was beautiful!
James Birdsong chapter 8 . 9/21/2016
Awesome four chapters
closedaccount2019 chapter 5 . 9/14/2016
Sorry it's taken forever to leave you a proper review- I caught up a few days ago and have been digesting what I have read.

Your story is a bit of a puzzle for me- there are elements I really do like and I think are interesting, and others that have me confused.

I really like your premise about colors and shadows, and I can definitely see the theme of the mad and sane in all of us. Even the fact that the white queen is entirely white seems like maybe it's not the healthiest? Or perhaps it's just a symbol that she keeps her sanity buried deep until she needs to boil over as demonstrated with her (odd) fights with Tarrant.
I also really enjoyed the concept of Glenochar, and the idea that there is a way that Upperlanders can get to Underland and vice versa. It's also a neat little way to describe how Tarrant got his accent when he is mad, since it is indeed very Scottish brogue.
The relationship between Tarrant and Chess is endearing; though I think perhaps you haven't touched on how Chess cowed when the Red Queen came down and Tarrant holds him slightly responsible for not holding his ground. Unless you haven't accept that into your canon and this is a bit of an AU, since it seems that Tarrant didn't really grow up without parents? I was confused with that part.
I like the idea of the memory pools; I think it's an ingenious way for you to push story forward without giving character narrated flashbacks. I'm intrigued to see what happens when Alice and the gang encounter them. I also enjoy that they're kept private, since indeed, memory can be a very intimate thing, especially if it's painful.
You have some really awesome story concepts going that are keeping me hooked and I'm interested in seeing where this is going. In saying that, there also were a few things I either was confused on or don't really understand.

First off, I'm not sure what you're trying to get with people in Underland totally being down with seeing each other's bits and parts and it being innocuous. I'm not sure if you're harkening back to the days of pre-Fall when nakedness was an innocent thing, it wasn't inherently deviant sexually. Much akin to the idea of Victorians taking pictures of nude children- it was innocent and playful and not something that would be seen as lewd or inappropriate.
However, you need to sell us that idea if it's the case. Especially with Alice; rebellious or not, she grew up in the Victorian era where seeing anyone's bits would be extremely frowned upon. Even in our rather "progressive" age, nakedness is seen as inherently sexual not innocent. So it's strangle that Tarrant and gang are like "yeah we totally look at each other's bodies and it's cool because it's not like that in Underland." It might have played off better if perhaps Tarrant asked why it was wrong, showing that he didn't understand why it would be shameful, or to have Alice press a little more, because quite frankly, it's strange. And doesn't make much sense.

Second, I was super confused as to how Helen and other Upperlanders arrived. I might have missed it on my third re-reading, but they just kinda appeared alongside Alice and Alice's fiance (which she wouldn't have had, because as strict as the Victorian era was, when it came to relationships women did have the power to say no, so if she didn't want him, tough for her parents) raring to go at Tarrant for no real reason? It just threw the pacing off for me. I think it'd be neat for you to explore Glenochar and the opening with those characters, and maybe that's what you were doing and you just deleted something or I got lost along the way?

Third, I don't understand, again the making out between Mirana and Tarrant to not be sexual. After performing such an intimate and aggressive act such as fighting, only for them to kiss and make up and have it be innocent does not make sense. Okay if it goes along with the naked/innocent thing, but there have to certainly be some boundaries or what's the point of romance? And for Alice to be okay with it again, even though it goes against what we Upperlanders understand about relationships, does not make sense. She should have balked more, been more suspicious. I as a reader align with Alice's moral code, you need to convince me as to why this is innocent- so convince Alice!

Finally- and please keep it because it's your story, but I do cringe when characters call Mirana "Mimi". Mirana comes off as wholly regal and stately, and such a nickname does not suit her in the least. Again, if you like it, keep it. But I'll confess, I'll continue to hear nails on a chalkboard when it's used.

As always, take my criticism as you may. I am genuinely interested in the story and I think the overarching premise is fantastic; you could just tweak the delivery a little more. The relationships for the most part are believable and engaging, and I do want to explore more of Glenochar and the memory pools, so please don't stop anytime soon!

I look forward to your next update!

James Birdsong chapter 4 . 9/7/2016
Excellent four chapters
closedaccount2019 chapter 2 . 8/31/2016
I would have liked this chapter to be a little longer. It would have been nice to learn more about John- who is he, why does Helen have an affinity for him out of all the others? A small conversation between thr two would have told us lots!
I'm assuming ny saying 'the twins' you meant the Chattaway sisters?
I liked that you expressed men were interested in Alice because they want to conquer her. I could see why she wouldn't like many of her suitors!
And I'm very interested to know what's up with the skeleton!
Eagerly awaiting more!
closedaccount2019 chapter 1 . 8/31/2016
Hmm I really like the premise of this sort so far. Not many have dared to venture or expand upon the staining om Tarrant's hands and wrists. I'm extremely curious about where this will go.
I love that the Hatter spoke tree and learned it when he was alone waiting for Alice. Makes this story feel Wonderland like.
Bit awkward for him to be so relaxed in front of Chess, but i suppose at the end of the day he /is/ still a cat!
Good start, author, I look forward to venturing on!