Reviews for Further Beyond
princelybell chapter 17 . 9/3/2018
Long time no read! Been in a Star Trek mood lately, this was just what I needed. :)
BelladonasMom chapter 17 . 7/23/2018
I loved this story! I haven't read anything like this for ST: Beyond. Your POVS were perfect. I loved the rationales and motivations that you gave everyone. I particularly liked Spock's voice. Everyone had a moment and the little snippet of Sarek's was a gem. I loved everything about this. Thank your muse for me. Cheers!
camilleRomance chapter 17 . 12/24/2017
Ahhhh I loved this so freakin much! I loved how the chapters reflected on their current situation while also tying in snippets from the past that made them who they are. Sulu's chapter about becoming a better mathematician through T'Nar was one of my favorites. I also really liked Jaylah's chapter too. You captured her voice really well. But, this ever-romantic heart of mine can't let anything beat all of your Spock and Nyota chapters. Spock's indecision and regrets coupled with Nyota's understanding and frustration made the scenes in the movie that much more poignant. Also, Bones the couples therapist was such a treat. Thank you so much for writing this! I enjoyed every single word:)
Grateful Reader chapter 17 . 10/22/2017
Wow! Loved every chapter of this! Thanks so much for sharing it.
alienarms chapter 17 . 8/29/2017
Ah, the bookend with Jim and Carol! Brava! Man, my heart ached for Jim in STB. Thank you for giving him some comfort. It's such a myth that Kirk was some careless playboy in TOS, and both you and the film show that longing and hunger for love that's always been a part of the character.
And, God, the way you word things. I find myself pausing to roll around in a phrase for ages before I can even finish a paragraph! And then thinking about it later!
Also, guh. Spock is so desperately, adorably smitten and I love it. I would've added to my comment in the last chapter that another thing Nyota knows, even if she needs some assurances, is that Spock is intensely and deeply in love with her. After just a little time to double check that he's learned his lesson, and another conversation for him to better express himself once he's gathered his thoughts, I can't see her forgiveness as too far off. I really like the place you brought them to in this chapter. And all the different ways that you show how Spock's grown! Indeed, his momma would be proud.
Also the "parade rest" line made me lol.

Wow, this whole fic really needed to happen. Thank you for doing it and doing it such justice. Also, before I read the note at the end I was thinking about how odds of a 4th film aren't looking great and, hence, how the next best thing would be if you were to write a story that could serve in its place! Honestly, who better? No pressure though, I promise :) And especially no pressure if that follow-up story you're thinking about is in the works. Go, Muse, go!
alienarms chapter 16 . 8/29/2017
I've been enjoying the absolute richness you've packed into every single chapter, but was trying to wait till the end to comment again. But with this chapter I could not! So beautiful, so gratifying. And you again capture the tone of the characters, the circumstances, and the film so well that I'm left completely satisfied in believing that this is all true. This is how all those moments and thoughts that we wanted to know more about played out.
And I know everyone has their feelings about how soon Nyota should dare accept Spock back, but I think you played it perfectly here. His choice had absolutely caused her pain, but she knows him better than anyone. I think she knows that he hasn't come through all this without a lesson and resolve too hard-earned to be lost, knows his knee-jerk compulsion about duty over all else hurt him too and in a way that he's not interested in repeating, and knows that ultimately if the opportunity for them to be together is on the table there's really no way she could let it slip away, even if she'll need a little time to fully recover. I love how you had her let him know that they're not 100% there yet, but yes, they'll be ok. A perfect bridge to what we see between them at the end of the film.
alienarms chapter 9 . 8/28/2017
So beautifully done! Love all these new details about Jaylah.
alienarms chapter 2 . 8/25/2017
Just like in chapter 1 you solve such huge problems for me here, and I am finding peace! It means a lot to me that Spock's drive to help New Vulcan was triggered by something pretty recent and dire, rather than it having been an issue that's just been simmering ominously beneath their relationship for months or years. Especially when his sense of duty to his people had otherwise been resolved in the first film. It's also nice that you make McCoy seem like less of a dick since we see he'd had some frame of reference for what was going on between them before he approaches Spock later in the film.
I love how you contextualize everything with your references back to the other periods in Spock and Uhura's life together too. It really helped to bring me in so fully.
You also build beautifully on the sense I got from Beyond that Spock and Uhura's relationship is an entity on the ship all its own, with its own presence and relationship to the crew, and them with it.
It was also moving how you dealt with the rarely touched on fact of Uhura's own sense of loss, grief, and guilt, like with Gaila. Your writing is so satisfyingly thorough!
And sprinkled throughout is, as others have mentioned, your beautiful insights that you express about and through your characters. I'm already so glad to be reading this!
alienarms chapter 1 . 8/25/2017
YES, to this! Thank you so much for making sense of things and giving it so much more motivation and heart! When I am a big shot Hollywood exec it is the fic writers I will reach out to.
yellowflower-12 chapter 17 . 7/17/2017
I really enjoyed this story. I only had the chance to see "Beyond" a few days ago, and I was really longing to find something nice to read exploring the background of that story.
I love "missing scenes" fictions anyway, and this was a brilliant one to read!
I think the characters are spot-on, and I really loved the way some scenes from the film were incorporated. Also, the way you move backwards and forwards in time in your narrative is great.
Thanks a lot!
Xianne chapter 17 . 6/22/2017
I enjoyed reading this story so much! Thank you for writing it! I've been a fan of the tv show since I was a kid and as an adult I really enjoy the reboot movies as well. Your writing brings the movie to life. They feel so real to me that it feels like I'm an invisible spectator in the character's lives.

Now I'm off to read the rest of your stories! :)
Sentinelle chapter 17 . 6/2/2017
Thanks for this beautiful pieces of stories!
FrankieHS chapter 17 . 12/31/2016
Really enjoyed this! Thanks!
systemman chapter 17 . 12/12/2016
While watching Star Trek: Beyond the other day I came to the scene where Krall threatens to kill Sulu if the other crew members don't reveal the location of the artifact. I was confused because I didn't see the scene where Ensign Syl revealed to Uhura and Sulu that she had the artifact. Then I recalled that that particular scene was from your story. When I realized what I had done I started to laugh for a good five minutes. Thank you again for a well written story.
lindsaysf chapter 17 . 12/11/2016
Thanks. I needed that. :-) This. You hit just the right notes.
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