Reviews for The Family Way
turtlesfan0312 chapter 1 . 6/14
Please update
So happy Raph OK
turtlesfan0312 chapter 33 . 3/10
Best story on the website, looking forward see what happens
turtlesfan0312 chapter 34 . 2/3
Wow, amazing story, looking forward to see what happens
mina-minx chapter 34 . 11/24/2019
Hi, been a while since I read this story. You planning on writing more chapters? It’s really good so far.
Skye7Diamond chapter 34 . 5/7/2019
You got no idea how happy I am to see this story on my timeline.

So happy that he back with his family and he starting to see them as that.
Mikey lucky he got good big bro.
I am looking forward to see what happens now

Welcome back :-)
HeyitsBren chapter 33 . 4/1/2019
This is literally my favorite story please dont stop writing
MyThoughtsAreScreaming chapter 33 . 3/24/2019
Hey, Author! I noticed you haven't updated in a while. Is everything alright?

This story is super interesting so please don't give it up! I love your writing style and aspire to be just like you someday!

P.S. If you're going through a hard time, just PM me if you want. A lot of times, I like to write away my struggles. It's a good coping technique
Jedi Jelsa777 chapter 33 . 9/29/2018
Fantastic job :D Looking forward to the next one!
Jedi Jelsa777 chapter 30 . 9/29/2018
Trying to catch up on my reading that I fell behind on and can I just say I love Towards the Sun? Such a good song. Anyways, great chapter and here's to me finishing the other ones I am behind on quickly :D
Guest chapter 33 . 9/24/2018
Have you gone on a hiatus? You haven't updated in a while...
tmntloveroop chapter 33 . 8/22/2018
This is an amazing chapter! Sorry that I was really late to reading it... I've been gone a lot recently.
LadybugGirl7068 chapter 33 . 8/19/2018
GOOD WORK I can't wait to see how everything goes with the reunion, Raph was trying to stay awake for them last time we saw him, but he must be on some painkillers now at the hospital, right? Oof I can't wait to see how you do this!
AkimiiTheWriter chapter 33 . 8/14/2018

Man, this is just the proof that the Hamatos love Raph - Even Leo!

They wouldn't be suffering if they didn't care... Right?
efarraiz chapter 33 . 8/13/2018
hola que tal.

excelente, por fin ya casi estan con raph otra vez, estoy tan feliz.

ahora viene la parte difícil, el reencuentro. Como sera la reacción de raph cuando vea a su familia? a los chicos? a yoshi?. y al ver los chicos lo que le sucedio a raph, seran tantas emociones que ya estoy muy intrigada de lo que pueda pasar.

me fascino la escena de leo. excelente me encantó, estuvo muy buena te felicito. sin embango quede como leo al enterarme de lo que dijo mikey de que el sabía? como podría el saber? en fin sera después que leo lo descubra.

seré mala pero leo debe de seguir con su problema, de no comer se tiene que seguir sintiendo mal. que cruel soy yo con leo. y pensar que es mi favorito jejeje.

se que estas cansado pero valío la pena el esfuerzo, es un maravilloso este capítulo, debes sentirte orgulloso de lo que has creado. bien por ti.

cada día mejor y mejor, sabías que volví a releer esta historia desde el principio? me encanta tanto.

así que descansa mucho para que sigas escribiendo y muy pronto subas otro capítulo, te mando un gran beso y un fuerte abrazo, cuídate mucho y espero leer muy pronto mas .

veré tu arte y te escribiré lo prometo.
Skye7Diamond chapter 33 . 8/13/2018
Love it love it, it so awesome that all of them thinking of Raph his son/brother. Mikey Mikey don't worry about things it gonna be ok and you wee trouble maker driving the car without a lessons.
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